Author has written 6 stories for Gundam Wing/AC. A little about me: This is hard. I'm not so good at self-promotion. I'm just me. I read. I write. I cook. I collect dolls and take photos. If you care about anything other than the writing, check me out on deviantArt. I'm Truish there, too, although there isn't a whole lot on my account yet. I'm still getting started on it, and I prefer to devote my time to writing. (Leave me a comment if you visit me on dA! Just so I know you were there!) I'm also a member of a semi-professional orchestra and I'm trying to hold down a full-time job and start my own business. So I'm pretty busy. Update: I'm in the process of moving, in addition to all of the above, so updates might be even more sporadic for a time. On the upside of things, I got to see Paramore's concert in Houston and it was AMAZING. I'm even more in love with them now. I love Gundam Wing. Love it, love it, love it. The war vs. peace philosophy gets a little old, but I adore the characters. I am a Heero x Relena fan primarily, but I love Duo and Hilde, too. I tend to shy away from the yaoi side of the fandom, except for maybe 3x4. Nothing against it, I just have a hard time seeing it. I'm going to try to update often, but life will probably get in the way from time to time. I try to keep a running status on each of my stories. Check back here from time to time if you want to know what I've been up to! Current stories: Ode to Joy Between the Lines The Others Completed stories: Leap of Faith Behind the Scenes On hold: All or Nothing |
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