Author has written 5 stories for Escaflowne, Inuyasha, and Harry Potter. OTOBER 9, 2009 Okay Sooo to anyone who reads this Silver Dunes is not over I have the next chapter written but I don't have a beta to edit it. Soo as soon as I find the person that wanted to be my beta, I will post the next chapter. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed and has liked my story, God Bless see you all soon. I got a Live Journal Account if anyone would like to talk to me through that. I'm new to it but okay I am sure it must work for something as all the fanfiction Authors I like have it. MySpace account click on the link below to access it. http:///index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=118458281 Thank you all I will try to keep Silver Dunes going,. . .I have yet to figure out the Major Battle scene as I have to get it all back to the beginning. BETA WANTED.. . . . . . . . . . Email me if interested. |
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