A/N: This is pretty much a quick warning, but this is going to be a series of drabbles, of whatever I choose, whenever I have the chance to post. Any ideas on what to do will be welcomed. This first chapter is just setting it all up.

Done. I am completely and totally through with the idiocy of this crew. The shadowy figure in Ratchets medbay cursed inwardly.

The day had not gone well for him. The crew had apparently decided to have a 'let's see how many times we can make you-know-who crash' game, for the fifth day in a row. It was getting ridiculous.

A low groan and the shifting of tired gears reached his auditory receptors. Revenge he could do alone. It would be much easier however if he had a partner- "Prowl?"

"Red Alert."

"Although officers are not supposed to resort to petty revenge, I am tired. How about we get some revenge?"

"I agree."

"Who should we hit first?"

"I believe Sideswipe and Sunstreaker would be the best idea-" Prowl said softly, optics glinting in the dim light.


"Ratchet always complains about how their heads are in the clouds-"

"Say no more. I'll get it out of the storage."

Prowl settled back with a smirk. Oh yes, Ark watch out, he was going to get some revenge.

Score: Officers Vs. Ark: ?-?