I seriously start too many stories. This story…just came to me. I usually see people drawing pictures of Sari and the TFA Autobots meeting Sam, Mikaela, and the '07 movie Autobots. But mostly it's just drawings of the humans meeting. So I'm there thinking 'Why not try writing it?' at some point I will draw it though!

Oh and in the '07 movie verse I think Sam and Mikaela were like 18 in the movie? So in this I skipped some years in their universe and their now 22…you'll learn more in the story once you read it. And I know there's a sequel coming out for the movie but for now lets say the sequel never happened. Good enough? But in the TFA verse it's all still the same and in the TFA verse I'm saying that it takes place before the episode 'A Bridge To Close' sound cool? Okay! And this story will change between universes some times so try to keep up my readers.

So I hope you enjoy yet another one of my stories. I know I'll probably enjoy writing it. But I mostly ever just want to get to the good parts. So yeah…enjoy the story. I doubt there will be any but if the text is in this format it's either a flashback or a thought. I doubt there will be any flashbacks but thoughts…yes.

Disclaimer- I don't own ANY characters at all in this story if I did I'd be filthy stinking rich.

Universe Miracle

Chapter 1

Mikaela sighed as she came out of the bathroom. In her hands she held a home pregnancy test. Yet again…it came out negative. Why couldn't she get pregnant?

She walked into the kitchen and looked at her husband, who was smiling till she came in with a frown on her face.

"Negative again?" Sam asked sighing, already knowing the answer. Mikaela simply nodded.

Sam leaned back in the hard wooden chair and looked up at the ceiling. "Great…" he said annoyed. How long have they been trying to have a baby? About a year now? After three years of marriage they now wanted to have a child all their own but Mikaela couldn't get pregnant.

"Sam? Maybe…maybe we should adopt." Mikaela blurted out. Sam immediately looked over at his young wife and shook his head "No! No way! Mikaela I promise you we will have a kid all our own!"

Mikaela let out a sigh as she headed back for the bathroom "Lets hope your right Sam. Cause now…I think we need a miracle to happen."


Bumblebee sat outside the Witwicky house hold. He was in vehicle mode at the moment. Disguised as an ordinary 2009 Camaro. He was close enough to the house to hear Sam and Mikaela's conversation. He sighed. The two really wanted to have a…what was it again? Oh right! A baby.

A baby to a human was like a sparkling to an Autobot. They were both young new life. But it sounded like babies were a lot more fragile then sparklings. Of course babies were organic life. So of course they would be even more fragile.

The young scout wondered where Prime was at the moment. Along with Ratchet and Ironhide. They had left some time this morning and had yet to come back. He wondered what they were up to.

He was taken away from his thoughts as he heard Sam come out of the house. The human adult walked over to his robot alien car and smiled. "Hey Bumblebee. Mind given me a lift to work?"

"Don't I always?" Bumblebee asked. Sam laughed slightly as he opened the car door of the driver's side and slipped inside.

"Yeah you do." He said closing the door and buckling up. Bumblebee backed himself out of the drive way and drove onto the street. He turned left and drove passed the few houses that were on this street. "So…did you here Mikaela and me?" Sam asked nervously.

"Yeah, sorry for eavesdropping." Bumblebee apologized. "I'm also sorry that you and Mikaela did not get what you wanted."

"It's okay." Sam said smiling. "Some day we'll have that kid. All it'll take…is a miracle."


Sari sat there on the cement couch, waiting for the yellow Autobot to set up the new game system. For an alien robot he sure knew a lot about how to set up Earth technology.

She smiled as Bumblebee came out from behind the gigantic TV. He looked over at her and gave her a thumbs up. "Alright, it's all set." He said and sat next to her on the giant cement couch. He grabbed the controllers that were sitting on the cement coffee table and handed one to his organic friend. "Ready to lose?" he asked with a smirk.

Sari grinned and looked at the TV "I think you should be asking yourself that." The two both got ready to play the new video Sari had just bought. They were on the edge of their seats and leaning in as close as they could to the TV. Just then-

"Autobots! There's a robbery in progress! Transform and roll out!" the two heard the young Autobot leader yell. The two groaned slightly. Why did a crime have to happen every time they were about to have fun? The two tried to sink down into the cement couch, hoping the others wouldn't see them. Sadly luck was not on their side today.

"Kid! Lets go!" Ratchet yelled, seeing the two children sink down into the couch. Bumblebee sighed and sat up, looking over at Ratchet "Can't I just stay here? With Sari?"

"No! Now lets go!" the medic said angrily as he transformed into his vehicle mode. Bumblebee sighed again and got up, transforming into his own vehicle mode and following after Ratchet and the others.

Sari watched them drive out of the base. She sat down on the couch and looked at the TV screen. Were her and Bumblebee ever going to be able to play a new game without being interrupted? "Nah, we're going to need a miracle for that to ever happen."


The Decepticon leader looked over at the two new Decepticon recruits. Scrapper and Mixmaster.

The two were at the moment taking a break from building the space bridge that he wanted built. Megatron sighed as he sat in the gigantic metal chair. With how many breaks these two took he'd never be able to get the space bridge finished.

He needed more Constructicons. But no all spark fragments were going to bring any organic construction equipment anytime soon. And he wasn't going to waste the ones he already had. So how was he- the cruel Decepticon leader grinned slightly.

"Constructicons…from different worlds." Megatron said as he stood up off the giant metal chair. Blitzwing and Lugnut looked over at their leader with confused expressions. "What are you talking about my liege?" Lugnut asked.

"I'm talking about recruiting Constructicons from different worlds. There are other universes out there. And I'm sure a few of them hold some Constructicons. If I had them…the space bridge could be built fast." The Decepticon leader said smiling. "It only takes two to build a Universal Portal Transporter…but it takes more to build a space bridge."


Sam gently closed the door of the next generation Camaro. "Alright, I'll see ya after work. Make sure to help Mikaela today when she goes errand running." The human whispered to the car.

"Okay. I will. I'll pick you up in exactly eight hours." The car said in a low voice before turning on his hologram form and driving off. Sam watched as his best friend drove off before he went into the building that stood before him.

Bumblebee drove down the street at top speed. He immediately slammed on the brakes as he was nearing the Witwicky house hold. He drove into the driveway and his holoform disappeared.

"Wow record time." Mikaela said smiling as she came out of the house. She walked over to the yellow car and slid her fingers across the cars front. "I'm guessing you took Sam to work."

"Yes, are you ready to go on your daily errands?" Bumblebee asked patiently. Mikaela simply nodded and slipped into the driver's side of the car. She put her hands on the wheel and backed out of the drive way. "Why don't you just let me drive Mikaela? I always do for Sam."

"Well Sam's lazy." Mikaela said with a small chuckle. "I actually rather drive then have you do it for me 'Bee." The young female said.

"As you wish." Bumblebee said with a slight sigh. Even though he had done enough for them he still felt the need to repay Sam and Mikaela for their help in the battle that happened years ago.

Mikaela smiled as she drove down the street and passed the houses. Bumblebee was way to kind to them. He was a great friend and very patient with them. What would they ever do without him? "First stop, the grocery store"


"Optimus, what are you doing? We need to go. Bumblebee and the humans are probably wondering where we're at." The weapon specialist said to his commander.

The Autobot leader looked over at his old friend. Optimus stood almost on the edge of the high cliff, looking off into the distance. Ironhide wandered what the leader had found so fascinating about the view.

"Right of course." Optimus said walking passed the weapon specialist. He soon saw Autobot medic, who was in vehicle mode, waiting on the deserted road. "About time!" the medic said slightly annoyed.

Optimus chuckled slightly as he transformed into vehicle mode along with Ironhide. "Sorry for holding us up. I just felt like seeing the nice view before…" the leader didn't even continue his sentence. He just drove passed his two friends and headed in the direction of the nearest town.

Ratchet and Ironhide both were confused. They followed after their leader. The medic broke the silence between them "What were you about to say sir?"

Optimus stayed silent for a minute or two before saying "Men, have you ever felt like something bad was about to happen?"

Ironhide was the first to answer "I think I felt that before Jazz was killed." The weapon specialist sighed as he remembered the young grey Autobot known as Jazz. "Why do you ask?"

"I now have that feeling. I feel…like we're going to lose another comrade again. And I'm praying to Primus…that it's not who I think it is." The Autobot leader said before speeding up.

Ratchet and Ironhide remained at normal speed. "Do you think he's talking about-" "I hope not. Primus knows what we would do if we lost that little yellow guy." Ratchet said with a sigh.


The police officer slammed the door of the police vehicle. He looked in the car window at the robber one last time before the car drove off.

"I'm um…glad we could help Captain Fanzone." The young Autobot leader said. "Yeah sorry about your car." Bulkhead said looking over at the squished yellow and black police vehicle.

"Sheesh, glad that isn't me." Bumblebee said eyeing the vehicle. The police captain just glanced at each of the five bots before turning away and walking in the direction of the police station "This is why I hate machines…"

"So can we go now?" Bumblebee asked, he had grown very impatient at this point. He wanted to go home and play that new game with Sari. It has taken him forever just to hook the darn thing up!

"Yes we can go. Cool your jets." Prime said with a sigh. The five bots soon heard police alarms. What was going on now? "Autobots lets see what's going on."

"Oh come on!" Bumblebee yelled angrily. "Can't a bot ever get a break?"

"Cool it kid. We've got work to do." Ratchet said as he transformed into vehicle mode along with the others.

"But…but…" "Bumblebee for once just be patient and take this seriously. We don't want a repeat of what happened with Fanzone's car." Prime said. Bumblebee looked at the futuristic fire truck and sighed as he transformed into his own vehicle mode. "Some times I wish I was just some where else." The young mech said annoyed as he followed the others.


"Did you get everything on your list?" Bumblebee asked as Mikaela finished putting the four grocery bags in the trunk.

The young female closed the trunk of the car and walked to the driver's side. "Yeah, I did." She said opening the door and getting in. She gently closed the door and bucked up. She pulled out a small list from her pocket and unfolded it.

"What's next?" she heard the alien car ask. Mikaela looked over the list. "Next is…laundry. I got two bags of laundry in the trunk with the groceries. We're going to go to the laundry mat, put the clothes in the washer, then go by the house real quick to put the groceries away."

"Alright. But why do you go to this…laundry mat? Why don't you get what you organics call…a washer and a dryer? That's what you use to clean your um…clothes right?" Bumblebee asked. Human culture was still confusing.

Mikaela smiled "Yeah they are. But we don't have the money right now. Sam's working to many hours as it is. I need to get a job too. Maybe I can get one as a mechanic."

"Yes you should be! You're great with cars! You fixed me vehicle mode all the time when Ratchet's not around!" Bumblebee said excitedly. Mikaela smiled even more as she put the list back in her pocket and her hands on the wheel. "Thanks for the encouragement Bumblebee. Now…let's roll."


The triple changer and the Decepticon thug ran into the Decepticon base with the many construction supplies. They couldn't believe Megatron was actually going through with this. Their leader really wanted to bring Decepticon's from different worlds here! Why did they have a feeling this was going to end badly? Did Megatron have this feeling?

The Decepticon leader looked over at the two as they entered the main room. "The Autobots did not see you taking the supplies did they?" he asked. The two shook their heads as they placed the supplies down.

"My liege, are you sure about this? All your plans are brilliant of course but sire I just have a feeling this could end badly." Lugnut spoke up. Blitzwing nodded "As do I." he said then his face changed from his calm, ice face to his random face. "Of course maybe cons from other universes are crazier then me! BWHAHAHAHA!"

Megatron sighed. "I have no bad feelings about this at all. I want this space bridge built now! My double agent on Cybertron is waiting. All Decepticons are waiting for me to return. And for me to return I need Constructicons. Even if it means getting ones from different worlds." He said then walked away from his two Decepticon recruits and over to the two oil guzzling Constructicons. "Mixmaster! Scrapper!"

The two mech's immediately looked up at the Decepticon leader. "The Universal Portal Transporter will only take a matter of hours for you two. But a space bridge will take days. Wouldn't you like some help?" the evil leader asked grinning. The two cons looked at each other then back at their leader. "Yeah, some help would be nice. I guess. Heh, more breaks for us." Mixmaster said before chugging down some more oil.

Megatron's grin got wider. "Then all you have to do is build the portal. Then you can be on your way to drinking more oil during the day and having other cons work for you. How does that sound?"

The two Constructicons got up and dropped their now empty oil cans. "Just lead us to the supplies. And we'll get this trans…porter…thing…done in a jiff." Mixmaster said smiling.


Sari watched as the five Autobots walked into the base. They looked exhausted. "Where the heck were you guys? I thought it was only one robbery." The human girl said.

"It was at first." Bulkhead answered looking down at the small girl. "But then random robberies, fires, death threats and all kinds of things started popping up all over the city!" Bumblebee said angrily. "Is it some random human holiday today? One that involves people being stupid and trying to rob stores, burn buildings and jump off buildings!"

Sari sighed. She patted her yellow friend on the leg "Calm down dude. Calm down." "I will not calm down!" Bumblebee's sudden outburst made Sari jump slightly. He seemed really mad. He wasn't mad over a little thing like playing a video game was he?

"Bumblebee just cool down. It was an exhausting day but it's no reason to-" Optimus had no time to finish as Bumblebee started yelling again. "It was only exhausting cause these stupid humans don't know when to quit it! I mean seriously! Why do they have to rob stores? Can't they just get a slagging job?" "Bumblebee!" Ratchet yelled angrily at the foul language the youngling had just used.

The young bot didn't seem to hear him. "And burning down houses! There's no point in that at all! If they want to burn something burn some paper or what the organics call a cigarette! Or whatever! And ending their life…oh man that's really stupid. Half those people are just pissy cause their partner broke up with them or cause some one didn't want to date them or cause they got fired from a fragging job! I swear half these humans are dumber then Decepticons!"

The four Autobots just stared at their youngest teammate in shock. They had never seen him this angry before. They didn't even know Bumblebee could get this angry.

The young bot then realized what he had yelled. Did he really just yell all that? In front of his friends! One of them being his human friend! And he had just been yelling about how all humans are stupid.

He slowly looked down at his organic friend. She looked on the verge of tears. "I um…S-Sari I…I didn't mean you were stupid. I-" the young mech had no time to finish as his human friend ran out of the room and to her own room.

Bumblebee watched her run off then slowly turned to the other Autobots. Ratchet and Prowl were giving him a cold glare. Optimus seemed to look concerned but had a glare directed at the young mech on his face. And Bulkhead was still shocked by the young bots sudden rage.

The yellow mech just stood there. He was shocked by his own sudden rage. He really wished he was somewhere else now. The young bot quickly changed into vehicle mode and tried to rush out of the room but was stopped as Prime stepped in front of him. "Where do you think your going?" the older bot asked.

A few nano-clicks passed before Bumblebee answered. "I dunno." He said then found a way passed his leader. He was out of the room before the older bots could do anything. And soon was out of the building. 'Oh Primus…what have I done?'


"My liege, the Constructicons have your brilliant device finished." Lugnut said looking up at his leader. Megatron turned away from the Decepticon Communication Monitor and looked at his Decepticon recruit.

"Excellent." The Decepticon leader said grinning. He walked with Lugnut to the room where the Constructicons had set up the Universal Portal Transporter. It had only taken them a matter of hours.

"We got the thing done. Now can we get some oil?" Mixmaster asked. Megatron glared at the Constructicon "Not yet…is this thing set on a universe?"

Mixmaster and Scrapper looked at each other then back at the Decepticon leader. "Uh…we dunno." Scrapper said shrugging.

Megatron sighed. How were they going to find out what universe held other Constructicons. There was no way to find out.

"Uh…maybe you should just you know…set into random universes and see if you get some one like us or not." Mixmaster suggested.

Megatron raised an optic ridge. Then sighed "That might actually be the only way to find out." It was a stupid idea…but it was the only thing they could try at the moment. "Blitzwing…what universe is the Transporter device set to now?"

The triple changer walked over to the device and took a look at its coordinates "The coordinate code is…G1, sire."

Megatron nodded. "Alright, now lets-" "Wait wait wait…you can't just start her up and expect her to spit out some bot." Mixmaster interrupted. "You gotta send some one in to get some one to come out."

"What!?" Megatron asked angrily. Mixmaster and Scrapper backed up "Sorry, but…that was the only way we could get it to work!" Scrapper said fearfully.

Megatron growled but then calmed himself. He could send his two Decepticon recruits away; neither could he get rid of his Constructions. What if this thing hay wired? He might lose one of them and at the moment…he sadly needed them.

He could send Blackarchnia…she was useless. Just a techno organic. But she was no where to be found at the moment. The same with Starscream. So who the spark could he send?

The cruel Decepticon leader then grinned. "I know exactly who to send. He's an easy target. In addition to getting a new Constructicon…I get rid of an enemy."


"Alright, the groceries are all put away. Next we have to go get you and the others some oil." Mikaela said looked at her to-do list. She leaned against the driver's side f the yellow vehicle. "By the way…where are the others?"

"No clue. They were gone before I came out a recharge this morning." Bumblebee said with a faint sigh. Mikaela smiled and patted the top of the car. "It's okay. Who knows what those guys are up to." She said before opening the car door and getting in.

"Now let's go get these errands done. We still got a few more errands to run and we need to get them done before you have to pick up Sam."


Bumblebee drove down the streets of Detroit. He still couldn't believe what he had done. What was wrong with him? He'd never been that angry before! What happened?

"Bumblebee! Bumblebee! Respond! Come back to the base…now!" Optimus said as he talked through his comm. link.

"Can't you just leave me alone for a while?" Bumblebee responded. "Bumblebee I-" the young bot then disabled his own comm. link. "Just leave me alone…"

He screeched to a halt as he heard something above him. He switched to robot mode and soon saw two Decepticons heading towards him. "Blitzwing! Lugnut!" he said fearfully as he jumped out of the way of their blasts.

Blitzwing and Lugnut changed from aircraft mode to robot mode as they landed in front of the young bot. "You Autobot scum at wanted by our Lord Megatron." Lugnut said glaring at the young bot.

"What? Why!?" Bumblebee asked as he backed away. "That…is for you to find out." Lugnut said as he raised his arm and aimed at Bumblebee. "Prepare to feel the power of my power punch."


Maggie took her cell phone out of her black bag as she headed out of her office. She dialed a number and held the phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" a panicking voice said as the phone was answered. "Hey Glen, I'm heading home. You sound worried...you okay?" Maggie asked.

"Do I sound okay? I need your help Maggie! Monica is driving me crazy!" Glen said, still panicking.

The blonde woman laughed slightly "She's only two. She can't be that bad." She heard her husband sigh on the other end "Just…promise me you'll be home soon."

"I will be. I'm leaving now. See you when I get home?" "Yeah see ya." She heard Glen say as he hung up the phone. Maggie smiled and hung up her cell phone and put it back into her bag.

She was nearing the exit as she heard footsteps behind her. "Maggie! Oh thank god I caught you!" the young man said as he stood behind the woman, trying to catch his breathe.

"I'm about to leave Tom, what is it?" Maggie asked turning to him. "There's…there's something you…you gotta see! It came up on the computer!" Tom said, finally regaining his breathe.

"But…but my husband he-" "Maggie! It's serious!" The young woman just stared at the worried analyst. She sighed then nodded "Alright, but lets make this quick."


"One last thing to do and we are home free." Mikaela said happily as she drove down the street. "Just have to pick up the laundry."

"Well…this is my second to last thing to do today. I still have to pick up Sam in exactly…two hours." Bumblebee commented.

"And you'll be able to." Mikaela said as she parked in front of the laundry mat. "Be right back." She said as she got out of the car and went inside the tiny building.

"Bumblebee! Bumblebee! Respond!" the young scout bot heard his commander's voice on his comm. link. "Bumblebee here. What's wrong sir?"

"We're picking up a strange energy signal. We need you to go check it out. I'm sending you the coordinates of where the energy signal is coming from now. We'll be there shortly. Understood solider?" the Autobot leader commanded.

"Understood sir." Bumblebee said before cutting off his connection to Optimus. What was he going to do? Optimus wanted him to go check this energy signal out…but he couldn't just leave Mikaela here! But he couldn't take her with him either. What if this was serious?

The coordinates Optimus had sent him weren't to far from here. What should he do? The young scout was taken out of his thoughts as Mikaela has put the laundry bags in the trunk of the car.

She soon walked up to the drivers' side and opened the door and jumped in before Bumblebee could do anything. "Ready to head home?"

"I um…Mikaela I just got a call from Optimus. I need to check out this weird energy signal their getting so-" "Well then lets go!" Mikaela interrupted.

"But what about you? What if-" "Bumblebee…I fought along side you in that Mission City battle…whatever this is…I'm sure it's not as dangerous as it was fighting those Decepticons."

The young scout was silent for a few moments then backed himself out of the laundry mat drive way. "Alright then! Let's go!"


"What is it?" Maggie asked as she looked at the monitor. A strange energy signal was coming from some part of California.

"We're not sure. A few minutes ago everything seemed fine but then…this signal just appeared. It's like nothing of this universe." Tom said standing behind his boss and looking at the monitor himself.

"Well run some more test. Analyze it more. Send some one to the location. Find out what in the world it is."


"That was fast." Megatron said as he turned to the two Decepticons and the one Autobot that Lugnut was dragging behind him.

"It was easy my liege. This Autobot scum was already outside and no other Autobots were around." Lugnut said as he threw the small bot in front of Megatron.

"Oof!" was the only sound that came out of the young bots mouth as he hit the ground hard. He glanced up at the cruel Decepticon leader and then changed one of his hands into stingers and aimed it up at the evil bot.

Megatron smiled "Now really…do you think you can beat me with that little stinger?" he asked as he grabbed Bumblebee's arm and gripped it so tightly that the young bot flinched.

Bumblebee heard a few cracks come from his arm as Megatron's grip got stronger. The Decepticon leader led the young bot to the Universal Portal Transporter. He let go of the young bots arm as they reached it.

The young bot held his arm close to his chassis. Cracks were now there where the mighty Decepticon leaders hand had just been. It hurt so much that Bumblebee couldn't even change his stinger back into a hand.

"This is my latest invention. You should be honored that you get to test it. We're sending you to another universe so we may get more Constructicons." Megatron said with an evil grin.

Bumblebee's optics widened slightly "What? N-no way…you…you can't!" "Oh I think I can. You have no power over me. Nor anyone else for that matter." The Decepticon leader said before grabbing the Autobot by the helm and dragging him closer to the machine. "Start it up."

Blitzwing was now over by the control panel and nodded at his leader's request. A portal started to form in the middle circle of the machine.

"Are you ready pathetic bot?" Megatron asked grinning down at the smaller bot. Bumblebee just looked at the portal in fear. Was this seriously happening?

"AH!" The two looked over at the triple changer as he yelled in shock. "Sir! Some things wrong with the machine. The coordinates are mixing up!"

Megatron growled. "Coordinates are still coordinates! No matter where we send him we still have a chance of getting a Constructicon!" the Decepticon leader yelled then turned back to the portal and threw the young bot into the portal.

He heard the young bot scream in fear as he went through the portal. Blitzwing looked up at his leader "Once you threw him in the machine stopped on a coordinate. I think it's the one he went to. So we should be receiving some bot from that universe momentarily."

Megatron grinned at his Decepticon triple changer "What universe was the Autobot sent to?" Blitzwing looked back at the control panel then back up at his leader "M2."


"Are people being sent down there now?" Maggie asked as she turned to the young analyst. He nodded as he hung up one of the phones and turned to her.

"There going now. The energy signal seems to be getting stronger though." He said then turned back to the multiple ringing phones.

Maggie sighed and turned back to the monitor. She blinked as she heard her cell phone ring. She opened her bag and grabbed her phone "Hello?" she said as she answered it.

"Maggie! Where are you? You said you'd be home an hour ago!" she heard Glen's voice say. "I'm sorry. Something came up at work. But I…I promise I'll be home."

"But Maggie I-" "I'm sorry Glen!" she said before hanging up the phone and putting it back in her bag. She rubbed her eyes and sighed. This job was killing her. She never got time to be with her husband or daughter.

She felt like she was drifting farther and farther apart from them. Maybe it was time she quit this job and get a simpler one. So she could be with her family again.

She looked back at the monitor and sighed "Stupid energy signal…"


"Alright, we're nearing the energy signal. So please be cautious." Bumblebee instructed. Mikaela sighed "I know I know. Chill 'Bee."

Bumblebee sighed himself "Sorry. It's just…I don't want anything to happen to you." "Nothing will. Just calm down."


"Maggie! Maggie! Look at the energy signal!" Tom said as he looked at his own monitor and saw the energy signal getting bigger and stronger.

"What in the world. What is this thing? Are the others there yet?" Maggie asked turning to face Tom.

"No there not. I told them to call as soon as they got there. But this thing is just growing and growing! Who knows what it'll do at the rate it's going!"

Maggie turned back to her monitor and watched the signal grow and grow. "What is this?"


"S-something's wrong!" Bumblebee said in a worried tone. "What's wrong?" Mikaela asked concerned.

"I…I can't stop myself!" the young scout panicked. "What!?" "I can't stop! I can't control myself!"

Mikaela shielded her eyes as she saw a bright light ahead of them. "B-Bumblebee! Get control of yourself!" she panicked as they neared the light.

"I can't!" Bumblebee yelled as the two disappeared into the light…without a trace of either of them.


Maggie leaned back in her chair and looked at the monitor in shock. Tom turned to his boss with the same look "Did you just-"

"Yeah…" she interrupted him. "It just disappered…without a trace."


Wow…I think this is the longest first chapter of a story I have EVER written. So please review people! Tell me if you liked it out not I worked hard on this story. Also yes I do love Maggie and Glen together. They were so cute in the movie. Member people…the real action begins in chapter 2. Which will come soon! Hopefully!