Author has written 8 stories for Cherub, Sarah Jane Adventures, Chronicles of Narnia, Sherlock, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games. I'm just a tinsey tiny bit slightly obsessed with yaoi/bl/slash (so many names for it) pairings. People tend to think I'm weird when I just scream at the TV that X and Y (almost always both male) should just kiss, but they can't see the Sexual tension which is clearly there. I have a few slight personality issues where I go to the extremes over these stupidly tiny things. One good story and I'll explode the review box with praise. Ah well, I guess it's from all the sugar :D I like using smileys... they're my virtual friends:) Anyway, Im apparently a girl so I guess the whole BL obsession thing is normal. Or maybe I've just deluded myself to think so. Funny and clever things all rule, but occassionaly so do the random and totally stupid. I like anything filled with angst (sad isn't it) and suspense, but also happy slushy gushy plushy moments! Drawing and colours are also things I'm mildly addicted to. Things I don't like are Movies with two gusy so obviously crushing on each other who end up with girls (TVs get broken when that happens :D) and whichever evil goblin keeps stealing my rubbers, pens and pencils... Anyway, reviews are always LOVED obsessively, and really any form of communication from people makes me happy. xD |
BreeZombiee (53) |