![]() Author has written 52 stories for Annie, and Harry Potter. About Me I’m a mom of three, all of whom have gotten much older since I started this whole FanFiction thing. I have always been an avid reader and never really thought much about writing myself until about ten years ago. I was working on an original novel and started writing fanfic to help with the writer’s block I had with the novel. It sort of took over my life. It has kept me sane though (mostly) and I very much enjoy it. I write mainly romance and angst/drama as far as my novel-length fics go, but if you are looking for fluff check out some of my one-shots as there are quite a few of those that qualify. I really don't have an OTP in the Harry Potter fandom. I will honestly read most any pairing and I've read quite a few odd ones, believe me. If the writing is good and the plot is interesting, I'm game. A Note About Reviews I do respond to my reviews, even if it is just to say thank you, so feel free to ask questions. Just remember that if you'd like a response, you need to be logged in and have the PM feature activated on your account. :) Also, just a word of advice, if you're reading a story and you find that you don't like where it's going or you don't agree with the way the author is interpreting the characters, just stop reading. There is no need to comment or tell the author you can't read anymore because of whatever reason. Trust me, we'd rather you went and found something more to your liking than try and tear someone down for no reason. Even when you have a thick skin, like I do, reading review after review that is obviously from the same anonymous person about all the things that they think you've done wrong in your story is completely exhausting. For those that are more sensitive, it can make them decide to stop writing altogether. Don't be rude, just move on. Dragons - Chapter 6 of 50 Ways to Say Goodbye won Ashleigh's Monthly Challenges for October 2013 on HPFC Gifts was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 5 in Season 1 of the QLFC Unexpected was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 7 in Season 1 of the QLFC Sacrifice was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 9 in Season 1 of the QLFC Big Brothers was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 11 in Season 1 of the QLFC Wanted was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 3 in Season 2 of the QLFC Those Eyes was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 7 in Season 2 of the QLFC Compromising Position was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 9 in Season 2 of the QLFC Unforeseen Results was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 12 in Season 2 of the QLFC Everyday Love was nominated as a Judge's Pick for Round 13 in Season 2 of the QLFC |