Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Nabari no Ō, Pandora Hearts, and No. 6. Time for a profile update! Hi, I'm Leca, and I'm a nerd. Mostly right now I'm an RP nerd, which is why my fanfic profile is rather desolate. The only story in progress that I have going is from Nabari no Ou, but I should be posting some Pandora Hearts fic soon, in the form of one-shots, mostly. I currently RP characters from Nabari no Ou, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Pandora Hearts. My interests do run mostly to romantic or sexual fic, so don't expect much in the way of genfic here, and ... I don't make any apologies for that. Pairing-wise, my tastes are a little eclectic right now! Sadly, my Naruto obsession is pretty much past. However, I'll leave the Simplyverse list here for anyone reading those fics, to let you know what order they go in. For simplicity, my main continuing universe surrounds the story Hiding, and contains: Simply Begin (prequel, now complete) Hiding (main fic, complete) The Gossip Game (sequel) Simply End (sequel) Simply End Remix (alternate ending) |
Fuyu no Akegata (18) Hatochan (22) keiichisei (3) | Kiterie (81) orestian (0) |