Author's Notes

- Thank you to everyone who's read and reviewed and encouraged me to keep going

- Fuyu no Akegata: shochu winks

- For anyone who might be interested, I'll be posting a few things in places other than here, so check out my profile from time to time to see if I've added any links.

Story Notes

- This story occurs several months after the events of Tolerant Intolerance, perhaps a month or so after the events in Along the Way: CDs2.

Warnings: Coarse language, malexmale sexual dialogue, biseinen-ai, etc.

Disclaimer: Naruto and its characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. ' Everlong' is by Foo Fighters ( and for everyone putting together an MP3 list for TI and ST , it's the acoustical version with just dave grohl singing/playing.).


Show and Tell

Chapter 7

The Aftermath

" Iruka, my lovely ?"

" Hmmm. Hey, beautiful. Were Gen and Rai home?"

Kakashi ambled into the kitchen, tossing a satchel onto the couch and slipping out of his flak vest along the way. The dark mask was pulled down so his moist lips could nibble the golden neck above Iruka's collar, the chuunin trapped between the sink and the older man. Iruka craned his head back just enough to brush his lips across Kakashi's, his dark hair draping over the jounin's shoulder.

" Yes, they were indeed home." Kakashi smirked at the exchange of unapproved endearments. Don't know why he doesn't want me to call him lovely. ( Same reason you don't want to be called beautiful, Hatake... at least outside of the bedroom.) He wrapped an arm around the younger man's waist, pulling him closer. The other pale hand slipped behind his back to grab hold of the item tucked in his waist band.

" Can they come over for dinner tomorrow night?" The sink was full of greens floating in the cold water. Iruka continued to pull the stalks through the liquid as he questioned his lover about his errand. " Or do they already have plans?"

Ohhhhhhh, this is going to be soooooooooo good! Kakashi brought his surprise out of hiding and dangled it in front of the brunette's face in all it's garish glory. " No, I took their new toy away, but now we have plans for the rest of the foreseeable future." The jounin reveled in the range of expressions that crossed Iruka's face and were reflected in the window over the sink. The chuunin dropped his handful of leaves into the sandy water and gaped. " Or at least until one of us strains something."

The rectangular case would have been considered unassuming if it wasn't for the brightly colored male stick figures on its cover, the poorly drawn human representations in an unmistakably sexual position. One sported a high ponytail, the other a wild bush of hair and one eye. Neat hirigana, ' A Night to Remember', flowed gracefully down one side of the case, contrasting sharply with the immature doodles.

Iruka paled, then blushed and began to stammer. " K-kakashi, I-I-I can explain-"

" Oh, you don't have to explain. " Gray twinkled in the overhead light. Kakashi shifted his hold on his lover to include pinning his hands to his body, refusing to allow the younger man to snatch the prize from him. " When I walked in on Raidou and Genma fucking each other loopy while watching us fucking each other loopy on the TV... well, they were very quick to give explanations. " If I hadn't been so shocked I would've fell out laughing! I thought Genma was going to pass out with Raidou still nailing his ass! " You like the artwork? That's Genma's and of course the title is Raidou's; his calligraphy is amazing, especially when viewed alongside Shiranui's sloppy work.

The silver headed shinobi went on. " I know that Genma and Raidou were our guards that night on the Hokage Monument. I know that they helped you set up night vision surveillance cameras and several strategically placed microphones in the clearing. I also know that while Raidou was honorable enough to give us our privacy, Genma spent most of his time trying to mask his chakra while jerking off in a nearby pine tree. "

" Oh kami.." The chuunin hung his head, voice tinged with frustration. " He promised me."

Kakashi chuckled and pressed on. " I know that you asked Genma to cut together the footage and sound from all the cameras to make a lovely little amateur porn flick to surprise me. I know that Raidou is the one who suggested viewing the finished product before handing it over to you at tomorrow night's get together, but Genma is the one who initiated the sex that was apparently a play by play of ours; uniforms, blanket and all. " He nipped lightly at Iruka's earlobe. " I know that they did not, and never will, make a copy of this disc, because I'm not sharing you. "

" 'Kashi love, you didn't do anything to them, did you?" Iruka lifted his head and locked eyes with the jounin's reflection, sounding exceptionally concerned for his friends' welfare.

" Don't worry about them. They won't suffer any long lasting effects. "

" Kakashi! "

Silver hair dipped forward and Kakashi licked a line from the top of the uniform collar to the brunette's temple. Iruka trembled in his arms. " Calm down. I just meant that I have all the original footage and the extra copy Genma tried to hide in his container of poisoned senbon. So I now possess all the evidence." And I scared the hell outta 'em! Kami, that was so fucking funny. Raidou looked like he was waiting for me to chidori his ass!

" Did you just barge into their apartment?" Iruka attempted an angry glare, but only managed to look adorably irate to the jounin.

" I'm not that bad am I? Wait, don't answer that. " Kakashi sighed. " I guess they didn't realize how loud the television was or they would have known that anyone outside their front door could hear it very clearly. I didn't teleport inside until I heard myself screaming out your name, with that one song playing in the background. That's when I realized that something was going on. " The case was set upon the counter, Kakashi trailing his free hand over the wrinkled uniform shirt, down to the top button of Iruka's slacks.

" Which song?" Iruka whispered. Sable lashes fell thickly over the dark eyes, the chuunin relaxing into the embrace.

" Breathe out... So I can breathe you in... Hold you in. " Kakashi whispered back, the tune warping around the kisses he began to place along the wet stripe of bronzed skin. " Thank you for the gift, Beloved. I promise to use it everyday."

Both men laughed softly. Kakashi slipped a thumb between the chuunin's waist band and the soft skin beneath, his breath quickening at his lover's next words.

" Maybe we could put it to use now? "
