![]() Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hello Readers.. Danielle is the Name. I am currently working on a Harry Potter fanfic along with some original material. A little bit about me.. Hmm... Let's see, I'm a bibliophile. I write, obviously. Oh, and I'm 22. Official House via Pottermore: Ravenclaw Favorite Book Series: So many of them. Off the top of my head, Harry Potter, Vampire Academy, Bloodlines, Georgina Kincaid Series, Evernight series, That one about Reincarnation that I forgot the name of xD, Doctor Who Novels, Jane Austen books, Anne Rice books, Beautiful Creatures series, A Great and Terrible Beauty series, Oh, and I did go through a Twilight faze *cringe* it was more like a rebound series after HP. Then I found VA and dumped that series. I could name many more but you'd be reading about that for hours... Favorite Television Shows: Doctor Who, Sherlock (Both Currently written by the brilliant Steven Moffat who can make people have completely irrational fears of shadows and statues to the outside world. Not to mention when we get memory loss.) Supernatural, TVD, and TSC, Charmed, Heroes, Pretty Little Liars, Dexter, Merlin, Hannibal, Orphan Black. Ships: For HP: HP/HG, HP/LV, HP/BBL, HP/NT, HG/SS, HG/LV ( You should really look into one. I was shocked when I read my first Hermione and Young Voldemort fic). and plenty more, but those are my favorites. For Doctor Who: 11/ River, 11/ Martha, Jack/ Sally Sparrow (xD That one, I have no idea if it even exists, But think about it Captain Jack Harkness plus Sally Sparrow = Captain Jack Sparrow in a wibbly wobbly timey wimey sort of way. Both Captains are very similar only, I think Captain Jack Sparrow is only into Human women versus anything with a pulse xD.) Roctor: That's Rory/Doctor, Rory/Amy Charmed: Piper/Leo, Phoebe/Cole, Prue/Andy Supernatural: Destial, Chuck/Becky, Sam/Ruby, Samifer, Sastiel, Megstiel Merlin: Merthur, Merlin/Morgana Pretty Little Liars: Emaya, Spoby, Haleb For Charmed and HP Crossover: Hermione/Chris, Phoebe/ Remus, Prue/Severus Hannibal: Hannigraham, Hannibal/Alana/Will Orphan Black: Lumberpunk, Cophine, Felony |