AN: Italics= Thought and spells. You'll know which is which.

ANN: Please bear with me, This is my first story I have posted onto FF. Net. If you would like to volunteer to be my beta please let me know, and we can go from there. I looked over this to the best of my ability.

Disclaimer: I am not making any money off this story. Harry Potter and various characters do not belong to me, but that of J.K. Rowling. I'm just playing with her characters. Things you recognize as hers, are. The only thing that belongs to me is the plot and previously unknown characters. This disclaimer applies to the entire story.

Chapter One

Harry sneered down at the whimpering wizard before him. Hatred shining through in his bright green eyes. The wizard was bowed down before Harry. Looking up at him with absolute fear in his eyes.

"My Lord, please grant me mercy! I didn't mean to betray you to the Order!" pleaded the wizard bowed low before Harry.

Harry aimed his wand at the sniveling wizard.

"Crucio." Intoned The Dark Lord Harry in a bored voice.

The wizard before him released a blood curdling scream in pain. Harry held the wizard under the curse until he was on the verge of passing out from over exposure to the cruciatus curse.

As his body rocked from aftershocks of the cruciatus curse, he threw himself at The Dark Lords' feet.

"Please Harry! For the sake of the friendship we once shared, Don't kill me!" begged the wizard.

The Dark Lord laughed bitterly as the sneer disappeared completely from his face, only to be replaced by a look of sheer hatred.

"Friendship?" hissed Harry angrily. "You used me for my fame as the "Boy-Who-Lived" and the "Chosen One", not to mention the fortune I had as the last of the Potters' and the heir to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black. Constantly jealous of me, yet kept away all others' who may have wanted to be my friend on orders' of Dumbledore." Harry said snarkily before continuing on. " Yet, there you are, pleading for your life based on a falsified friendship? You're pathetic Ronald Bilius Weasley. I should have chosen Draco over you. In fact, I think I will. Goodbye Ron. Enjoy hell." sneered Harry.

The Dark Lord raised his wand and aimed it at Ron.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A flash of green light and Ronald Bilius Weasley was no more.


Harry was pacing the length of his throne room. Turning the resurrection stone over and over in his hands as he went. All the while thinking of Hermione. Silently begging her spirit to finally show up. It seemed like she'd been ignoring the call to her spirit ever since he had killed Ron.

A cold chill descended upon the room. That could only mean one thing. Harry's thoughts were interrupted abruptly as soon as he felt her presence.

"Oh Alright, Quit your whining. It's unbecoming of a Dark Lord you know." joked Hermione's spirit.

" Very Funny Hermione, Make fun of me being a Dark Lord why don't you." Harry responded cheekily. "So, how come you've given up on ignoring me now? I mean, I have only been trying to summon you for the past two weeks." stated Harry sarcastically. "Speaking of which, how were you able to resist the pull of the hallow?" inquired Harry.

Hermione studied Harry before responding " Now, Now, my dear Harry. We all have our secrets. I can't very well reveal mines. Let's just say, I've met some of the greatest minds on this side of the veil." Hermione said with a twinge of amusement in her voice.

"Only you Hermione, would spend their afterlife learning." remarked Harry.

"Yeah, Yeah, So how far are you on the ritual to send your mind back to the past?" asked Hermione as she glided closer to Harry.

"It's progressing well." stated Harry. "Although, It's a shame that I can't have my minions do the research for me." bemoaned Harry

"Oh Shut it Harry!" snapped Hermione. "You know you can not risk anyone finding out about this. Lest they themselves attempt to go back and kill you." Hermione explained. "I mean technically speaking, you're far worse than Voldemort. You've succeeded where he himself has failed. You have Lucius Malfoys' head on a pike in the entrance hall of Hogwarts for Godrics sake, Harry!" Hermione pointed out.

At this point, Harry looked at Hermione meaningfully. Sorrow showing on his face briefly. "That's because he killed you Hermione. He deserved exactly what happened to him." hissed Harry angrily in response. "Only next time around, things will be different." declared Harry.

Hermione blinked in response to the emotion that Harry so rarely shows. "I understand Harry" Hermione responded softly. Pausing briefly before continuing on. "So, have you decided on how far back you will be going? I was thinking about summer before first year, that way you won't have to deal with The Dursleys'." queried Hermione.

"But Mione, What is the point of going back and not giving them hell?" asked Harry amusement laced in his words. Harry began pacing back and forth as he said "They're just one of many on my hit list on my quest to world domination. Naturally, I'll succeed where Grindlewald failed, in terms of controlling somebody who is controlling the Muggles. Hell, I might even make an alliance with dear old Tom. That is, after I show him that Harry James Potter is no mere pawn to Dumbledore. I have many plans my dear. The brilliant thing is, I'll truly be the master of death. I'll only have one Horcrux as a precautionary measure. As an anchor, I'll just reattach the soul piece if I have to go back again." Harry stopped pacing as soon as he finished his rant.

Hermione glided back into position in front of him as she said, "Ha Ha Harry." amusement lacing her words. The amusement soon disappeared from her face, only to be replaced with one of worry. "Harry, will you promise me something?" asked Hermione with trepidation in her voice. " I know you may not want to, but it's important to me." Hermione continued on warily. Looking into his eyes, silently hoping that Harry agrees to her request.

"Oh Mione." Harry stated softly as he caught her looking at him in his eyes. " After everything you've done for me in your life, and even in your death, How could I not?" Harry asked incredulously. "You've always been by my side, ever since I saved you from that troll in our first year. I'll do whatever you want as long as it is in my power to do so." Harry vowed passionately.

"Harry!" exclaimed Hermione breathlessly as she was overtaken with emotion at his words. " I would hug you if I could Harry!" Hermione said, her voice filled with emotion. Hermione gathered herself before pressing on with what she needed to ask of Harry. "Now, when you go back and "meet me for the first time" , subtly encourage me to go into either Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Whichever house you choose. Also, If you can, knock that obnoxiously superior mudblood complex out of me. Along with that blind faith in authority figures. Teach me to actually think for myself too." Hermione stated forcefully.

Harry looked deep into Hermione's eyes. " It shall be done my lady." Harry cheekily responded with a bow. "Along with the other things we've already discussed." stated Harry.

Hermione smiled brightly before saying, " Thank you Harry!" There was a slight pause in their dialogue as the two studied each other intently. Hermione looked behind herself briefly, when she turned around to face Harry again her face held a look of pure sorrow. Hermione gathered what little composure she could before speaking once again. " Well Harry, I guess this is goodbye. They're telling me my time is almost up. So I guess this is it. See you in the next, or shall I say previous life. Always remember, I love you Harry. Good luck in your task, I know you'll succeed!" Hermione tearfully responded.

Hermione slowly began to dissipate from existence in the mortal realm. As she went, she memorized Harry's face, knowing it would be the last time she ever saw her Harry. She found comfort in the fact that he wouldn't be long without her though.

Harry watched Hermione fade from view. Silently promising to do everything she asked of him and more. After all, Hermione deserved nothing but the best.

It was with a heavy heart, that Harry set off to the library located in his lair, at Malfoy Manor. Harry had long since claimed the manor as his own after he'd killed Lucius. 'Maybe it was fated for this manor to constantly be in control of Dark Lords. Perhaps, it was also fate for Malfoys' to be subservient to said Dark Lords. Considering Draco put up no fight against me taking the Manor for my own use' were the thoughts currently going through Harry's mind as he made his way to the library.

Once inside the library, Harry quickly gathered the materials of information that he would need in order to perform the ritual. In order for the ritual to actually work, it needed to be performed under a full moon. It also required the sacrifice of blood. After all, you can't use The Dark Arts and expect to not have to sacrifice something in return. Harry set about finishing the arithmantic equations needed to make the spell a reality. Considering the requirements, not many would be able to accomplish what he was attempting to do.

When Harry finally finished creating the spell, his next step was to create the rune that he would need in order for everything to work correctly. After three hours of grueling research, sweat, and tears, Harry finally created the perfect rune needed for the ritual.

Finally, everything was set in place. All that was needed, was for the full moon to take place. Thankfully, Harry only had to wait one more week until the full moon.

In the meantime, Harry spent his time torturing his minions, and various Muggles in a attempt to amuse himself. At least, until he could be done with this crappy reality. The most interesting part of his week however, was when he summoned Draco Malfoy before him. Similar to Voldemort, he too had branded his followers with a distinctive mark. Only instead of a skull with a snake going through it, his mark was that of a Dark Phoenix. He got a kick out of calling his group "The Legion of the Phoenixes"! A literal Dark Order if you will. His mark too inflicted pain upon his followers when summoned. To which Harry took great pleasure in enjoying by making his minions suffer.

Harry summoned Draco into the throne room. Draco entered the throne room nervously. Harry rarely summoned the head of House Malfoy unless, the pureblood had done something unsatisfactory in his master's eyes. Draco slowly approached the throne that Harry was sitting on. He knelt low before the young insane Dark Lord.

Draco kept his eyes low to the ground and asked cautiously "You wished to see me, my lord?"

Harry studied the wizard before him, before replying coolly "Indeed I did, young dragon." Harry paused briefly then continued on " I wished to see you, so that I could inquire into the motives behind some of the things you did during our youth." Harry paused as he waited for a response from Draco.

Naturally, since Harry was bringing up their childhood, Draco immediately began to worry that today would be the day his Lord finally killed him. After all, the Malfoy heir had never treated his Lord pleasantly after his Lord refused his offer of friendship. Draco looked up with fear in his eyes and tentatively responded with "What is it you wish to know, My Lord?"

Harry heard the badly disguised fear in Draco's voice, and inwardly chuckled. "Relax young dragon, I'm not going to kill you just yet.. You are still of use to me... For now.." Harry stated amusedly. The amusement disappeared from his face almost as quickly as it appeared. Only to be replaced by one of absolute power and calmness. "Now, I wish to know if you were sincere in your motives when you offered your friendship to me back in our first year?" inquired Harry of the wizard before him.

Draco was taken aback by his masters question. That was not what he was expecting when he received his summons. Pale blue eyes met the piercing Avada Kedavra green eyes of his master. Draco knew the wrong answer would see him dead, and an end to the Malfoy line. Using what strength he had, Draco squared his shoulders, straightened out, and put on the same pompous pureblood act he did all those years ago. Draco extended his hand to his master and said, "The offer of friendship and alliance between the Houses of Malfoy and Potter still stands, my lord." Draco answered superiorly.

Harry looked at the former Slytherin and couldn't resist the smirk that wanted to form on his face. It was such a Slytherin move after all. Instead of confirming or denying anything, they find slippery ways to evade the question. "Now, Now Draco", Harry hissed silkily. " While I admire you for putting your Slytherin cunning to use, I do however require an answer to my question. Preferably with your cooperation. I'd hate to have to tear your mind apart looking for the answer I desire. You wouldn't want to wind up like Longbottom's parents, now would you?" Harry asked, his tone conveying the threat of his words.

Draco swallowed his fear and answered dejectedly. "Father made it known that you could be a powerful ally and wizard given proper guidance. He suggested I become your friend so that you would be away from Dumbledore's plots. At least for the most part. The Reason I treated you like shit, was simple really. You rejected me. You chose a blood-traitor over a Malfoy. I was hurt by that." finished Draco, as his pale blue eyes met Harry's fierce green eyes again.

Harry considered the wizard before him, tentatively sending out a small Legilimency probe to ascertain whether or not Draco was being truthful or not. Finding no trace of deceit in the wizards mind, Harry chuckled. 'How easy it is to intimidate Malfoy. If only I had known all I had to do was accept my darkness, I would have done that ages ago.' Harry thought.

To say Draco was baffled, would be an understatement. 'What is so amusing about what I've said? Is Potter laughing because he's going to turn me into a vegetable?' Draco thought. After a few minutes, the curiosity became too much to bear. " What's so amusing?" Draco blurted out.

As quick as lightning Harry raised his wand and intoned

"Crucio!". Draco fell to the ground and writhed in pain. Draco attempted to hold in his screams of pain. He failed miserably. All you could hear was shrieks of pure agony. Harry revelled in the pain he was causing the blond wizard before him. Harry held the curse for three minutes. He released the curse, narrowed his eyes and hissed menacingly "Draco, you forget your place. Don't question me." Venom laced in every word he spoke.

"Ye.. Ye… Yes My Lord" Draco stammered out in response.

Harry's face brightened as he said eerily chipper "Wonderful! Now, seeing as how you've answered my question, you're free to go Draco. Send Nott in before you leave" said Harry as he dismissed Draco.

" Yes my Lord. Thank you for your mercy in sparing my life." Draco said as he bowed low before he left the room. He could hear Harry laughing hysterically as he left. Draco knew better than to turn around, so he just kept on walking.

HP HP HP-Scene Break-HP HP HP

After the encounter with Malfoy, the days flew by with nothing truly memorable occurring. Before Harry knew it, Tuesday arrived, the day of the full moon. Tuesday was a day filled with anxiety, and giddy anticipation. Harry did not really have much to do in terms of preparation for tonight's ritual. Tuesday morning and afternoon passed by in a blur.

Tuesday evening arrived, and Harry could not have been more excited at the thought of his plans finally coming to fruition. So it was, with great joy, that Harry set about making the preparations for the ritual. Harry gathered all the supplies that he would need, and apparated to Stonehenge.

Harry arrived at Stonehenge, set his materials down, and got to work. Harry took the chalk out of his bag, and drew the circle he would need to be inside of during the ritual. Once that was done, Harry drew a number of runes that would channel the power around him. The runes would lend further power to his own to increase the chances of it being successful. By the time Harry was done drawing the runes, it was nearly time to perform the ritual to send his mind back to the past.

It was with great excitement, that Harry stripped down out of his robes, until he was as bare as when Lily Potter brought him into this world. Harry grabbed the athame that would be used out of his bag. Harry entered the circle, set his wand on the concrete near where he would be, and situated his body on his knees in the center of the circle. Once the moon was at it's peak, Harry gripped the athame in a way suited for carving. Harry began carving the rune into his chest, while calling on the power of the elements around him, to enable the runes on the ground.

Harry grinded his teeth, as he pushed through the pain. Knowing it was temporary and a necessary side effect. By the time Harry was done carving the rune into his chest, the lower half of his body was covered in blood. Blood was pooled around him on the ground.

Harry smiled grimly at the sight, as he picked up his wand from the ground beside him. Harry then proceeded to chant "Sub Sanguis Luna Plena Mensa Praeteritus" six times. On the seventh time, Harry proceeded to wave his wand in a circular motion, before he swished and flicked his wand. The rune on his chest glowed blackly, as Harry promptly lost consciousness.

ANN: Please Review to let me know what you think of the story so far, and to give me an idea on if I'll have readers. I'll post regardless, I won't hold the next chapter hostage though.