![]() Author has written 19 stories for Twilight. I live in Australia and it is as sunny here as much as it rains in Forks so highly unlikely any of SM's vampires will come for a visit! I am a mum of 2 teenage boys who keep me busy - no wonder I read so much fanfic to have a break!! I am very much Team Edward!! - Jake is just way too young.. plus I am allergic to dogs.. I only became aware of Twilight late in 2009 when my son's 13yr old girlfriend came over with her Twilight DVD. I wasn't completely hooked at the time but then saw the books in the library and fell in love with Edward by the time I got to Eclipse. Like most, wasn't big on BD but loving all the alternate ending fics I found here... Started fooling around with my story Scent of a Woman just for fun and decided about Chapter 3 that I might get a beta to improve my writing and then I submitted it. Now I can't stop... is there a psychiatrist out there who specialises in twific obsession, anyone? I have also started to write some stories in collaboration with my beta, the lovely Terri, (beans827). We had so much fun on our first attempt, The Duality of Man, for the Dr Jeklyll and Mr Cullen Contest, we have started another. We have called ourselves LikeMinds : http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2232030/LikeMinds I just joined the 21st Century and set up a blog where I will post banners and pictures for each of the stories and update news. and twitter: http://twitter.com/edwardsisobel Banners for my stories: By the lovely Christine from Christag Banners: Mistress of my Heart Banners 1&2: sadly I've exceeded my views on photobucket till the 20th so the banners will be on my blog http:///2010/12/fandom-for-preemies-mistress-of-my.html Menage a Trois: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=edwardsisobel_Meage_a_Trois.png Covet: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=edwardsisobelCovet.png C'est la Vie: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=ByedwardsisobelCestlaVie2.jpg To see Christine's blog with examples of all of her excellent banners: http:/// My little efforts just because I like to potter with the free programs: Mistress of my Heart: on my blog: http:///2010/12/fandom-for-preemies-mistress-of-my.html Scent of a Woman: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=Banner3A-SoaW.jpg Beauty Crowds Me: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=BeautyCrowdsMeBanner.jpg Without Love: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=Banner-WithoutLove.jpg Surprise - one shot: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=SurpriseBanner-2.jpg The Perfect Fit: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=Banner-ThePerfectFit.jpg The Duality of Man: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=DrJekyllBanner1.jpg Awards/Nominations and Contests A few of my stories were nominated in the Twilight Gem Awards for little known fics: Best Original Fiction: Scent of a Woman Best Romance: Scent of a Woman Best One-Shot: Without Love & The Duality of Man(collaboration with Beans 827) Best Dark Fic: The Duality of Man(collaboration with Beans 827) My story Beauty Crowds Me won 3rd place (Delectable Edward) in the Beautiful Edward Challenge hosted by Boydblog and Candytwi Link to 3rd Place Banner: http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=Delectable_winner.jpg I have contributed a one- shot to the Fandom for Preemies story compilation along with another 102 writers which can be obtained by donating a minimum of $5 to the March of Dimes organisation during the month of November 2010. The March of Dimes organization works towards saving the lives of premature babies. The Banner for my one-shot, Mistress of my Heart : http:///albums/zz34/edwardsisobel/?action=view¤t=MistressofmyHeart7ABanner-1-1.jpg Link to the Fandom for Preemies blog. The blog provides information on how to donate to get the story compilation plus there are teasers for the stories that make up the compilation on the site as well: http:///p/how-to-help.html Suzanne |