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![]() Author has written 5 stories for Higurashi/Umineko series, Tsubasa Chronicle, and Pandora Hearts. Hello people of Fan-fiction! My name is Misty (or Misaki) and I just LOVE anime. I like to read manga and fanfiction, pretty much all sorts. Favorite Anime/Manga: -Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles/Tokyo Revelations/Shunraiki. CLAMP is (to me) the best mangaka artist group ever. Hino Matsuri is very good too, since the art in Vampire Knight is awesome! Other Accounts: RP Facebook: Ada Vessalius Youtube: KawaiiAnimeLuverGirl Facebook: Misaki Yuki DeviantART: KawaiiAnimeLuverGirl I know that some people out there, don't like stories with OC's, but I definitely love them. I make a lot of them and it's fun to imagine them actually in the anime or manga you choose. (I am also not good at last names) Pairings (OC's): Tsubasa Chronicles-Yumi Ichihara/ Fai Vampire Knight- Aya Hio/ Aidou and Ichijo Pandora Hearts- Lydia/ Elliot and Leo Earl and Fairy-Emma/Raven Gakuen Alice- Tomoyo/Ruka Ouran High School Host Club- Ai Namikawa/ Kyoya and Kaoru Chobits- Kyoko/ Minoru Heart no Kuni no Alice- Sharon Fielde/ Boris and Pierce Shugo Chara- Nanoka Izumi/ Kukai Souma Kamichama Karin- Yui Sakamoto/ Micchi Special A- Karin Sato/ Jun Eternal Sonata- Melody/ Retto 07-Ghost- Alice/ Labrador= Himeka/ Hakuren and Mikage Gentlemens Alliance Cross- Rae Amamiya/ Touya Fruits Basket- Akiko/ Yuki= Hinako/ Momiji Umineko no Naku Koro ni- Isabelle/ Kanon D. Gray Man- Ushio/ Lavi Yu-Gi-Oh- Raina/Ryou= Rosa/Bakura Yu-Gi-Oh GX- Maria/ Jaden Yu-Gi-Oh 5DS- Misaki/ Yusei Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal- Fuzuki/ Yuma Yumeiro Patisserie- Momoko/ Andou Angel Beats- Tsuki/ Naoi Uta no Prince-Sama- Kanade/ Shou Kurusu Star Driver- Nagisa/ Takuto As you can see, I make a whole lot. Other things I like to do are swim, draw, write stories, ride horses, play piano, and play with other animals. Pairings I do NOT support: Misaki/ Ohirjo- She's better with Kotaru. Yuuki/ Kaname- I never really liked him. He was kind of creepy. Anime/cartoon Characters Quiz Pick 10 characters and answer the questions can pick any characters you like,both boys and girls!! 1. Alice (PH) 2. Takuma Ichijo 3. Fai Flourite 4. Yuuki Kuran 5. Echo (PH) 6. Vincent Nightray 7. Yumi Ichihara (Tsubasa) 8. Gil Nightray 9. Aido Hanabusa 10. Kurogane 1 woke you up in the middle of the night? Me: "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT ALICE! MEAT IS IN THE FRIDGE!" Number 2 asked you to go out with him? Me: YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering? Okay,that's really awkward... 4 announced he's going to marry 9 tomarrow? Me: Yuuki and Aido? What about Kaname-kun or Zero-kun?! 5 cooked you dinner? I've heard Echo-chan is a really good cook from Gil. 6 was lying next to you on the beach,sleeping? Awwwwww. Hey Dormouse! 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? Yumi is?! Thats so awesome! She can tell me about her and Fai all day long 8 got into the hospital somehow? Me: I told you you had to quit smoking some time. 9 made fun of your friends? See Yuuki, I told you he was no good. 10 ignored you all the time? I think he is still grumpy for when I called him KURO-TAN! Two serial killers are hunting you down.What will 1 do? She would kick their butts and I would pat her on the head and give her more meat. You're on a vacation with number 2 and manage to break your leg.What does 2 do? He carries me home after the hospital and stays with me until I get better. It's your birthday.What will 3 give you? Manga or flowers. You're stuck in a house that's on fire.What does 4 do? Yuuki runs in and saves me with her awesome pureblood powers. _ You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed.What will 5 do? Say nothing and leave. You're about to marry number 10.What's 6's reaction? I'm about to marry Kurogane?! I imagine Vincent would care a little bit... You got dumped by will 7 cheer you up? Yumi would ask me to tell her about it and she would talk me through it. Then she and I would make fun of Kuro-pyon. I would love to have a big sister like her! You're angry about it afterwards,How does 8 calm you down? He would help me through that and let me punch (coughVincentcough) when I got really mad. He might also play Lacie for me. You compete in some does 9 support you? He would come with the whole Night Class to give me pocky and cheer me on. You can't stop laughing.What will 10 do? He would definitely look at me like I was a freak. Number 1 is all you've dreamed of.Why? I have ABSOLUTELY no idea why in the world I would. Oz might but not me. 2 tells you about his deeply hidden love for number 9.Your reaction? Ichijo likes Aido...what the-?! I had no idea that they were gay. I do not like Yaoi. You're dating number 3 and introduce him to your parents.Will they get along? Fai is such a gentlemen. I doubt my parents would have a problem with it. I woud love to date Fai!! (fangirl squeal) Number 4 loves number 9 as well.What does that mean? Yuuki why? Again? Make up your mind. Will 5 and 6 ever kiss? They already have... 6 appears to be a player,he breaks many hearts.What do you do? Me: I can so imagine that he would be. He flirts with Ada and Lotti. I would not be surprised if Sakura or Yumi was next. You get a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you.What goes on in your mind? Me: Ummm...Yumi? Number 8 thinks he'll never get a girl-friend.What will you tell him? Me: I know a lot of girls would love to date you, like Sara-hime. grins Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses their love to you by sending an what? Me: Yuuki, Ichijo, Aidou is a cheat why do you still like him?! You spot 10 kissing 1. How do you react? Ah. Well...that would be interesting. You notice 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for more then a few hours.What are you thinking? Me: WHAT THE CRAP YUUKI?! WHY FAI? HE IS MINE! Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? No! Would 2 trust 5? Sure, why not? Number 4 is bored and pokes 10. What happens after that? Kurogane would leave embarrassed. Yuuki: Ha ha ha. 5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together.What study will they pick? Echo- Cooking Alice-Music (BLAM BAM BOOM) If 6 and 3 cooked dinner what would they make? Oh, Dear God! Fai is an excellent cook, but I do not want Vincent near my food. 7 and 9 apply for a job.What job? Yumi- Waitress. (Hopefully she would be nice to customers as long as they don't tick her off. Aidou- I have no idea. (Collecting useless junk) 8 gives 5 a that okay? Maybe, if Gil is as good with scissors as his brother or as good with his gun. 9 sketches what 6's perfect girl/boyfriend should look like; will 6 be happy? Nope. 10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about? They're talking about what Fai and Yumi did last night. 1 accidentally kicked 10? It wasn't accidentally!She did it out of revenge. 2 sent a message to her/his Bf/Gf but 9 got it.What would happen? Aidou would have to wash his eyes. No I'm just kidding. I don't think it would be that bad. 5 and 6 did a workout together Hmmmm... 6 noticed he/she wasn't invited to your birthday? He would probably cut everything up. 7 won the lottery? Me: Really? That is so cool, but since they dimension hop all the time, it wont really help. 8 had quite a big secret? I think I know. (picks up cat) Hey Gil! 9 became a swinger? Wow, Aidou. 10 got a daughter? Me: So who is the mother? Tomoyo? What would 1 think of 2? Alice would make fun of him because he barely acts like a vampire. How would 3 greet 4? Fai: Yuuki-chan What would 4 envy about 5? Nothing. I don't think. I bet Echo would want to be a vampire. What dreams would 5 have about 6? I really don't want to know. What do 6 and 7 have in common? Absolutely nothing. They would both be mad if they saw this question. What would make 7 angry at 8? Yumi saw Gilbert kick a cat. Where would 8 meet 9? I don't know and don't want to know why they would want to meet. What would 9 never dare to tell 10? That he loves Kaname-sama. What would make 10 scared of 1? The fact the she can turn into a giant rabbit and kick his- Is 3 gay? No!!In fact,I'll prove you wrong! (pushes Yumi and Fai close enough so they kiss) How do you feel right now? Hungry...Alice... Number 3 decides to go you go with him? Maybe...(looks at Syaoran and Sakura)...I AM NOT LIKE THAT! 4 and 7 compete on DDR. Who wins? Um Yuuki doesn't really have that much dance experience soooo I'm not really sure. 5 is having a birthday party and she picks a theme.What is it? Echo: I don't have birthdays. 6 and 1 have a deep conversation.What is it most likely about? Vincent is mad at Alice who keeps calling his beloved brother "Seaweed Head" 7 stalks 10 home.9 sees this.What does he do? Yumi: Why the hell would I stalk ANYONE! 8 buys a computer.What is the first thing he does on it? Tries to figure out how it works. (snicker) Number 9 gives you a you eat it? Sure Aidou may be obnoxious but he is cute. 1 offers you a CD.Considering her tastes,do you listen to it? Yeah. Alice and I like that same music. (sings Maze with Alice) 2 suddenly goes does 8 feel about this? Hold on. Ichijo would not EVER go EMO. 10 wants money and decides to get a job at Chuck E' long does he stay? He walks in. 10 seconds later. He walks out. 3 told 6 she started her period. ...no comment he is probably drunk. 4 slaps 9 with a fish for going out with 7. Yuuki: How dare you! You know Yumi loves Fai! 5 comes in wearing a big pink dress.What's your reaction? Me: Awwww. Echo looks so cute. 6 cusses 2 out in german.3 is secretly watching from behind a bush.What does she do? Vincent knows German? And why Ichijo? What did he ever do? Fai would be behind the bush laughing quietly. 7 got high. Yumi: That is not true! 8 reads your fanfictions and complains.What is it about? About me making him make out with Sara. 9 can't stand 1,so how does she get his revenge when he spills soda all over her? Me: Aidou, that was truly a stupid move. 10 starts working in a bar. Ah, the life for him. He gets to drink all he wants. 1 comes in and tells you she's pregnant from 2. Me: ICHIJO! 1 breaks up with you.For what reason does she break up with you? Me: I didn't know that Alice and I where dating! o_O 2 is in love with 4,he does 4 respond? Yuuki would smile and kiss him. 3 is a drug addict.What do you do? Fai is not a drug addict!An alcoholic maybe,but not a drug addict!Not Fai! 4 kiss 8.What's your reaction? Me: Jeez Yuuki you move on fast. 5 wants to go to the mall. what is she going to buy from there? Poison for Vincent. That's right I know everything! 6 kisses your boyfriend.What do you do? Oh dear god that is how he gets attention from Gilbert. 7 is missing.where do you go to look for her? In the park, since she loves animals. 8 needs a tutor.on what subject does he need tutoring? Science. Ask Break-sensei for help! 9 wants to be a cheerleader.What do you say? Yuuki: Are you drunk or something? 10 hates you.Why? Cause I told everyone all of his nicknames. I didn't think I did anything wrong they were cute! 1 gives you a teddy-bear.Why? I honestly have no idea. 2 and 6 are fighting.What do you do? I slap both of them. I would think that Vincent would win because of his awesome chain. But I haven't seen it do anything except sleep. 3 ate 10.What's your reaction? Fai! Why did you eat Kuro-tan?! That is ridiculous! Fai wouldn't eat anyone, only their blood 4 ? Yuuki couldn't die! She is strong and a pure-blood! 5 turns invisible.What does she do to you? Nothing at least I hope not. She could be sent from Vincent to spy on me. 6 loses his have to give him a new memory.What do you say to him? Vincent you are to listen to everything I say. 7 is having her baby today!What's her/his name? Yumi is not having a baby! Not yet, and when she does she is going to name her Kobato! 8 is a pervert.He's coming right at you.What do you do? Gil! What the!? 9 is going through a tough break do you cheer him up? I'd hug him and tell everything is all right. (Nobody would dump Aidou, except Yumi or Sakura or Alice or Yuuki) 10 broke up with 1.What do you do? Me: First they kick each other, get into a fight, date, and break up...the anime world sure is a weird one. Everything I Learned In Life, I Learned From CLAMP 1. If you're not angsty, you should be 31. The world is split into three genders: male, female and androgynous. 32. Blood is aesthetic. 74. If you have a twin/clone/someone who looks like you, most likely one of you will die before the series is over. Normal people VS. YuGiOh fans Normal people: rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast. YuGiOh fans ; would rather rely on Ishizu for future predictions. Normal people: say OMG! YuGiOh fans ; Say oh my RA ! NORMAL PEOPLE: say shut up or i'll tell on you! YuGiOh fans ; Say shut up or i'll steal seto's checkbook and blame it on you. Normal people ; Think bad guys are very ugly YuGiOh fans ; Know a lot better and absolutely love bakura and marik. Normal people ;when being chased yell HELP ME SOMEBODY! YuGiOh fans ; when being chased yell HELP ME MARIK. NORMAL PEOPLE: get nervous/scared during thunderstorms. YuGiOh fans ; know that their might be a duel between yami yugi and yami bakura , and that some of them might be shirtless. NORMAL PEOPLE: would choose somewhere sunny to go for vacation. YuGiOh fans ; would go directly to Domino city. Normal people ; Would be scared when they see people in purple caots chasing them. YuGiOh fans ; Just know that marik sends his rare hunters to be sure that you are fine. Nomal people ; Get freaked out when they see scary people on motorcycle's YuGiOh fans ; Know a lot better and know that it is marik or Valon the badass australian . Normal people ; Think YugiOh is just a stupid childern's card game YugiOh fans ; Know a lot better and know that it even was in the egyptian past. Normal people ; Think little people are stupid. Yugioh fans : Think that mokuba is way to cute to be stupid. Normal people ; Would never go to an orphanage Yugioh fans ; Know better and go a lot to orphanage to check out if there is someone like seto. Normal people; Think Egypt is stupid Yugioh fans ; Would go immediately to Egypt , because maybe marik is there! normal people ; Would never buy to expensive thing because they might become out of money. Yugioh fans ; Would just kidnap mokuba and force seto to shop with them. If you like this put this on your profile. PANDORA HEARTS CHARACTER QUIZ!!!! Oz Vessalius You're the older sibling () You're protective of your little sister () You care for your best friend/servant (X) You are a cheerful and carefree person (X) You can be manipulative sometimes () You don't have a nice relationship with your father () You like to flirt with the opposite sex () You likes the colors green, yellow or white (X) You have unlimited patience () You can accept whatever happens to you or those who're close with you (X) Point: 4 Alice You loves meat (X) (Not obsessed) You're bossy and arrogant () You act like a rabbit () You calls your crush your manservant () You're optimistic (X) You hates when someone getting too close with your crush () You loves fighting () You hates/dislike your sibling () You hates clown (X) You likes the color purple, red, or black (X) Points: 4 Gilbert Nightray You hate cat very much () You're a shy person (X) You loves your master/best friend (X) You will do anything to protect/save your master/best friend () You have a messy hair (X) You can handle a gun () You can easily be fooled (X) You're a great cooker () You're the tallest in your gang (X) You likes the color black or dark green () Points: 5 Xerxes Break You loves candy (X) You loves to annoy people (X) You likes to take advantage of your friends (X) You have a doll hanging on your shoulder () You loves to tease people (X) You have a terrible past () You're the craziest and the most wise in your group () You're the eldest in your group () You like to fooling around (X) You likes the color red, black or white (X) Points: 6 Shalon Rainsworth You love to drink tea () You loves romance novels (X) You loves to wear dress/fancy clothes or dressing-up people (X) You're the youngest in the group () You're a calm and gentle person (X) You loves to gives people romantic advices () You loves your older sibling () You're the only child (X) You loves reading (X) You likes the colors white, pink, red (X) Points: 6 RESULTS PLEASE! holds out hand and back stage crew hands over an envelope* Now, for the point making! *opens envelope and reads aloud in comedian sort of way* Oz: 40 points Alice 40 points Gilbert: 50 points Break: 60 points Shalon: 60 points So...I'm a cross between Sharon and Break? o_0 Interesting... |