It's Just a Little Secret

This is my Second Fanfic! Yeah I feel accomplished =D and my first of Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Well obviously it's based on the anime Yu-Gi-Oh GX and some of the manga, at first it's only the first season, I don't know if I'll continue on to the other seasons, I might get bored. Also if you want to skip to where she's actually in the academy then go to chapter 3, but you'd miss some important information.

Also I know that I'm using the American version names but I'm too lazy to be writing out the Japanese names so if you don't like don't read. Also if you don't like OCs then don't read. I appreciate everything even flames because you'd be using your life to read this so thanks even if you hated it.

Note: Some Honorifics are going to be used in this. Background Information: I made up some of this story when I first watched Yu-Gi-Oh GX, and at first it was simple, but then became very complex as I continued watching and the story expanded. Then I ended up with this huge idea that wouldn't EVER leave my head. So I made this XD

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh GX or any of its characters or most of the cards. Or the idea of a girl cross dressed as a boy in Duel Academy. I only own the OCs, most of the dialogue and some made-up cards XD. And I don't own Serenity's hair style, it's from Sailor Moon XD (Yes strange I know XD). Also I do know that Destiny's last name is weird, but it goes with the flow of her name XD

XxXFull SummaryXxX – Serenity/Bunny Valara is a 15 year old Japanese girl who lives in Domino City (Check Yu-Gi-Oh for details). Her best/childhood friend is Jaden Yuki, a boy with A LOT of self confidence and always is positive. They both adore dueling and dream of becoming world famous duelists like Yugi Motou and Seto Kaiba. Then they find out about Seto Kaiba's Duel Academy, a school just for duelists. Jaden enters and just barely passes the written exam but sails with flying colors on the physical one, so he gets in to the academy as a Slifer Red for embarrassing one of the best teachers in the school, . However Serenity can't attend the academy because she feels that she is needed at home to help pay off some debts with the money she gets through a part time job, so she says farewell to Jaden with hopes that she can attend the following year.

But when she discovers her extreme loneliness the moment the boat leaves, her Aunt Sakura decides to find a way to make her go after seeing how depressed she is. But since it's basically too late she has one last resort … begging Seto Kaiba, the academy's owner, to help her get in. He allows her in under a few conditions that make her cross dress as a boy! She has to have good grades and go through the whole three years as a boy. At the end of the three years she has to duel someone of his choice and if she wins or ties the duel he will pay off her family's debt and whatever she would owe the school. But during a busy time for Kaiba Corporation why did he accept her appointment? Who is the secret family member that Seto seems to know about? What will happen when she falls in love with the best duelist at the school? How will she survive with enemies like and a new girl named Destiny Timezone? And last but not least what will happen to her friendships if she is found out?

Ru-Ru: Well please enjoy the chapter.

Serenity: Wow I never thought she would ever use me *starry eyes*

Ru-Ru: Yeah… And now I'm starting to regret it -.-

Serenity: *frowns* … Well please enjoy…

Chapter 1 – OMG WHAT?

Nobody's POV

"I'm going to miss you so much! I wish I could come with you, but I can't. I'll try for next year though! So have a good time, OK?" a jet black haired girl said to a chocolate brown haired boy with lighter brown hair at the top of his hair at the docks in Domino City. "Yeah, I'm going to miss you too! I will and I can't wait until then, even though I'd be your Sempai." The boy chuckled. The girl playfully punched his arm and exclaimed "Yeah and you'd leave me there with one year to go!" she pouted and turned her back to her childhood friend. "Awww, well I'm going to be there a whole year without you! So it's pay back!" he exclaimed. She turned her face to see his and stuck out her tongue and he did the same. The boat's horn blew and the girl's eyes became filled with tears. "Jaden don't forget me!" she exclaimed to him. Jaden smiled, hugged her and said "How could I ever forget my best friend, Bunny?" she slightly smiled and placed her head on his chest and hugged back. She was shorter than he was, not by much but she wasn't very tall for a 15 year old girl though. In fact her body wasn't exactly developed either, she had a child's body type. She had long jet black hair that reached her knees; two buns of hair on her head were tided by two red ribbons, the rest dropping down like pigtails to her knees. Her hair style was why she was called Bunny. Her eyes were brown-hazel and she had lightly tanned skin and a child's face.

Jaden was handsome with a slender body frame of a full grown man, he was also 15. His hair was somewhat long yet went more to the sides and back than anything. It was chocolate brown but at the top was an unusual patch of light brown almost blonde hair. His eyes were chocolate brown and his skin also lightly tanned. "Well this is it Bunny. I'll try and send an e-mail soon." He smiled as he let go of her and patted her head. "OK Jaden … I'll be waiting." She replied through the remainder of her tears. He waved to her as he walked off towards the boat where he met up with two boys that he had mentioned meeting at the entrance exams. One boy wore a yellow uniform; the other wore a red one just like Jaden's except he had black pants and his blazer was closed, but a yellow turtle neck shirt stuck out from the top. The Slifer Red's uniform, the dorm that Jaden was in, had a red and white blazer with black pants, even though Jaden's was white, and red and black shoes with a choice of an under shirt, even though Jaden's blazer was open and his black shirt was showed. The Ra Yellow was the same except in yellow. The girl watched them board the boat and Jaden gave her one last glance and waved. The boat soon disappeared from the docks along with the crowd of people, but the girl stood there and realized something important.

Serenity's POV

Well he's gone, but now it's the end of my world! I've never been without him in school or anywhere but home since I came here and I have no other friends. I felt lonely and longed to be with him, the only one I could talk to about my dark past or anything for that matter. I sighed and wiped some more tears away from my eyes before heading off to my home. All the way sulking in my newly found loneliness, wiping tears away and hearing people from school say things like "Hey where's her boyfriend?" or "Hey did she get dumped?".

I sighed at the kitchen table as my Aunt Sakura entered the small house we shared. "Hey you still upset about him leaving?" she said as she came into the kitchen and started putting food and drinks in the fridge. "Yeah …" I replied miserably. I heard her sharply sigh before she said "You really wanted to go to that school didn't you?" "Eh? Well yes but … family is really important and … I didn't want to let you down. Otou-san's still recovering from his operations and we're so deep in debt. I-I need to help you somehow!" I exclaimed as I looked at her. She turned to face me, her jet black hair swinging behind her and her grass green eyes piercing through me. "Don't worry about me so much, I'm a big girl and can take care of things. You're a teenager and deserve some time away from home. Fall in love, make mistakes and go for your dreams. You should go to the school if you truly desire it." She calmly said as she walked over and put her hand on my shoulder. "And plus, I don't need you sulking around here all the time anyways." Her eyes were sparkling with joy and encouragement, I couldn't let her down!

Her dream and my father's dream were to become famous duelists as well, and my father went pro for a while but fell in love and ended up just being a card designer. My Aunt Sakura didn't make it to be pro so she went into business, but still had a passion for dueling. My mother also adored the game and shared my father and aunt's dream but she became a teacher instead. When I was four they divorced, my mother taking my older brother and my father taking me. Aunt Sakura didn't marry so she stayed with us because my father and her were brother and sister and she wanted to support him and me. Soon my father became desperately ill and had to undergo several surgeries, he was still in the hospital's care now. We soon became indebt and having only two incomes wasn't really helping with anything, but when I was old enough I got a job and started to help. My Aunt had two jobs plus my income from my part time job was helping, but soon everything piled up. But it did help us that I didn't need to buy bigger clothes because I didn't seem to be growing anymore at the moment.

"But I can't get in now! I'd have to wait a while, and still probably won't get in!" I complained. "Well we'll just have to find a way." She retorted with an annoyed tone. "What do you expect me to do, go to Kaiba Corporation and beg Kaiba-san into letting me in?" I yelled with equal annoyance. She looked shocked for a moment then smirked "Good idea, I'll set up an appointment for tomorrow then Serri-chan." She said as she went to find a phone book. My jaw dropped as I realized that she was serious, running after her I exclaimed "Their so busy now with the academy why would they accept an appointment from a 15 year old who is trying to get into the academy that just got in their students?" she shushed me and started to speak into the phone. "Hello … Yes I would like to schedule an appointment with Kaiba-san … Yes I know it is your busy time but it is important … It's about the Duel Academy … Alright I'll hold …" the conversation seemed to go on forever with her explaining things to this stranger! I was going to pull my hair out if this continued until she finally hung up and turned to me with a serious face. "See I told you that there was a way. You have an appointment with Kaiba-san tomorrow at 2 pm. don't be late since I'll be working." She chirped then returned to the kitchen to cook dinner. My jaw dropped and all I could think of was 'How could it be that easy? And what will I tell him?'

Nobody's POV

The next morning Serenity awoke and dreaded the fact that she had to speak with Seto Kaiba later that day. Her main concern was 'what will she say to him' and 'why her aunt was going to such extremes to just get her into a school?' She sat up and looked at her computer and saw that she had an e-mail; her heart seemed to stop for a moment before she jolted out of bed and to the computer to read it:

From: Jaden Yuki

To: Serenity Valara

Hey Bunny it's me. How's everything going so far without me? I really miss you, but I've made some great friends here that I can't wait for you to meet! Tomorrow is my first day of classes but I explored the school today. It's so big I wish you could see it! Tell Sakura-san that I said hi and also my new friends Syrus Truesdale, Chumley Huffington, Bastion Misawa and Alexis Rhodes all really want to meet you since I told them a bit about you. Can't wait until you reply.


She smiled and wrote her reply:

From: Serenity Valara

To: Jaden Yuki

Hey Jay! Miserable but I'll get used to things; maybe I'll make some friends while you're gone. I really miss you too and it's great that you're already getting used to things there and made some friends! Wow how big is it? And tell me what the classes are like! OK I will and I can't wait to meet them either, Mr. Talks-A-Lot. No wonder I was sneezing so much today! I can't wait until you reply.


She sent the message and went to her closet to find something nice for her upcoming appointment. She didn't want to tell Jaden about it, so she wouldn't get his hopes up or anything. It would be her little secret, and if she got in she would surprise him and explain everything. He would understand just like he always did and she would be on her way to becoming a great duelist.

Serenity's POV

It was noon and I knew that if I didn't go now I probably wouldn't make it. I took one last look in the mirror to see if the outfit was good enough. I had a pair of black dress pants with a matching jacket on with a red under shirt and black heels that were down stairs so I could put them on. My jacket only had the middle button buttoned so I wouldn't get to hot, my hair was in its usual style since I didn't want to look to classy. But something seemed wrong … oh yeah the fact that my body is still that of a child! How will he even think that I'm 15 if my body says I'm 5? I groaned in anger as I paced back and forth in my bedroom. Finally giving up, I grabbed my bag and headed down; putting my shoes on in the small wooden part of the floor in front of the door I opened the door and slipped out leaving the lights off. I locked the door and headed out the gate towards the bus stop. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' I thought as I neared the stop.

"Welcome to Kaiba Corporation Miss. Do you have an appointment?" the man at the door asked as I came near the colossal building. He wore a black suit white a white shirt and a wireless head phone/microphone was in his ear. "Umm … yes I do … I have a 2 o'clock appointment with Kaiba-san …" I said as I admired the building then looked at the man who was looking me up and down. "You look rather young, are you sure it is not your Mother or Father?" he said with a bit a chuckle. "I'm 15 years old for your information Sir! And yes I am sure that it's MY appointment!" I exclaimed angrily. "O-oh … I-I am terribly sorry Miss. P-please follow me and I will tell Kaiba-san that you are here." He stuttered as he led the way inside the building. I frowned in displeasure that he couldn't tell that I was 15; in fact no one that meets me for the first time thinks I am! It's not fair that I'm short and have a child's body!

I waited outside Kaiba-san's office and peered around the hallway, it looked so mechanical and at the end of the hall a short boy with long shaggy/spiky black hair and grey eyes came around the corner reading something. He was shorter than me, and looked rather young 'Where have I seen him before?' I thought as I stared at him. He looked up at me with a questioning glance and said "What are you doing here kid? This is no place to play!" His voice was rather girlish but it startled me all together. "What? I'm no child! I'm 15 years old, I swear that!" I replied in udder confusion. "Well that's the biggest lie I've heard all day." He mumbled as he continued towards me. I scoffed "I'm not lying shrimp! At least I'm not a he-she!" He had passed me and turned to face me with an expression of rage. "W-who a-are y-you a-anyway?" he shouted. "My name's Serenity Valara. And yours?" I replied calmly, I smirked at his anger and resisted my urge to laugh. His expression of rage seemed to change to awe as he said "Valara … You mean you're … I can't believe …" It was my turn for a questioning stare. "What's your name?" I repeated. "…M-Mokuba K-Kaiba …" He finally spitted out.

I wondered why he was in so much shock but before I could ask he shook his head and the door opened. "Well Valara-san right this way." The man from the door said before he noticed Mokuba. "Hello, what brings you here?" "… I was just passing by!" he shouted before running off in another direction. 'Weird.' I thought as the man stared at the empty hall. He turned back to me and motioned to the room for me to enter. "Alright …" I said with a gulp. I entered the room, it matched the outside well. Very mechanical and big, I finally took notice of the desk that was near a large window with a big chair behind it. Two chairs were in front of the desk, and plants stood on either side. I walked up to one of the chairs when a strong but sharp male's voice spoke. "So you're Serenity Valara?" "Uh … Y-yes, yes I am." I stuttered from his sudden question. 'Must be Kaiba-san,' I thought with relief. 'But I never expected him to startle me like that!' "Humph, you seem startled. I am Seto Kaiba, Valara-san, know it well. Now what is your true reason for coming here?" he asked with an amused chuckle. "I want to enter Duel Academy." I said as I took a seat, sinking into the chair he continued. "And why didn't you take the exams when they were announced?" "I-I couldn't, I had to help my Aunt. M-my family's in debt with plenty of things, I needed to help my Aunt. S-she's the only one that is still with me." I said frantically. "Tragic. But I don't really care, it isn't my problem. What did you expect to happen here? For me to take pity on you and allow you into the academy, when there is nothing coming in my direction but good karma. Humph?" he said in a mocking tone.

"NO! I don't want anyone's pity for your information!" I yelled then realized who I was speaking with and covered my mouth in shock. He laughed and turned the chair to see me. His hair was medium brown and his eyes were a piercing dark blue, almost like they would look into your soul. He stood from the chair and his coat that flowed behind him seemed like a dress, he was handsome yes but had a cocky smirk plastered on his face. His body frame was rather skinny and semi-muscular in his arms. I stared at him and he stared back and said "Stand." I did as I was told and he looked me up and down as the man from the door had done. "Well I must say you look and act like a child. But do you duel well enough for the academy? Humph, why can't you go next year?" he said with a humorous tone. "My friend went there this year; if I go next year I'll be alone on my last year." I replied. "Friends are important to you. You truly are his relative Valara-san. I guess I could get you in, under some conditions of course." He said as his eyes met mine and held a daring gaze. "Are you determined enough to accept whatever I say?" I nodded and he continued. "Well then, since you would be a transfer you would automatically start out in Slifer Red. You will have to pass all three years with at least A's and B's and you cannot stay back. At the end of the three years you will have to duel against someone of my choice and if you win or tie I will pay off your family's debts and what you would owe the school."

Joy filled me when he finished his last sentence and for some reason I wanted to hug HIM! It shocked me but I managed to say "Thank you so much Kaiba-san! I won't let you down." He motioned for me to leave and I went to the door, it opened and I was about to step out when he said. "Hold on there is one more condition that you must follow." I turned to face him, my uneasy feeling from earlier in my stomach and I felt nauseous. With an almost evil grin on his face he continued. "For the three years you must cross dress as a boy and not be found out. If you are you will not only be expelled but have more debt to pay." His grin grew larger as my horror came to my face and I almost threw up my lunch. "…C-c-cross d-d-dress a-as a-a b-b-b-boy?" I stuttered in fear. "Yes, now that you understand I will send the papers and contact you on the date you will go, I'll get you there in one of my helicopters. So figure out some ways to not get found out Valara-san or should I say Ren Sekai." He replied before he motioned for me to leave again. I did so but once outside I was still in shock from what I heard.

Nobody's POV

Seto Kaiba sat back down on the chair in his office, the grin still on his face. "Even if she does make it, she won't be able to even tie let alone beat who I have in store for her." He chuckled to himself as he spoke to the man from the door. "She may be a good duelist but she will never be able to compare to him, so no matter if she makes it or not. I won't lose anything." "But what if she does beat him Kaiba-san?" the man said. "Humph, if she does I will personally pay off her debts and everything, then take her down and show her how hard the world really is. No matter what happens I still win." Seto said as he broke into uncontrollable laughter.

Ru-Ru: So how was it? Who is this him that he keeps talking about?

Serenity: I want to know! DX Why's he being nice to me?

Ru-Ru: *sweat drop* I can't tell you yet -.-

Serenity: *pouts* Well please review; Ru-Ru-chan doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX, most of the cards, or the people. She only owns me, some cards she made up and some other OCs that appear later~!

Ru-Ru: -.- Oh joy… Well thanks for reading ~nya~!

The faster you review the faster I update, if you like then please say so, I also like constructive criticism. But please don't flame.