Author has written 7 stories for Song of the Lioness, and Harry Potter. Hello, my darlings! I'm Sara, known on FFN as punkpixie87. Don't slight me for the name. I was young and impressionable when I came up with it. Which was YEARS ago, trust me. I've been here for about three/four years, perhaps? Eh. It's utterly inconsequential. The trick is, I miss the old regime of writers, especially in the Tamora Pierce fandom. I feel like most of theold writers have gone into hiding or up and deserted FFN for higher persuits. I also miss knowing a lot of the writers and reviewers. I feel like I don't anymore, and that makes me truly sad. I've been around fandom a bit more and am currently hashing out upcoming chapters for 'Dream of a Lady' (which has about ten/fifteen more chapters at least, I think), so possibly I shall have an update for you all soon, if anyone's still reading. I'm also working my way through a puppyfic (Sirius/Remus) and a JorenKel fic to pair with Perfect. It's from Joren's POV, something a kind reviewer suggested to me. I feel like I've lost all ability to write fiction though, sadly. I used to be able to whip out chapters in days, not months. Now, it's just soo hard. :-/ Hopefully I can work through this! If you've gotten a review from me, it is fully honest. I do not bother giving softened reviews most of the time. I am a staunch supporter of grammar, punctuation and the basic rules of the English language, and I will point out mistakes. If you don't have the proper editting software, get a beta. Honestly. You can even e-mail meand we can set up an agreement and I'll beta for you. Also, someone add me to a C2 community. They're so cute and spangly. ;-) Much love and maybe even an update soon, Sara bio updated 02 May 2005 |