A/N: hope you enjoy the beginning, ch2 soon to come.

Disclaimer: Gods, I wish I owned Tammy characters, but I don't. As they say, if you recognize them they aren't mine.

Joren is heard in the background, " then why wont you let me go?" soon followed by cheers from the other TP characters. I turn to face the cage their all huddled in. "you're mighty brave for someone in a cage. As I said I'm borrowing you."

If secrets could kill…

"…To wear the shield of a knight is an important thing. You may not ignore a cry for help. It means that rich and poor, young and old, male and female may look to you for rescue, and you cannot deny them." Sir Paxton on Nond finished just as Sir Nult of Rosemark began.

The blond boy in the bathtub sat listened to them talk of all the duty's he would have to uphold as a knight. He ran the cloth over his arm thinking of his life.

He new he couldn't keep hating Kel, In his heart he new Vinson had deserved what he got. It was hard to think it, that the tomboy was right. Part of him missed Vinson not for his friendship but for the security of the group, and for that reason he so hated Keladry of Mindelan. His group had dissolved, his security gone, all due to one girl.

As Joren of Stone Mountain stood and dried himself off, Sir Paxton was finishing instructing Joren with his duty's. Joren pulled on the plan cotton shirt and breaches that would surve as his clothing throughout his Ordeal.

Walking to the door Sir Paxton held the knob. "Remember, you must not make a sound between now and the time you leave the Chamber of the Ordeal." With that Sir Paxton thrust open the door sending a cold gust of wind back into Joren's face. He shivered and plodded to the door.

His thought's wondering to the almost-scary meeting with a beautiful red-haired woman he had the other day. He had no clue who she was but she seemed desperate to get him to, as she put "realize the error of (his) ways" hah what errors? She had wonted him to admit that the lump was a good knight, like that was ever gonna happen, she was nuts.

He drifted back to reality as they entered the Chapel. The Knights left him at the door to let him move and kneel before the altar.

Joren Knelt, almost smiling as he recalled the girl's almost eccentric manner. She had appeared out of nowhere and stared with the simple question "why?" they had bantered for a while, him all the while wondering who the hell this…this…girl was.

She had been wearing a sword at her belt and he had the feeling she knew how to use it. Gods, whats she won't from me? He sighed; releasing pent up emotions he didn't even know he had.

He hated Keladry of Mindelan, didn't he, so why in mythros name would he ever admit to her being a good knight.

It didn't matter that she was a good knight, he would never admit it, never. Just as he finished that thought a tap on his shoulder broke his concentration.

His stiff muscles ached as he stood and stontered towards the open door leading him in to the Chamber of the Ordeal. He walked into the plain Grey room. It was small and box like. The heavy doors clanged shut.

Joren stood in total darkness waiting for something to happen. He was scared but he wouldn't admit that either.

The cold stone in front of him changed, he stood now in the mess hall a crowd gathering at the center.

Joren walked to the center of the room. Pushing his way thought the laughing crowd; he found a boy, or rather a man sprolled on the floor.

The man looked familiar. His long blond hair fell over his face blocking Joren's view.

He heard Vinson's mocking voice ring clear, "your not a man, you never were. We all new you liked her JOREN, you can't hide now." The laughter continued and Joren could do nothing, someplace in his heart began to hurt.

They all were laughing at HIM.

He moved back, but the crowd shifted so now he was at the direct center, people were laughing and calling him names, a voice in the crowd called, " Joren, leader of trash, protector of trashy women." Another could be heard shouting," Never would have thought you'd stoop to that level, liking the lump."

It continued on and Joren began to look for a way out of the crowd. There was no way out. The crowd began to shove and push getting rowdy some one knocked Joren to the floor.

He lay sprolled across the floor his mind racing, this cant be happening, no it's not true!!

Fear rushed through him; the thought of being isolated terrified him.

They chant grew till he had to cover his ears to keep the truth out.

When he heard the chant disappear he looked up he was in the training yard, Joren crawled to his hands then to climbed to his feet.

He heard a clank of metal on metal, and turn to face a flaming Kel. She was beaten and stood with a bloody nose, her clothing was torn and the sword in her hand shook.

His breath was taken away, he stood dumbfounded. " I'll get you for this Joren." She practically spat his name. He moved aside as she attacked, he grabbed her free arm and brought it up behind her back, with a swift move, she elbowed him, turned and kneed him in the face, sending him down to the cold packed dirt.

She kicked him in the stomach, but it wasn't that pain he noticed, it was the odd pain in his heart, like the feeling you get when a loved one betrays you.

She rolled him over with her boot-covered foot and held him there with the same foot. "You don't deserve to live, you're a despicable excuse for a human" she spat on him then turned and vanished.

He lay on his back as the view again changed, this time he lay in a village. As he stood he saw the burning house's of a familiar surrounding.

He heard a scream coming from just up ahead. He jogged, weaponless, to the area where the scream had come from.

A woman lay dead, a slit across her throat, at first he didn't know who she was, then it hit him like a brick in the face. His mind screamed as he ran for his mother's limp, lifeless body.

Oh gods no! No this isn't happening, he sat caressing his mothers head, please wake up, no mother please.

A tear rolled down his pale cheek as he heard a vicious laugh. He looked up to face the man that killed his mother and saw himself.

Shock overtook him; he could do nothing but stare. Then his other self spoke, "aw, how cute, little Joren crying. I don't see why since you would be her demise," he laughed and shook his head. "Joren this is what you will do, this is your future." Motioning to the burning village and the dead body's covering the bloody earth.

" The gods can not allow you to live." The other man took a step towards him and Joren gently put down his mother's head.

As he stood, rage burned deep within him, showing in his cold as ice eyes. He wonted to yell at the man, at himself, but he was in the chamber and he refused to speak.

Even as the hot tears fell from his cold eyes, he clenched his fists and bit his lower lip.

The other man struck Joren first, a punch to the jaw.

Joren tried to fight back but things only got worse, soon he found himself on the ground, panting and out of breath.

He looked up into his own cold eye's and was ready to admit that he was now very afraid.

A/N: ch2 will come soon, please read and review. The sooner I finish this the sooner I no longer have to listen to Joren yelling.