Poll: So, you can hop into one or two of the following TV series. Which do you choose? Vote Now!
Author has written 28 stories for Scooby Doo, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Psych, and Jurassic Park. I'm 18. I'm tiny. I spend my every day failing at school and life. I do and say a lot of stuff that I myself find hard to explain afterwards. I watch A LOT of things, most of which I haven't ever written anything for so you will probably never know. If you'd like to know why my older stuff sucks even more than the definitely newer yet only marginally less sucky stuff, it's because I wasn't (probably never will be) really used to writing in English, because German grammar is more complicated to confuse everyone, including Germans.
"For two seasons we wanted to do an episode where Jeff Winger pretended there was a class called ‘Nicolas Cage Appreciation,’ and then the Dean caught them and as punishment to them he was going to make that a real class and force them to watch all the Nicolas Cage movies in one night. The thing about Nicolas Cage movies is… unless you’re a total cynical dick, you have to embrace the fact that Nicolas Cage is a pretty good actor. He’s done a lot of weird, dumb movies, but that was supposed to be the point of the episode — that Nicolas Cage is a metaphor for God, or for society, or for the self, or something. It’s like — what is Nicolas Cage? What is he? Is he an idiot? Or a genius? Can you write him off, or is he inexplicably bound to your soul?" |
amethyst-labyrinth (16) Gothicthundra (146) Karianasan (75) los.kav (12) | LoveofVelma (71) M. Night Wolfalona (20) Mentalist L-J (19) Petrov Neutrino (4) | Shaggelmalove (62) SwirlySlidez (0) |