The Camping Trip
Chapter 1
Foaly, Artemis, Holly and Mulch were on a camping trip. Not because they needed to save the fairy world, but (as Mulch put it) "For the fun you get when you are walking through cold drifts of snow." Actually, it was Foaly's idea. A fateful morning one week ago he had come into the LEP with his face shining with excitement, waving a coupon in the air.
He had marched straight up to Holly and told her that he had won a free tent, fully equipped with all the camping gear anyone could need. Holly's ears had tingled. A bad sign. Foaly had told her that in a week she was going on a camping trip to somewhere snowy with himself, Artemis and Mulch. (Butler was visiting Juliet while she attended a wrestling competition.)
Holly had exploded, but in the end had admitted defeat, as no fairy creature is as stubborn as a centaur. And that was how she got to be here, trudging up a mountain top through knee deep snow, with Artemis shivering along beside her. Foaly was leading, the only enthusiastic one in the group, unless you counted Mulch's sarcastic comments about what a fun time they were having. They had all insisted that he
Holly glanced at Artemis. He was holding up surprisingly well, considering the amount of time he spent indoors. She mouthed "You ok?" at him. Artemis raised his eyebrows at her. He looked disgruntled. Holly grinned, then glanced at her watch and groaned. It had already been 6 hours since they started walking.
After another half-hour of trudging through the snow, Foaly interrupted Holly's wistful dreams of hot chocolate, fires and mud baths by suggesting that now was the time to stop and pitch camp.
"Thank you!" exclaimed Mulch, rolling his eyes at Artemis.
Artemis tried to smile back, however it came out as more of a grimace. Holly had to grin at the look on Foaly's face.
After some difficulty in setting up the tent (As, when they had succeeded in getting it up, Mulch had decided that it was a good time to "go" and promptly blew it over again) they all crawled inside. Holly couldn't be bothered to note any distinguishing features about the tent. It was warm, dry and big and Holly didn't care about much else. She sank onto the floor with a sigh. Artemis flopped down next to her. Ironically, his cheeks were pink instead of their usual white. Holly assumed that it was the cold.
They were all wearing extremely warm clothes, ski jackets with hoods, gloves and goggles; after all, it was cold. Even Foaly was wearing a coat and blue centaur shoes. He looked so ridiculous that Mulch went into fits of hysterics at the sight of him, and only stopped when Foaly threatened to trample him flat and leave him on the mountaintop with no food. Even after that Foaly had to endure sarcastic comments about his new clothes.
"I knew I should have fought harder against coming," Artemis said, slumped against the side of the tent and massaging his forehead with his fingertips.
"Me too," said Holly, although she couldn't help but smile a little when she thought about her wish to "hang out" (A/N: I think she says this in the OP or TLC) with Artemis instead of saving the world. Funny how those things come back to haunt you.
At that moment there was a neigh from Foaly, who had been rummaging through the camping supplies.
"D'Arvit!" he swore.
"What's wrong?" asked Artemis.
"There are only three sleeping bags!" exclaimed Foaly, "I must have forgotten to pack one!"
Hmmm, thought Holly
"Uh oh" said Mulch, stopping his rummaging through the food supplies.
After thinking for a minute Artemis said, "In that case it seems I shall have to share a sleeping bag with Holly." (Holly noticed his cheeks became slightly pinker as he said this.)
"What the- No way!" spluttered Holly, surprised and blushing.
Artemis sighed. "Shall I tell you why?"
"Please." Said Holly, all the while glaring at Artemis
Artemis nodded his head before continuing.
"Reason 1: It is far too cold to go without a sleeping bag during the night, you would freeze." (Holly scowled)
"Reason 2: Foaly only barely fits into a sleeping bag himself; there is no room for anyone else"
"Reason 3: And no-one wants to sleep with Mulch" (at this point Artemis shuddered)
After that, Holly had to admit defeat.