![]() Author has written 1 story for Twilight. Massive THANKS and HUGS to my wonderful friend and beta, the amazingly talented Touchstone67 who made me this beautiful avatar and absolutely gorgeous image and header (that I am so in love with!) for "Begin Again". You have to check out her site - she creates some of the most stunning digital art I've ever seen! Plus, she's a completely all-around awesome person too! Special THANKS as well to the following incredible sites for featuring Begin Again! Twislash Unveiled; The Fictionators; and Twigasm. And More THANKS and HUGS to Mere for starting a Twlighted thread for Begin Again! I appreciate the reccing and threading so much, ladies! MWAH!! So, about me... well, I'm a fan-fic lover (obviously! :D) who is especially keen on slash fic ;-) and even more especially keen on Twilight slash, particularly the delicious Jasper/Edward pairing (mmm... so sexy and so hot and so beautiful, those two!). Just for fun - A Begin Again Playlist with songs that either helped inspire the story or readers said made them think of the guys. Thanks, All! :D (I'll probably keep adding to this list as I go along with the story) Begin Again - Colbie Caillat And finally, just a few PMs I did of our gorgeous boys: The Prince and the Cowboy; Big Smiles; Silly Moment; Jasward; Sexy Casual; Nuzzle; J/E and Scarlet; Rough and Ready Boys ; Awww - Cuddlin' Cullen with his Happy Jasper; and KISS! |