![]() Author has written 15 stories for Final Fantasy VII. Name: Amber Age: Old enough to know better, young enough to still enjoy it. Sign: Leo Fandom I write for: FFVII OTP: Seph/Gen OT3: Seph/Gen/Kadaj OT4: Seph/Gen/Rufus/Kadaj Other pairings I enjoy reading and or writing: Angeal/Genesis, Sephiroth/Kadaj, Angeal/Zack, Tseng/Rufus, Lazard/Rufus, Rufus/Kadaj, Seph/Rufus, Loz/Yazoo, Yazoo/Kadaj, Loz/Yazoo/Kadaj I'm not too big into het, but occasionally I will read or write it, depending on the story. Paring that just make no sense and upset me: Seph/Cloud ( no matter how many reviews you have saying otherwise, this pairing is OOC.) No, there is never a reason for Sephiroth, the general of an army, who has to make 'the hard decisions' and who is cold and cynical to start with, EVER wants to cuddle with cute, innocent Cloud. Genesis/Cloud: Come on. We are talking about Genesis, people. He already thinks he better than everyone else. There is NOTHING about Cloud that would impress him. He would get one real good look at Cloud and point and laugh, destroying whatever tiny amount of self-esteem Cloud possessed. Seriously. Just leave Seph and Gen alone with each other, they are happier that way. Besides, there is nothing that Cloud could offer either of the scary 1sts. Vincent/Cid: This pairing doesn't upset me so much as it just annoys me, but that's mostly because I don't like Cid's personality or his look. Vincent/Sephiroth: WTF???!!! Now, some fans are going to say, "well, how can you ship your own OTP and say ours is wrong?" That's pretty easy. Really pay attention to Crisis Core. Did Seph ever once draw his weapon on Gen? Did he check to see if Zack was alright when Gen threw a fireball at them in Nibelheim? Did Sephiroth do anything aggressive toward Genesis, even though he had the chance? NO! In fact, Seph even refused to go after Gen when Gen slaughtered all the people in Banora, and stole a good number of 2nd's and 3rd's from SOLDIER. HOWEVER... He didn't hesitate to put Masamune through Cloud numerous times. And that is canon. Themes that don't make sense or upset me: Only one. Cloud going back in time to save Sephiroth...save him from what exactly? Jenova. Hmm? Let me see if I have this straight. A guy who was told his mother died giving birth to him, suddenly finds out she that she is only partially dead, and trapped in a tub filled with Mako, and has been dissected to be used as an experiment, and he finds out he was an experiment as well. Now, it seems Genesis was the only one willing to tell Sephiroth the truth, and even Zack didn't want him to know. So, Seph finds out his mother was picked apart by scientists, and the writers want me to believe that he was driven insane by Jenova, and didn't just get pissed off on his own? I know I would be outrageously upset if I found out that happened to me and my mother. (Yes, I say Mother, because Seph had always believed Jenova was his mother), yet the writers even claim that Seph's will was stronger than Jenova's. So, here comes fanfic writers (I love all of us, because I know how hard we work) and send Cloud or whoever, back in time to save Sephiroth. Again, save him from what? Seph was already pretty cold and callous before Nibelheim. He's never been a good guy. One can't be a good guy and lead an army who is out to steal resources. So, the time travel fics where Seph is going to be saved, proves that the writers haven't thought about Sephiroth as a character, or his real motivations. He's not cute and cuddly and will become that way if he's saved from Jenova. Sorry, peps. That's just the way it is. Ok, just a warning about my stories: Yes, people, I am a hardcore smut writer. I am graphic and detailed in most of the sex scenes I write and almost all of my stories will be rated M for either graphic sex, or violence. I enjoy writing incest, but siblings only, I don't like the parent/child types of incest, though I guess uncles and aunts with their niece or nephews are okay. I also have my stories and other fun things at: Http:/// Avatar By: Nephilim Rising |