![]() Author has written 30 stories for Discworld, Misc. Anime/Manga, Torchwood, and Doctor Who. Sometimes I am afraid my hair knows more than I do. No worries. WELCOME TO THE PARTAAAY~ There are two phrases I’d like you to consider before reading this. First: There’s a party in my head and everyone’s invited! And second: Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum. Story Rambles: Tricks and Truths - a little drabbling based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel, Witches Abroad starring Erzulie Gogol and Baron Saturday. It was a bit of fun trying to think of how those two characters could have come together. Going Nowhere - a fanfic based on Jesse Hajicek's wonderful and heartbreaking webcomic, Metanoia. If you loved Jack and Ianto, you will love Jesse Hajicek's Star and Zander. Unlike RTD, Jesse Hajicek doesn't kill off his best characters! The following fics are all Torchwood based. Oh dear. Death and Coffee - my first Torchwood fanfic, written not long after watching Children of Earth. The idea for this came while talking to a fellow Torchwood addict and her commenting on how many fics have Ianto gaining immortality. I decided to try a different tack. Crack in the Facade - I'm not entirely sure I've spelt 'facade' right, but oh well. This fanfic is set just after the Torchwood episode Countrycide, where Ianto is very nearly eaten by cannibals, what fun. I was trying to think of how the events in Countrycide could lead to Jack and Ianto coming together, not out of lust, but of comfort and pure, hurting need. Illumination - aha, ahahaha... I swore to myself I would never ever watch Ianto's death scene again; I wanted to deny its existence, but sadly, this fic called for an exact transcript. Damn you, Russel T Davies. Children of Earth spoilers and heartbreak guarenteed! Stranger Than Fiction - As cracky as crack can be, with OC abuse thrown in! God, I sound like RTD... Half of this story got written while under the influence of alcohol, you can tell, can't you? More Than Words - It's Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones with blindfolds and bondage. Oh, and dark chocolate. Good for your seratonin levels. Exclusive - Have you seen how Jack behaves in Meat?! Poor Ianto, you always were the one to suffer in silence. And Then Ianto Died of Swine Flu, The End - Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. This is my fixit for Children of Earth. Contains CRACK! Need - Set post Children of Earth, Jack is broken and wandering, and John Hart is there to help him be whole again (the way I see it, you can't spend five years trapped with someone without formsing some kind of bond; John, despite all his cockiness, would come running back to Jack is he asked...) The only problem is Ianto hasn't quite left the building. Contains angst and spooky-dos! That Divine Light - Full of little twists and turns, this fic is now finished! Seven chapters and done! Join Aderyn Stephens as she discovers the consequences of Retcon first hand. Child's Play - The first of many upcoming Torchwood multi-chaps. In my head, Emrys (latest OC) looks like Asa Butterfield. That kid. Has amazing eyes. What Happens Then? - This has been in the works for ages! I'm so glad I could finally get back to it. Contains Rose and 10.5 as they look back on their lives and make new beginnings. Here, There and Everywhere - Okay. Fine. I couldn't kill Aderyn off. I just couldn't! There's Always An Antidote - Fluff. Lots of fluff. Name for this collection of drabbles is taken from that scene in Children of Earth. Because there has to be an antidote, and this is mine! Links-a-plenty! deviantArt (I draw. A lot. No, really, lots) twitter (I also ramble a lot, have you noticed?) fictionpress (I was writing original fiction for about a year before I even touched my first fan-fic) THE TRANSCENDENCE 'VERSE The Transcendence 'verse, also known as 'BRB, Time Warp' is a timey-wimey, wibbly wobbly collaboration saga created by myself and the inestimable Galadriel1010. We now have a Facebook page entitled The Transcendence ‘verse for anyone wanting to keep up with updates across the ‘verse and any randomness the pair of us might spew out. We’re good at random. Stories to date (chronological in order of Jack's life): And Then Some |