![]() Author has written 20 stories for Waking the Dead, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter. Hey! I'm a slightly ditzy British undergraduate student currently in her second year of studying English and History at uni. There are many, many things I love watching- everything from sitcoms like 'Friends' and 'Coupling' to detective series like 'Waking the Dead' and 'New Tricks'. I also love musicals and anything relating to the Whoniverse- 'Doctor Who', 'Torchwood' and 'The Sarah Jane Adventures'. In spite of watching a LOT of things, I write for very few of them. I made my first foray into fanfic when I was about 13, but that writing was so epically bad I abandoned the notion for a long time whilst I waited for my writing to improve. Six years later, I love writing for Waking the Dead (though most of that is on hold at the moment), New Tricks (albeit mostly unpublished), the Sarah Jane Adventures (my guilty pleasure) and of course Torchwood. My latest obsession is Harry Potter, in particular Severus/Minerva. Most of my HP stuff is thus far unpublished because I'm working on something of an epic, and I've learnt my lesson about posting too soon. I actually need a beta for this, so if you're interested please take a look at the note in bold at the bottom of my profile. I am a hopeless romantic at heart, so romance and relationships tend to play a big part in my writing. This is especially true of Torchwood, where the majority of my writing is AU Janto rom-coms. Most of these are works in progress at the moment and as such unposted, but if you like that kind of thing have patience- I have a lot in the works. With any luck I'll have at least another couple published by the end of the year. So that's what I write. And reading? My favourite style of fic is AU Janto romance, though there are some amazing canon Janto romances out there too. As you can probably tell from my writing and/or favourites list, I'm a die-hard Janto fangirl. On the other hand, I don't hate Gwen and tend to avoid fics which bash her. (Though sometimes the Jantoness of a fic is so amazing I can overlook mild bashing.) She's fun to write and makes such a good friend to the boys. Plus, wherever she goes Rhys trips clumsily after, putting his feet in his mouth- which is also great fun to read and write. (Don't get me wrong, I do like Rhys. But he's just so good for the humour...) As well as loving Janto and Gwhys, I'm also quite a fan of Towen and love the Tosh/Owen interaction in Torchwood series 2. So that's the main cast. As for other characters... I have an inexplicable soft spot for John Hart. I think it might be the sarcasm- like Ianto, Owen and PC Andy, he is such fun to write! Trouble is, I can never write him evil. Oops... In other fandoms, I'm also a huge fan of Boyd/Grace (Waking the Dead); Monica/Chandler (Friends); Sally/Patrick (Coupling); Dempsey/Makepeace (Dempsey and Makepeace); Holmes/Watson (Sherlock Holmes); and Severus/Minerva (Harry Potter). Though I read quite a bit of each, the only two I actually write are Boyd/Grace and Severus/Minerva. Added to these, I'm also quite possibly the only New Tricks fan in the world who writes Sandra/Strickland. It is a little unorthodox, I know, but their relationship started in my mind at the end of series 2- the one series with genuine, canon suggestion at the possibility of attraction!- and my brain has flatly refused to accept all signs to the contrary in all subsequent series. Yes, it's quite possible they'd kill one another; but volatile relationships can be so much fun to write. If anyone else sees the relationship possibility there, do please let me know! Of course, like I said, it's possible I'm the only one. I blame the aforementioned hopeless romanticism. Anyways, enough about me. Thanks for reading my profile, and I do hope you enjoy my writing! Update 09/01/2011: Sincerest apologies to my Torchwood readers- my TW muse has gone AWOL, so although I fully intend to finish 'A Marriage of Convenience' and 'Models and Musicians: Matchmaking', I cannot say WHEN they will be finished and cannot promise an update any time soon. Am keeping my fingers crossed that my muse will return soon, so we shall have to see how it goes. In the meantime, thank you for reading and I appreciate your patience. =) 09/02/11: Searching for a beta reader! I am currently looking for someone to beta a lengthly pre-canon Harry Potter fic focusing on Severus, Minerva, Dumbledore and Voldemort. I am confident with my spelling and grammar; but I need someone with an eye for pace and plot who knows these four characters backwards and can help me with my characterisations. The better you know the canon, the better because I am deviating in a number of key places but wish to keep my story as close to Rowling's canon as possible. Essentially I need a sounding-board whom I can bounce ideas off, and who will keep me on track with the plot and characterisation. There will be Severus/Minerva romance involved, so you must be ok (or better, enthusiastic!) about that. If this sounds like something you feel capable of beta'ing and you're interested in taking on the job, please drop me a message. Thanks. |