Author has written 8 stories for Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon X-overs, Harvest Moon, and Chuck. Name: Jordan McCallister Age: 23 Where I've Been: London. I took some time after high school and went backpacking, reading everything I could get my hands on. My days of writing for the Moon fandoms are sadly over, but upon returning to the states, I found this great TV show, Chuck, and I went through three seasons in three weeks. So I think I'm ready to return because I've got some stories in mind, and I'm finally in college. Other Fandoms: Sailor Moon, Harvest Moon, Covert Affairs, Harry Potter (just reading, no writing!), NCIS Favorite Books: The Count of Monte Cristo, American Gods, Feed, Get Off the Unicorn, The Hunger Games, the entire Fruit Basket series, .dot//hack Good Tunes: Anything by the Stones, Usher, Coolio, or Bon Jovi A Good Quote: “He had noticed that events were cowards: they didn't occur singly, but instead they would run in packs and leap out at him all at once.” - Neil Gaiman. I saw this man speak in London a couple of years ago, and it changed my life. If I'm a better writer than I was, it's the fault of American Gods. He's the one that put me back on the writing path, and now I'm going for a degree in Literature. |
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