![]() Author has written 52 stories for Chuck, Firefly, Castle, and Kick-Ass. The Third Annual Awesome Awards are complete. Look in the forums for a link to the Awards Video. Congratulations and a big "Awesome, dude!" to all the nominees, winners, voters, organizers, video-ers, fanfic writers and fanfic readers who make it all possible! Kick-Ass! (The Movie) Yeah! 'Nuff said! Actually, no. Scenes from Kick-Ass were filmed VERY close to where I live. I often go by the doughnut shop where the first big fight scene was filmed (the Dip 'n Sip Donuts at Main and Kingston Road!). When spring comes, I'm going to go exploring in St. John's Cemetery at Kingston Road and Woodbine to see if it was used for the voiceover scene with Dave sitting on the bench holding his Kick-Ass mask. Cooler than cool! One nom this year for the Awesome Awards in the Drabble category - Casey vs His Red Test. Thanks again to the nominator. Not quite as scary as the Terminator, but I am grateful in any case! ;-) Unfortunately, I have yet to make a final ballot, but I congratulate all those whose works did garner a place on the final ballots and encourage everyone to read Chuck Fanfiction! Why? BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME, OF COURSE! And don't forget to watch the Awards Show Gala Video Presentation! Visit the C2 Community Chuck Me Mondays Challenge and join in! The Challenge: After re-watching Seasons 1 and 2 episodes during the Chuck Me Mondays hiatus, write a drabble, a short fic - anything you want - as long as it relates directly to that week's episode. Update as chapters weekly into one fic. After you've posted your first chapter, send me a PM so your fic can be added to our C2 community. Read what the other challengers have written while providing something of your own to keep us all going until (March 2010) - update - January 10, 2010! I discovered Chuck near the end of Season 1 and happily found fanfiction as a way to bridge the gap over the writers' strike and long wait until Season 2. Since I'm a new writer, I look at the fics as writing exercises that are meant to entertain and delight. So you may see some changes in style and approach as I flex my writerly muscles and explore the fascinating world of Chuck Bartowski and friends. Some of the fics, though, are just there to make you laugh and lighten your day. Hope you enjoy my stuff. Reviews and pointers and story suggestions welcome. Cheers! I have some yet-to-be-finished Chuck stuff hanging around (Casey vs Everyday Life and Sarah vs The Brotherhood), two fics started but nothing posted so nobody knows about them yet, and plans for two different Spy Family series to follow The Bartowskis vs Spy Family Life, the fic that just doesn't want to end. Thanks for all the reads and reviews and support, people! And now a foray into Firefly! Which is only right because it was my love of Firefly that caused me to search out the new show of a certain large fictional mercenary of the future who has gone on to play a certain large fictional mercenary of the present. I have three Jayne fics started but not posted. They will be completed! Yes! They will! ;-) Add a third fandom: Castle. Nathan Fillion and the writers have fleshed out a compelling character and plopped him into an intriguing, multi-layered premise. Let's hope for lots of nooks and crannies to winkle fanfics from! Thanks to all of you who are patiently waiting for an update on The Corpse in the Room. Just want to say I do intend to finish it. I got a bit pushed around by the series and something called real life, but I'm hoping that over the summer I can make up for it. And now for a little horn-tooting! The first annual 2008-2009 Awesome Awards for Excellence in Chuck Fanfiction! Although I didn't win in any categories, in fact, I didn't even make any of the final voting ballots, I had several fics nominated. Because I'm very proud and pleased that people bothered to nominate, I am listing them here. I also encourage everyone to read them. Thanks to all the nominators. You know who you are! ;-) And the old cliche that a nomination feels like actually winning is true! Best Drabble - Casey vs What He Does Best Best Short Story - Casey vs Everyday Life, Chuck vs His Secret Best Feature - The Bartowskis vs Spy Family Life Best Fluff - Chuck vs The Lake Best Charah - Chuck and Sarah vs The Ultimate Charah Fanfic And two nominations for Best Author (This section is in Esperanto. If you're curious, check out lernu dot net.) Nu, Chuck estas tute ĝuebla televidprogramo, tiom ĝuebla, ke mi decidis verki fanfikciojn en tiu kampo. Nun ni senspire anticipas la komencon de la 4-a sezono je septembro 2010. Nekredeble, ke tiu programo atingis 4-an sezonon! Dankegon al la fanatikularo! Mi aldonis Firefly rakontojn. Eble mi provos iam verki rakontojn de tiu universo ankaŭ en Esperanto. Ni vidos. Castle estas nova rubriko en mia fanfikcia mondo. La dua sezono jam finiĝis. Ŝajnas, ke tiu estas riĉa, fruktodona kampo por pli da rakontoj. Mi ne estis la unua kiu verkis je ĉi tiu retejo en Esperanto sed mi bonvenas al vi legi kaj ĝui la rakontojn. Kaj bonvolu sendi al mi viajn recenzojn kaj komentojn. Ankaŭ mi invitas al vi verki Esperantlingve sub ĉi tiu rubriko aŭ sub tiu(j) kiu(j)n vi preferas. Finfine, kutime mi ne petas recenzojn je miaj verkoj, sed mi vere kurioziĝas pri kiuj legas Esperantajn verkojn per ĉi tiu retejo. Do, bonvolu kapti la okazon recenzi, ĉu por aprobi, ĉu por kritiki, ĉu por sugesti plibonaĵojn aŭ ĉu nur por saluti kaj montri, ke vi ekzistas. Ĝis la bona kaj ĝua legado! |