Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, Wolf Lake, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, and General Hospital. lol, yeah, i don 't have too much to say here, hopefully my stories speak for themselves. the above link to my homepage, actually takes to my LJ (LiveJournal) user page. if you're looking for my HP Lemon Chapter, pop over to my LJ user info, then scroll down to the Memories hyperlink, click on it & fins the link titled "HP Lemon" or "Chapter 30." other than that . . . lol, what do you wanna know? i'm an open book with a few stuck pages, if you want more info other than what you can glean from my fanfic, AN's or this rambling non-informative bio, feel free to drop in on my LJ. but most importantly, whatever you do, whether you read my fanfic or not, if you read fanfic (which if you're here, then you must) at all, don't forget to review. it takes a few seconds of your time, but is priceless to those of us who write. thanks :D IMPORTANT NOTE - June 6th 2005 i know that it's been a awhile, but i was working on a Draco/Hermione challenge fic that at the time seemed very important to finish, but unfortunately i wasn't able to finish since there was a fire at my house that pretty much incinerated my room.. in addition to losing my laptop on which all stories were saved - i lost everything. every book i owned, music, cd, dvd, antique & every article of clothing, along with nearly everything i ever wrote. the challenge fic was saved, albeit in an incomplete form only because i had emailed it to myself.. so it's going to be the last thing i post on ffnet for awhile at least & all other other fics are suspended until further notice. no, i haven't given up on any of my stories, but i'm currently living in a hotel, without internet access, i have no computer & while i am still writing (or trying to remember what updates i had begun), i'm also dealing with insurance adjusters, my mother's broken ankle (she slipped on the soot covered stairs the day after the fire) & million other critial issues that are going to have to precedence for the moment. i cannot estimate when i'll be back, although you're free to check on lj to see how things are going. |
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