Author has written 9 stories for Twilight. Hi! My name is Jenni and I am 16 years old. The Twilight Saga is my all time favorite series. I am team Jacob, but I write stories for both :) My reasons for being team Jacob: I love warmth, I want children (no, Renesmee does NOT count), I actually want to grow old WITH my partner, and I would not want to live forever... especially as a teenager. That would mean I would never get to go into a profession, I would have to repeat high school over and over again. That only happens once for a reason :D My personality is most like Bella, with a hint of Alice at times. I am EXTREMELY shy when you first meet me, but once I warm up to you, I become like Alice only without the shopping craze. I could care less about my appearance, and would rather stay in my bed all day reading good books. I am very weird. Most of my friends would describe me as weird if you asked them. And clumsy (another trait I share with Bella... sadly). In gym class I am the last to be chosen and people stay FAR away from me because I somehow hit the people around me... I still am unsure how that always happens. I sing and Dance 24/7 (seriously I cant help it, it is just who I am haha. I get in trouble every day in school because I don't stop when they tell me to) I have 12 pets-1 cat, 1 dog, 1 hamster, 1 rabbit, 8 freakin birds. (My ma is CRAZY about birds. My house is NEVER quiet) I have too many stories forming all the time, so I am just going to say that I have stories haha. Hobbies: Reading, writing, tennis, hiking, ping pong (I am a beast at this), singing, dancing crazy, swimming, jogging, mountain biking, playing guitar, etc. It goes on and on haha. Books: Twilight Saga, Vampire Diaries, Vampire Beach, Vampire Kisses, Blue Bloods, Vampire Academy Series, Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Harry Potter series, To Kill a Mockingbird, any Agatha Christie book, any Sarah Dessen book, Vanishing Acts, The pact, My sister's Keeper, Wuthering Heights (love lol LOVE that book!), Les Miserables, Jurassic Park, Tuesdays with Morrie, Count of Monte Cristo, and so many more. T.V. Shows I could not live without: Friends, Gilmore Girls, Everybody Loves Raymond, I love Lucy, 7th heaven,Full House, What I like about You, 3rd Rock from the Sun (hahahahaaa! I LOVE this show!!), and Tom and Jerry (that will ALWAYS be one of my favorites = D) |