OMG! Please dont hurt me!!!! I know it has been about a billion and one years since i last updated and for that i am so very sorry. the one thing im not going to do is give some lame excuses and im just going to let you get on with reading it that is if you havent lost all interest which to be honest i wouldnt blame you for. So heres chapter 8, i hope it doesnt completely suck and you enjoy reading it.

Shannon x

Completely Different, Yet still the Same

Chapter 8 – Why is he not BREATHING!?.

I'm not entirely sure on how long I stayed leaning against the door all I know is that it took a while for me to get my breathing under control. I slipped up the stairs and into my room where I shoved my iPod into its dock and put it on full blast. The music numbed my senses as I tore my clothes off and pulled on some sweats and a baggy Green Day tee. I flitted around the tiny room thinking over everything that I had just told Edward. A flurry of emotions washed over me. I felt stupid for putting my heart before my head. I put emotion before sense. I have just told Edward, some random guy who is a complete stranger to me, my biggest secret and its not exactly some kind of 'shrug of the shoulders' secret, no. Its a life and death secret. This is when I became scared, yes me, Isabella Swan, scared. I don't generally get scared over the slightest things, no it takes a lot to get me going. I was scared that any minute now I would have men in white coats, news reporters, police officers, my Dad knocking down the door. Demanding to know whether it was true, whether I was a mutated human that could shapeshift! I could imagine the headlines now,

'Local Forks Girl Gone Mad'

'Shapeshifter? Surely Not!'

'Lovestruck Teen Bears All'

But then hope ran through me. There is no way that people would believe him, they would just think he was the local crack whore or some thing... What!? Are you kidding me? How can you think like that? I'm going to get flung behind bars!

* Gasp *

No! I wont be thrown behind bars, I'll be strapped to some operating table whilst some perv in a pair of scrubs prods and pokes at me! I was hyperventilating now. I couldn't stop the mass of thoughts that were running havoc around my brain. I managed to stumble over to the window and force it open, the chilly air smacking me in the face. I gulped in the air and held my breath for a few seconds and then released it, causing a cloud of white mist to form in front of my face. I did this a couple of times, my breath gradually slowing down returning to its normal rate. My fingers were curled around the window sill as my hair blew wildly around my head. It was then that I noticed it, sitting there in its all its rusty red glory. My truck. In the driveway. Why hadn't I noticed it before? And why hadn't I heard it pull up? You can hear that thing from miles away and I'm supposed to have super hearing!!!! I scowled at my truck and turned away from the window pushing it closed, but then just at the last minute I felt the tiny little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, my ears perked and my lips drew back forming a snarl. I was being watched. My mind blocked everything out whilst my senses worked on the important things. I could no longer hear the thumping bass of Linkin Park, but the slow whistling of the wind. My eyes weren't just staring, but picking out every little detail possible and I could smell something odd. Not a bad odd but an interestingly amazing odd, I couldn't put my finger on it. I know that scent, well at least iv definitely come across it before, but where? I heard it then. The slightest snap of a twig and my body pounced towards the window, me eyes scanning the darkness, but it wasn't the ground that I needed to search. No I needed to go higher, I could hear the slightly ragged breath of someone who sounded like they were struggling. It couldn't be... Is that really coming from the tree? That just seems slightly moronic... I turned my head towards the tree that stood outside my window and listened. The breaths became more struggled and then stopped completely. I strained my ears and stuck my head further out of the window, the breathing had definitely stopped, but I could now see an outline. I focused my eyes, concentrating on the outline trying to see more than I could and it worked. The outline became a figure, which I worked out to be male I was just about to shout something out like 'Hey, how does it feel to be a pervert?' when a pair of golden eyes flashed before me causing me to scream and stumble backwards and me being me, I tripped over a discarded converse and landed flat on my backside with a dull thudding noise.

A string of curse words flew from my lips and my cheeks scorched a bright crimson. I heard the lightest of chuckles from the window and my head flashed up, there perched on my window pane was none other than Jasper, the psycho sibling of Edward. What on gods polluted earth was he doing perched on my window pane? I stared at him from where I was sat, I'm not quite sure what expression my face held but it must have been fairly amusing from the way Jasper was staring back at me. I drew in a shaky breath not sure whether to feel confused, angry, scared or violated. So I said the only thing that seemed to come to mind.

"Erm... Hello psycho pervert! Unfortunately the brothel isn't open today but please feel free to come by and visit tomorrow!" the words came out sarcastically, all my senses that were going haywire just moments ago were now dwindling down, becoming just a buzz in the back ground. It was most likely because of the fact that I had found out it wasn't some kind of mass murderer or men in white coats.... Jasper was still glaring at me, but still hadn't talked or taken a breath for that matter... But then again he is related to Edward, what can you expect!?

We continued to have a type of stare down, it seemed that he wasn't going to quit any time soon and the whole non-breathing thing was creeping me out. I realised I was still sitting on the floor and I pushed my self up, brushing down my bottoms along the way. Once I was stood and had straightened myself out, Jasper still hadn't moved. I stood before him and waved my hand in front of his face, did he just wince? Probably not, my eyes still have to return back to normal.

"Now, copy me" I spoke slowly as I inhaled a deep breath and then slowly exhaled, making arm movements just in case he didn't quite understand. "See? Now isn't that easy?" I watched as his body tensed and his jaw tightened. Odd, very odd. I cautiously walked over to where he was perched on my windowsill. He shuffled back each time I took a step forward. I took my fifth step forward and was about to speak when...


I hung over the windowsill, my eyes instantly catching site of Jasper laying disorientated on the ground AND still holding his breath!!!!! I spun round to face my room, grabbing a jacket and slipping on some shoes. I quickly left my room and flew down the stairs, ripping open the front door and running over to Jasper, hoping he had no serious injuries. But to my complete and utter surprise, he was standing there glaring at me. What the fluff was wrong with this guy? I rushed over, various sentences flowing from my mouth.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? What were you thinking? Are you hurt? Are you seriously that stupid? Why are you still not BREATHING!!!!!!!!?"

He just continued to glare in that very Jasper way of his and now I really wasn't sure what to do in such a bizarre turn of events, do I invite him in for coffee? I shook my head coming back to reality, I turned towards Jasper again ready with some sort of coherent sentence when we both froze and just listened, my instincts kicking back in. Charlie was round the corner and I was standing in the front yard, in my jam jams with a strange, no strange was understatement but right now I had bigger things to worry about, boy who had just fallen out of my window after possibly bringing back my truck.... Argh! During my panicked state I hadn't even realised that Jasper had noticed too, what did this mean? How had he heard him? Gah! My brain hurt. Charlie was getting close now and Jasper must have noticed as he shot me a smirk (I know very big shocker, it was an actual reaction!) and then he left, shooting into the woodlands just down the road. I stood frozen for a moment, staring after what had been Jasper. How could he move so fast? Okay, yep, he was definitely related to Edward... somehow..!? Charlie's headlights shone a few metres away I crashed through the door, slamming it shut behind me, ripped of my jacket and pounded up the stairs. I stumbled through my bedroom door whilst attempting to pull of my shoes, this was not a good idea... I toppled forward and landed on the floor in a heap. One shoe off and one shoe strewn on the floorboards beside me. I had my left arm tangled underneath my torso and my head was throbbing where it had bounced of the floor. Why did I have to be so clumsy? A groan escaped my lips and then the front door opened and Charlie called up the stairs.

"Bella? Was that you I just saw standing outside?" I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath.

"No Dad"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Dad"

"Okay, are you alright up there? You sound a little ... Strained..?"

"Er... I kind of fell...."

"I guess things don't change..." I heard a chuckle as Charlie's footsteps thudded down the hallway into the kitchen.

"I heard that!!!!!" my voice echoed around my bedroom and Charlie laughed harder. I eventually climbed up from the floor and managed to stumble round my room grabbing my tattered copy of Jane Eyre and bound back down the stairs to find Charlie in the kitchen surrounded by various pots and pans. This didn't surprise me, ever since mum left he had to become the house wife as well as the man slob. This was fairly amusing I remember this one time I visited for his birthday and when I walked in he was in a rather compromising position with a turkey baster, wearing a pink apron, I'll spare you the details... I shuddered and wandered into the kitchen, plopping down into a chair and sighed rather dramatically.

"Hey there kiddo! How was your first day?" I looked up from the table where I had previously rested my head, my expression sour, he chuckled once again and turned back to whatever it was he was stirring before I intruded.

"It cant have been that bad..."

"Oh, believe me it was worse than bad!" I stressed the word worse and scrunched up my face and buried my head in my hands. Charlie continued to clatter around the kitchen until he eventually placed two very full plates on the table in front of me. I removed my hands from my face and stared at the food, my stomach growling in response. Which is when I realized just how hungry I was, I mean I did miss lunch... I picked up the fork beside my plate and jabbed at the food with it shovelling it into my mouth and chewing hungrily. Charlie chuckled and shook his head, digging into his own food. A comfortable silence took place as it always did and I basked in it, things hadn't been this quiet all day. Id just about finished when Charlie pushed his empty plate away from him and turned to look at me.

"So what was so bad about today? Anything interesting happen?" I stared at him, my fork in mid air. What was I actually supposed to tell him?

"Erm... well not interesting... per say..? just you know the guys were like you know staring at me as if I was something good to eat...? possibly, almost..?" Ah! Crap! Like I was something to eat!? Ha, I could have snorted but then Charlie would have suspected something... but I suppose it was pretty close to the truth... Charlie just grinned at me, amused.

"Well Bells, you are a new girl in a fairly boring town that hasn't seen any action in quiet a while, so that's what's expected. Teenage guys are generally horney anyway so seeing a pretty girl just sets em' off." I grimaced and shuddered, practically gagging. Charlie just threw his head back and laughed. He grabbed my now deserted plate as well as his own and headed towards the sink dropping them in the soapy water, suds flew over the sink and splashed against the floor tiles.

"I'll do that dad you've been at work all day." I got up from the table and strode over to the sink were Charlie was still washing up.

"Dad, I said I would do that! So move over old timer!" I grinned at him letting him know I was joking but I watched as his face fell and his expression held a mix between anger, shock and disgust. I stood there my own face faulting, I all of a sudden felt really, really bad.

"Dad, I was joking so-" I watched as the corner of his mouth twitched and his eyes sparkled mischievously. Gah! I hate it when people wind me up! My eyes slit and I slapped his arm.

"That was so not funny! I seriously thought id upset you then!" he was laughing hysterically now, I turned away from the sink and grabbed my unopened book of the table.

"Okay fine if you wanna be like that I'm not doing the washing up!" id just made it into the passage way when Charlie had recovered from his fit of giggles.

"Ah, come on Bells I was only messing with you..."

"I happen to not care! Night"

And with that I turned and headed up the stairs making it to the top without tripping. Yay me.

After hogging the bathroom for about an hour I made my way to my bedroom to find it freezing! I felt around the wall for the light switch and flipped it, the bulb flashed on, blinding me in the process. I squinted my way into the room and realized id left the window open from before like a complete idiot, I grabbed the whole of it and slammed it against the window frame, making it shudder. I wrapped my arms around myself as I rifled through the various boxes scattered around my room for a jumper, I finally found a huge, thick one which I slipped over my head. I picked up Jane Eyre from where id left it and turned of the main light, putting my lamp on instead. I dived on the bed and got comfy under the duvet, delving into my book. What seemed like hours later words started to blur and merge together, I rubbed at my eyes which would no doubt be bloodshot by now and blinked a couple of times. My eyes refused to focus so I brought the book close to my face but the words were still blurred, I gave up when letters no longer looked like words and placed the book on the bed beside me. I sat up and reached my hand towards my lamp, id just found the switch when my head started to throb like id just been hit by a bag of bricks. A painful twinge caused me to close my eyes and grab hold of my head, a flash of something taking over my vision.

My eyes snapped open, the harsh light of the lamp burning my iris'. I shook my head, the throbbing getting more intense. I fumbled for the switch on the lamp and turned the light off, thinking this was the cause for my sudden headache. My room sunk into a darkness and I sat still for a minute waiting for the pain to subside, but it just got worse. I grabbed hold of my head with both of my hands and buried my body in the duvet. My eyes slipped closed. a series of images flashed before my lids, I couldn't quit make out what they were, but they looked very familiar. I forced my lids to open before I could see any more. The pain was becoming unbearable, it felt like someone was taking a sledge hammer to my head. I couldn't even call out to Charlie. I rolled onto my side my fingers curled into my hair, I lost the battle with my eye lids and they snapped shut once more. A complete darkness took over, my whimpering could only just be heard over the pelting of the rain against the roof. I lay there for what seemed like hours the throbbing soon became just a dull ache in the background and my whimpering became heavy breathing but then bright white spots started to form in front of my eyes, they were small at first but soon became bigger until all I could see was bright whiteness. I didn't know what was going on, I was in a lot of pain and very confused. But then I remembered hitting my head earlier on the floor, maybe I had a concussion? Maybe this was the backlash from that? But then something extremely bad started to happen and I realised exactly what it was. This was no concussion, this was the cause of recent events. This was consequence of letting someone in on my biggest secret of all time.