Bella POV
"Bella, come on! I wanna get to Paris before Christmas is over." Alice whined.
I sighed as I took my precious time packing the rest of my things in hopes of missing the plane. She turned my face so I was staring strait into her eyes. She must have caught on to my diabolical plan because she quickly began tossing my things into Charlie's over sized suitcase. I wasn't going to give in that easily. I leaped onto the bed and rolled on top of the suitcase, halting any progress she was making. She glared down at me and I returned her burning gaze. We continued this for at least 2 minutes, challenging each other to make the first move. A slow smile spread across her elfin face as she grabbed the top of the suitcase and tossed me onto the floor. Her musical laugh filled the house as she resumed working on my things.. Did she really think she could win? In my last inkling of hope, I took hold of her slender ankle and yanked her to the ground and rolled on top of her. We wrestled and let out belting battle cries. A smirk lit up my face as I realized that I might actually win this war.
"OK girls, aren't you gonna miss your flight?"
"H-hey Cha-arlie." Gasped Alice while still wrestling with me. He took one glance at the bag and burst into laughter.
"Oh, Alice. You might as well give up now because you are not going to finish in time for the flight. Unless..." He whispered, pretending to be thoughtful.
"What?!?" Alice was up for anything now, as long as we got to the airport in time. She danced over to his side and he whispered into her ear his plan. She smiled as Charlie slipped out the door. Alice inched closer to me with a mischievous grin on her face. I heard the loud thumps of feet coming up the stairs and I gulped loudly. Jake and his gang popped their heads through the door. They all piled into my room, each of them wearing the same smile as Alice.
"Um, sorry Bells, but I get twenty bucks for this." He said apologetically. They all closed in on me as I looked for a way out. Then, I took a suicidal leap towards the ceiling, only to be caught by their hands and carried out the door. I catch a glimpse of Alice's triumphant face gracefully toting handfuls of things to the suitcase.
Ughh, this would be a long trip.