![]() Author has written 26 stories for Mega Man, Time Traveler's Wife, Dead Like Me, James and the Giant Peach, Temeraire, Misc. Books, Tangled, Doctor Who, Les Miserables, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hi! I'm a big fan of fanfic (fanfic fan? fanfic fanatic?). I write Mega Man/Rockman stuff, mostly in the X and Classic series, although I dabble in the EXE universe on occasion, as well as some smaller fandoms for the Yuletide fic exchange. Complete stories are marked as such. If a story has a "complete" by it, it's a done deal. WYSIWYG. If you want to read and review, that'd be cool. If you want to leave, go ahead and do that, too. If you're going to leave, however, please do so through my favorite authors and stories. There really are some amazing writers out here. Check out my lonely original story at fictionpress.com if you care to see any of my other writing. Just click on the link above for "homepage." In the spirit of shameless advertising, I also have a LiveJournal, which can be found here. If you want to see any works in progress (including a pre-series EXE fic centered around Enzan, and an X and Zero body switch fic) or my babblings on life, the universe, and everything, that's the place. I also am working on translations of several of the older games — Rockman 2, 4, 5 and 7 can be found at my LiveJournal, as can comparisons of the English and Japanese lyrics of the "Atlantica" stage of Kingdom Hearts II. Note to all who read my stories (and those who don't read 'em, what are you doing here?): 7/14/12: Good heavens above, could that be *gasp* a Mega Man fanfic update? Why yes, yes it is! I'm posting one more bit to "Only a Game" today (with Blues.EXE and Enzan), and another chapter set in the Mega Man Zero-verse will be coming as soon as I give it a couple final tweaks. 7/27/12: Aaaand, it's up! First time writing in the Zero games continuum. Hope it worked okay. Oh! Also, check it out: Fanart! Humongous thank-you to Menolly5600. She's also a very talented writer. There's a link to her stuff under my "Favorite Authors." Thanks to everyone who's left reviews. You rock. If you need an extra motivation to leave reviews, I have a policy of leaving a review for a fic written by anyone who leaves me a review, so long as I'm familiar with a fandom the author writes for. Just be aware that I do often leave constructive criticism, so if you don't want to hear anything bad about your story, let me know via e-mail or something and I won't leave you a review. I'll admit that I'm horrifically behind on this right now, but I'm trying to play catch-up on the occasions when my internet connection and get along. |