Reviews for The Fuzzy End of the Lollipop
Zise Stars chapter 3 . 10/27/2017
It's really interesting to see the implications on everyone's psyche with this gender swap. Honestly, I was expecting a light hearted fic but this is much better. I especially like the fact that Barbara is acting as a sort of mentor to Bruce/Brynne, yet not holding the fact that right now, Barbara is better in hand to hand than him over Bruce's head
Neihaera chapter 5 . 12/27/2016
Good story.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/30/2016
Oh crap. Poor Poor Wally...
markofcain chapter 5 . 8/3/2015
This was a good read and you had a solid voicing of the League. Good job.
ThePurpleDragoness chapter 5 . 7/26/2014
I really enjoyed this, and I especially love how Flash went back for the other girls at the end. It's so like him.
thesunwillshineclear chapter 5 . 9/7/2013
Woah, this blew me away with it's amazingness. Great job :)
Guest chapter 4 . 2/26/2013
/Maybe his metabolism wasn't as speedy as he'd thought./

Oh Wally...Molly...Wally, women have slower metabolism than men, less muscle, a woman with the same habits as a man would have a slower metabolism - which is why we survive in the cold woods and cold water (float better, more protein) on less food better, but stay drunk longer.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/26/2013
" I swear it was a typesetting thing.
Smaller word, bigger font."

Probably PARTLY why DC did it, although it's also because Nick Fury and Alfred gets to be Mainstream and Old, or Mainstream and Middleaged, and Pretty Girls Heroine DON'T. Blah.

"Ms. Hawk"! "Ms. Invisible" (who did eventually moved from "The Invisible Girl" to "The Invisible Woman", but golly, that might have been because she got married)! Tangent, just realised that Lex Luthor and Lois Lane have the same initials, anonymous notes hijinks!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/25/2013
I feel for Wally here, I barely know how to use makeup and it just makes you feel clumsy when you are surrounded by a pack you're not a part of.
OriginalRabbits chapter 1 . 2/16/2013
Okay that was funny but disturbing, I'll leave the order up to you, written well though.
www. /
LadyShinigami12 chapter 5 . 12/13/2012
A friend recommended this to me, and she was right, this is very well thought out, and very in-character, as far as I could tell. Well done, over all, I'd say.
1Superman4Me chapter 4 . 12/5/2012
um...isn't oracle already kind of taken?
pleaseletmeforget chapter 5 . 8/4/2012
I absolutely loved this fic. I've always been a fan of genderbends and good writing, and you've got both in spades! I really did like how there was focus on how each character dealt with it, and the ending was incredibly sweet. Thank you for the story!
xXDNHXx chapter 5 . 5/24/2012
Wow, that was definitely the deepest and most thought out gender-bender story I've ever read. It was really interesting too, their thoughts on the change and how realistic their problems were. Great job! :D

dark hope1 chapter 5 . 2/24/2012
Out of everyone's ending, I'd have to say that I like Flash's the best. Didn't think that you'd go that route to help the girls but it really does make sense. Plus I love how he keeps referring to Bruce to help the girls out. Diana's parts were really interesting because now that I think about it, her powers would correspond to her being female. And Bruce having a freak out because he wasn't in control was totally in character. Him and Barbara talking was great. I do feel for him and Dick as well. And John and Shayera had some deep moments in their relationship. I really enjoyed this story. The humor was incredible.
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