![]() Author has written 27 stories for Victorious, Twilight, Grand Theft Auto, Steven Universe, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, and Dragon Ball Z. Myself Wassup people, this is The_Tenderness 3.0 i am Mexican American. Male, 27 yrs old and i started writing my own amateur fan fictions when i was only ten, there's really not much to know about me except that i love anime, love music, love writing and have an imagination rooted in the supernatural. One thing people following my stories will recognize immediately is all of my works are rated NC- 17 but i will not shy away from writing teen rated stories. Couples and Characters that i support and Love Steven and Lapis -There's just something about these two that needs to be explored. Steven Universe and Connie Maheswaran - This couple took me by surprise when I realized there was so much chemistry between them. What I got from these two was a sense of companionship, a need to be with one another despite their young age. Oskar and Eli- These two characters from the book and film Let The Right One In stole my heart in 2009 which prompted me to write a 4 part saga based on them and my own mythology of Vampires and supernatural creatures. They are and will always be my inspiration for what a dark romantic couple in love should be, no matter how young or old. they are used a lot as my avatars, although the actors who played them might have grown up, they will always be my favorite Dark Romance Couple. [Let The Right One In] Tori and Andre - It took me a long time to realize that this was my favorite Victorious Pairing, They just vibe so right with each other despite what others might believe. [Victorious] Jade and Andre- My second favorite Pairing in Victorious which at times overtakes my love for Tandre, what can i say about this pair that some people don't already love. [Victorious] Trina and Beck- Most people wouldn't even think these two are compatible but this is Fan fiction nothing and no one can be kept apart by what others say or think. [Victorious] Andre and Cat- What can i say, i think these look pretty compatible with each other. [Victorious] Andre and Trina- Maybe not everyone's OTP, but i can see it working with alot of obstacles to get through first. [Victorious] Isaac and Ellie- Unmatched couple in Sci fi Horror. [Dead Space] Leah Clearwater- reason why i jumped into Twilight. [Twilight] Sam and Freddie- first couple that got me into fanfiction. [Icarly] Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara - I am not a Naruhina or Narusaku fan, my heart belongs to Obirin. [Naruto Shippuden] Quotes and now let me share some wonderful quotes i found in the internet that i think deserve a place in Fanfiction. "While You're Young, Make sure to Write Down all Your Story Ideas and Save Them, Because when You Get Older, You'll be Squeezing Them out of You." - TT 3.0 "A true friend never get's in your way unless you happen to be going down." - Arnold H. Glasow "Don't walk behind me; i may not lead. don't walk in front of me; i may not follow. just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus "Hurt leads to bitterness, bitterness leads to anger, travel to far that road and the way is lost." - Terry brooks "Fucking is The Last Resort a Man has When he's feeling Impotent." - The Man from Elysian Fields "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"- Author Unknown "The head is for Thinking, Not Just for Carrying your Brain." - Fmr. Soviet Soldier, Vice news. "The Fans of Yesterday, Might not be The Fans of Tomorrow. But Maybe That Might be a Good Thing." - TT 3.0 "All of The Best Novels are Written in Desperation. So Are the best Suicide Notes." - The Man from Elysian Fields "The thing about choosing a favorite story is it shows that the story you chose has stopped being the author's and starts being yours. please support your favorite fanfics, leave a review...one will do." - The_Tenderness 3.0 "Fanfiction isn't Copying - It's a Celebration. One Long Party, From The First Capital Letter to The Last Full Stop!" - Jasper Fforde, One of Our Thursdays is Missing Personal Thoughts My thought on Fanfiction and Original Works of Literature. the difference that i see between these two is that one already has the tools with which to make something out of it. the other, you have to buy your own equipment before you can make something unique and yours. while both require alot of thinking, one requires much more than that, it requires creativity and Originality. while one only requires you to think a little ahead, the other requires time and sacrifice. i believe Fanfiction serves as a medium for those wanting to move onto Writing Original Works, but the most difficult part of Original works is taking the first step out of one's comfort zone, mine is Fanfiction. i already have characters set up for me, and in the other, they have yet to be born (created). My Writing Process The way i begin to write most of my stories ( "Speaking Volume and Broken Crowns: Vacant Thrones") is by writing a Chapter script, small sentences in brackets which i later expand on to form paragraphs and then in the end a full chapter. the other method i use is something i call "Blind Writing" it's a method where i start writing a chapter (or Story) and continue off where i last left off. i have no chapter script written for it. this method i consider to be more faster when it comes to updating new chapters to any story that uses this method. The way to view it is like this, The first method means a carefully planned and written out story which will takes a while to update with less errors. The second method means a story which is updated faster but with a chance of more errors and a story which seems a little rushed and sloppy. Artwork That Inspired Me http:///r/104g9c5/5 - This piece of art from the Anime "Big O" which i did not draw, Inspired The House Flag for Andre's House in my Story Broken Crowns: Vacant Thrones. http:///r/2dkfly/8 - Inspiration for Andre's Honored Knight Form. |