Disclaimer: "Characters belonging to Dan Schneider include characters from his T.V shows Victorious and Icarly. Places and other non- Dan Schneider characters are creations of my own. This is a crossover between Victorious and Icarly but only for characters, the setting is completely different."

(!) "Andre get's news from his uncle about a new high school he's found for him, what will ensue, how will Andre take it, read on."

Chapter 1: Speaking of a New School


31 August 2013 8:00 [Night]

Harris Residence, Portland, Oregon

"My name … my name is Andre Harris. I'm seventeen years old going on to becoming eighteen years old in a few months. My life is what you would call "normal", born to a loving mother and a father who isn't shocked or amazed by many things in life. But my birth, as he tells me, was the most amazing and grossest thing he's ever seen. I was born here in Portland, the good o wet, rainy northwest. It's a beautiful city at night, but like any other city it has it's social problems.

[Goes Through a Photo Album Book]

Who would have thought that a little kid like me would have a knack for fighting. I swear ever since I could remember I knew how to throw quick punches. My dad tells me I once punched him on his chin when I was 5 years old. He told me I did because he was trying to force a spoon of cereal inside my mouth. I don't think I hit him to hard, but then how would that explain two missing teeth in the back of his mouth? …. Moving on. Music, books, and movies. I love all three of them. I wish I knew how to play a few instruments, any would do. Books, I'm a big Sci-Fi and horror fan. I'm currently trying to finish a horror story that I'm working on. And movies, anything made from Spielberg or Stephen king is for me. Romance movies? Or books? Their ok I guess, but I have my reasons for hating them intensely.

Oh yes I almost forgot, school. Don't get me wrong, I loved going to school, Loved is the key word. Pre k all the way through grades 8 were fine, but the road got sour one day when I turned fifteen. I woke up one day ready to go to school, but it turned out I was late, four hours late for school. I failed to hear my alarm clock, I went deaf in both ears. I was freaking out, I mean really freaking out. I was screaming, but I couldn't hear myself. I tried punching my walls and breaking things, but I couldn't hear anything. I cried and cried. My mother and father came to me when they came back home, they wrote on a pad and told me that a few family members on my mother's side became deaf early or later in life. It was something called Sensorineural hearing loss. And if that wasn't bad enough, I also have Complete Heterochromia. My right eye is light green while my left eye color is a normal brown.

I decided to still go to school until my first hearing aid became available to me. Choosing to return to school was, turned out to be a horrible idea. My friends who I knew since kindergarten left me. Guys who respected me, began to bully me. Punch me, throw books at me, the guys I could handle. Hearing them coming for me was the issue. No, but the real bullies came from the girls. A girl who I had a crush on, who I was ready to confess my feelings to … distanced herself from me.

Girls teased me, removed my shirts whenever they could. Stole my shoes during gym and hid them somewhere from me. Many days I had to go back home with only socks on, and that was if I was lucky to keep my socks on. It got so bad that any girl, except my mother would give me a horrible rash somewhere on my body. I had to leave, I refuse to go to any other school, I'll even accept home schooling if it means still getting an education. But my folks might not like that. What should i do now? I'm not entirely sure."

Closing his photo album book, Andre had the volume on his hearing aid up to high volume. Step to step, side to side he pulled some fancy footwork while dancing to Prince's "Let's go Crazy". He took off his shirt and swung it around over his head, he moon walked backwards and tried to spin around on the ground, but got burned. His mother who could hear the song from the kitchen went up to his room to turn the music off.

From Prince it went to Michael Jackson's "Bad." but before he could get to more dancing, he heard his mother's familiar footsteps angrily stomping on the stairs. He turned his Ihome off and got ready to pull something on his mother. Mrs Harris came marching up the stairs and turned down to walk in the hall where Andre's room was at. She grabbed the door knob and opened the door.


"Trust Fall Mom!"

Andre had his back turned and his arms covering his chest and fell backwards on his mom. She held him up only long enough to tell him,

"Why the hell are you playing music so damn loud. If that hearing aid of yours fries then you can forget about me getting you another one. You know how expensive those things are."

"C'mon mom, it's not like I can't get even more deaf."

"Andre don't get smart with me [lets him go, falls on the ground] besides, if you want to listen to music loudly. Go with classical masterpieces. Like from Mozart or Beethoven."

"Ouch … that's my mom, Linda Harris. Blood type, warm, motherly. Age, 34. Likes to clean the house and make food for the family. On another note, she loves to ride my ass on my whole deafness. But I love her and she loves me."

"Just be more careful with your ears Andre, one day all that loud volume will really mess up your ears that not even your hearing aid will help."

"k mom, I love you too."

Downstairs, First Floor

Andre went back into his room to change out of his clothes and get into some new ones. He walked back out and went downstairs to see his parents and little sister, and to get some much needed fresh air. Down on the first floor, Andre walked into his living room. He spotted his father sleeping on the couch, he fell asleep watching the news, it was on CNN.

"That's my dad, Andrew Harris. Blood type, calm and balanced. Age, 40. He likes to work hard and restore old cars, at one point he was into boxing, he could have made the Harris name important and feared. But he chose to go with the less bruising and more balanced path."

"Hey dad … Yo pops!"

"… What is it Son." he answered tiredly and quietly.

"Get up …let's slap box, c'mon I can take you this time."

"Go bother your mother Andre, I'm tired. They had me restore an old Plymouth back in the shop. Give me a few minutes of rest, allow me that much."

"Nope, sorry pops. C'mon get up and box with me, c'mon dad, dad c'mon."

Andrew sat up on the couch and stood up, his eyes were still closed. He walked over to the sliding door that lead to the backyard. Andre attacked his father by landing soft punches on his legs, arms and chest. Andrew grabbed Andre and tossed him outside like an old rug.

"Go bother your sister, she can use the company."

Outside, Andre spotted his little sister playing hide and seek with an imaginary friend. Their backyard was protected with large fences that almost circled the whole house, so she was in no real danger. Plus they had a guard dog around the corner, he had his own little home where he could go in and rest and do dog business.

"That's my little sister, Keya Harris. Blood Type hot and cold. Age, 12. She can be a little angel at times and a little devil, even though she's my sister and all, I still get a rash if she were to touch me. Why you may ask? Because she has a propensity to throw things at me. Oh yeah you name it and she's thrown it at me, shoes, clothes, Frisbees, and her dumb little toys."

As Andre walked back into his home, a dirtball hit him on his back. "Hey! Keya what the H-"

"It was Barney! … he did it, tell him Barney."

"yeah whatever, don't throw stuff at me anymore. You hear me Keya."

Andre walked back inside and closed the glass sliding door, the next thing to be thrown at him was a rock, but it only managed to crack the glass sliding door. Andrew jumped up from his couch and went outside to scold his daughter and give her a long discussion about how much it costs to replace windows and home property she damages.

Front Porch

Andre went out to sit on the swing on his front porch, from there he could see his whole front lawn and driveway. He could also see three other homes in front of him, and two other homes to his left and right side. Over at the Johnsons, their neighbors from across the street, a party was taking place. From what his parents told him, their neighbors were celebrating their son getting into a prestigious college.

"And here I am … still stuck at home, while those rich bastards throw a party for their son. Their normal …perfect Son."

A boy around the age of eighteen came out of the Johnson home surrounded with girls, several of them. Andre watched as they tried to kiss him on his lips and on every other part of his face. Watching them laugh and smile, seeing the girls trying to get his clothes off was hilarious. But for Andre, it was a reminder of his condition being around mean, hateful girls. Looking over at his driveway, Andre saw his Uncle's car pulling in.

"And last but not least, the last person to come back home from defending the scum of our streets, my uncle Henry Harris. Blood type, calm and passionate. Age, 39. He's a defense attorney and ever since getting divorced five years ago, he moved in with me and my folks. He's been like a second father to me, sometimes an older brother and sometimes a friend."

"Andre, what's up my main man. I got big news for you, I think you're gonna like it."

"Oh yeah, what could it be I wonder. You reduced the time of a convicted serial killer, or got some crazy woman her freedom back."

"…What? No, don't be a smartass. I found you the perfect high school. I know how education is more important than ever in these times, jobs aren't being handed to people with a high school diploma anymore. Besides you been staying at home doing not much for the past two years."

"Henry you know my condition, I can't stand being around-"

"That's what therapy was for, all of that fear is inside of your brain son. But you stopped going to therapy for what again?"

"My therapist was a woman, a real bitch. They wouldn't change my therapist for a man. Plus being around her made me break out in hives, you wanna know where?"

"No. look come inside, we'll talk about it over dinner. Your parents need to know about this place too."

"Aww man, not another attempt."

"Don't Aww man me Andre! come on inside." his uncle said with more of a fatherly attitude.

Dinning Room

With some ribs, sliced potatoes and rice on the side, Andre couldn't wait to dig in. but his uncle had yet to join the dinner table, so his mother kept him from picking his spoon up and scooping up some rice.

"So Keya, tell me. It was you who threw that dirt ball at me right."

"I told you it was Barney, he's strong and big. He picked up some dirt from the ground and threw it at you. You just can't se him when he does these things."

"Right, ok so where is he right now. Flying around us? Or outside?" Asked Andre who was poking the ribs on his plate.

"He looking at you right now, Barney not now were about to eat." his younger sister replied. She waved her hands across the table and grabbed onto something invisible.

"And I'm in need of therapy? You guys see now." Andre answered sarcastically, he pointed at himself and then pointed his finger over to his sister.

"She's only twelve Andre, imaginary friends are good for children who are in need of someone to talk to. Maybe you can help her get rid of him by playing with her, or being more of a brother to her. But you son, you have to lose this phobia of girls. The sooner you do, the quicker it'll be for you to get your life back on track."

Before Andre could reply, Uncle Henry came to the table and announced his big news.

"Family, I have found the perfect high school for Andre to go to."

"Ha ha, you have to go back to school." His little sister teased from across the table.

"Keya don't scare your brother, now where was i, oh yes! I have found the perfect school for Andre. it's called Esmeralda High School. I found it when I got lost trying to find the home address of one of my clients'. It was pretty far from Portland. I came across a man, or rather a teenage boy in a white military uniform passing out flyers. I parked my car next to him and asked him what he was doing so far away from the city handing out flyers."

"He told me that he attended Esmeralda High school, and that any student who wanted to come and go to that school should take a flyer with a pass. The school principal, he told me was practically accepting any teenager who came along into the school. What makes this school special is that it's really large. It's large because there are actually two schools. Their separated at the lobby, in the west wing it's a school for girls. But I actually saw some guys when the boy in military uniform was giving a tour. My god there were so many beautiful girls. Ones whose tits were like-"

"Henry! C'mon man. Get back to what you were saying about the school."

"… oh right, sorry about that bro. right, so I when I was done checking out the west wing, I was lead into the east wing. It was here where I saw students with walking sticks, shades, hearing aids and in wheel chairs. Basically It was school for kids with special needs, there was a class with nothing but boys and girls communicating in sign language. Another class with blind kids reading books with brail, the teachers and staff were very kind. The whole east wing was very quiet compared to the west wing which sounded very much like normal high school anywhere in America."

"Starting September second, Andre Harris, my nephew will attend the east wing of Esmeralda High School. You just need to give them this pass and flyer that I got for you. What do you think about that Andre! …."

"Andre …Yo I asked you a ques- …"

Andre had removed his hearing aid and got started on eating his dinner about the same time his uncle began speaking. Sometimes complete silence was bliss, and this was one of those moments. Well after dinner, Andre had to hear what his uncle had shared at dinner in private. He wasn't against going back to school, only if it meant the mean wild girls would stay away from the east wing and him.

Andre's Bedroom

Sitting at his desk in his bedroom, Andre was working on a story he was writing in his laptop. It was a horror story that he's been working on for the last few months.

"This Esmeralda High school doesn't sound like such a bad place, but the only thing that scares me is the west wing as my uncle calls it. The kind of students from the west wing sound to much like the ones from my past schools. But if this school can help me get into a good college that will make just one of my stories a hit, then it's worth checking out. Yeah, one more shot Andre … just one more."

(!) "This is for Rosario Vampire season 3 which appears will never be made. It's such a good series to not animate more chapters. Well hope you all love a good harem story, for those who know a few Animes that make it their hallmark, I hope you will like this story with victorious and Icarly characters in the mix. The Main Character, None other than Andre Harris."

Next Chapter: "Speaking of Andre and Tori"

Song for this Series: "Discoteque" by Nana Mizuki (In honor of Rosario Vampire)