Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. my name is Tammy, and i guess i like writing. i really just think of stories and write them down. I'm notorious for not updating fast, so don't think i've abandoned a story just because a new chapter hasn't been added for a while. i only add chapters as i think of what to write next, and if i can't think of anything good, i don't write. Little Bella Cullen is currently the most popular story, so that is the only one that i am updating. But i am also starting another story with a student Bella, teacher Edward theme. i'm planning on finishing the entire story, every chapter, and then posting it all, instead of having everyone wait for each chapter, which are nonreligiously updated. i live in Los Angeles, California, so if anyone else does too, message me. |
DelilahTCullen (33) Feefella (30) Foolish Eyes (0) InMyOwnWords (0) | justjusjus (0) Knoxdiver (2) Odd-Bodkin (3) sambeam (4) sharpestlives (3) | tedtonksed (8) xiao chan (26) xSabbyxxx (1) |