![]() Author has written 5 stories for X-Men, X-Men: The Movie, and Once Upon a Time. March 22nd, 2019 - I am not dead. I have not forgotten. I have ideas. I've just had a really intense writer's block that is directly correlated to a lack of sleep. I miss all the friends in my head. I am going to work on a few short stories to see if I can get my swing back, then I'm going to finish How We Ended Up Here. I have known that story's ending for years, but every time I sit down to write it the pacing is all wrong. Thank you all so much for kind reading, reviews, and feedback. I am sorry for what I have put you through! I am cautiously hopeful that my writing style will have improved with time...let me get something ready to post and you can judge. Thank you so much for visiting my page and reading my stories. I'm thrilled that you are here! I have a few short stories here that you can read for fun (April Fools, Tango, and the much-lauded Baby It's Cold Outside) and a couple longer works in progress. How We Ended Up Here is huge, and very near to completion. Ever After started during season one of Once Upon A Time. I have kind of lost interest in the show, so that one is in limbo, but I have a very clear vision and I think my story will be better. If you like my stories, we will most like share a love/hate relationship. I have a little thing called "writer's turrets". It can be a long time between updates, but then I'll update like 6 times back to back. The dry season can be very frustrating as a reader, and I do sincerely apologize, but it just seems to be the way I am. That and "real life" insists on intervening from time to time. I very much appreciate your patience - I do sympathize with the pain of loving an unfinished story. I solemnly promise not to abandon my stories. Story Synopsis: Takes Two To Tango is complete. I wrote this to compensate for my own disaster of a prom. I know that the ending isn't picture perfect, but that whole "now everyone can see that you're beautiful" theme is fully realized, especially by the one person she secretly wanted to be beautiful for. That's good enough for me. For those who really want to know, my prom went like this: best guy friend/person I was secretly head over heels for agreed to be my prom date. Just as friends, but still. I'd actually have someone to dance with, and maybe this could be the magic moment when he sees me in a whole new light. Pretty sad huh? A few days prior he bailed on me to spend a weekend visiting an out-of-town friend that he'd decided to date. Suck. So I went to my prom with my own personal Jean-Paul and tried to put on enough foundation to cover the dejection. I like this prom better. April Fools will be updated someday and for those that read it, I have no idea what was in the juice. I stole the idea from the beginning of the movie Pearl Harbor. lol. It's not really meant to be a continuing saga, just a page header for humor pieces. I think the humor of the X-men team interaction is one of the things that makes them awesome. Baby It's Cold Outside was my Christmas present to myself, but I'm happy to share! It is complete for the moment, at least until HWEUH series is done. Fans of that fic have been way too patient for me to let them down now. I may continue it at a later date just because it's been so well received, but for the moment the next chapters live on in the imaginations of you readers. :) (Feb. 2010 update - I will continue this story at some point, because there has been such huge demand for it, but again, not until I finish my other series. Thank you all so much for the enthusiasm and feedback. I can't tell you how amazing it is that so many people took the time out of their lives not only to read but to review this fic, whether the review was good, bad, or ugly. I am so grateful.) How We Ended Up Here: This story isn't finished and is currently longer than the first twilight novel. It is my attempt at a truly epic love story. I wrote the first chapter when I was 17, so the beginning is a little choppy. Once they hit New Orleans it kind of hits its stride. There are bits and piece of canon throughout, but its sort of an X-men patchwork with my own ideas thrown in. Based on the reviews, I think some people find the story addicting. You have been warned. |