Reviews for A Fool's Redemption
Barni123 chapter 19 . 6/19
I think I have read this story about 3 times. While you were posting, it had gotten me through some tough times. It was always my means of escape. Your writing is beautiful and I loved the world you created and the relationship with the characters. I know it’s been almost a decade and probably nothing will change. But I have such fondness for this story and there’s always that tiny bit of hope that one day it would be finished. I hope you are well and maybe you’re off writing books and publishing other great stories out there.
ushmie chapter 19 . 6/15
Phew! That was all so real. Great job! Not expecting anything more; just glad we got (almost) to the end. And epilogue (and a sequel ft Sess and these other cities!) would have been nice but only because this is such a wonderfully vivid world and I’ll miss it.
GrlWthAThrnNHrSd chapter 18 . 4/22
Hello there! I know this may go unseen, but I just wanted to let you know that I adore this story. You're such a talented writer and I really got consumed in the world you created. It's been a long time, and I know you probably have more important things to worry about than fanfiction...but this story sincerely moved me. It just has this spirit to it that some pieces of writing have. I don't know what to call it. Life? Energy? Either way, this story has it. It's not something that can be forced or faked. I always check at least once a year to see if an update has been made. I always re-read from start to finish. I still have hope this fic may be continued one day. You really have something special and I really hope you still write, even if it's not this platform.
So...just wanted to say thank you for writing this. And I really hope you write more one day. I hope you're doing well and that you see this review. This story seriously deserves more reviews than it has. I had to review this chapter since I already reviewed chap 19 some time ago lol. Thanks again and take care!
YangireSenpai chapter 19 . 9/23/2019
I just found this story and I love it! I understand life happened and you haven't been able to update since 2011 but I'm still favoriting and following this just in case :)
questions chapter 19 . 8/12/2019
Just reread and blasted through this story in a day.

Thank you again. I really do love it. Maybe one day we'll get that final chapter :P
SammyJams chapter 19 . 2/24/2019
I just found this story and it’s abandoned! I’m so sad. It’s such and amazingly written, original story
Evil Illusions chapter 19 . 7/3/2018
This was an amazingly written story! I loved the palpable emotion between Inuyasha/Kagome. Also very good world building for a short-ish piece. I hope one day you'll post the ending to this to tie up the bits that are still not so clear (like how much Kagome knew) and of course... the reunion! I'm grateful at least the climatic part is over so it's somewhat resolved.
Rowdy chapter 19 . 6/30/2018
When are you going to write more?
alilbipolar chapter 1 . 3/10/2018
I love this story, really held my interest. hopefully an update comes soon..*wink winknudge nudge*
Wolfcry77 chapter 19 . 2/4/2018
Oh my gosh. This story is the best thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I hope it's not discontinued cause I cannot get over how amazingly interesting it is. I am hella interested to know how Kagome And Inuyashas conversation is gonna go. Did the drugs damage her at all because I'm assuming the amount of times she was injection with it couldn't possibly be good for her. Is Kagura good or bad since she just manages to cause problems and if she's bad I want her away from my traumatized Kagome. I wonder if the politics is gonna change a bit since a prince almost killed a lot of people. And also I know it's not Inuyashas fault any of that happened, however I am kinda hoping he spoils the fuuuuuuuuuk outta Kagome, cause Damm if that girl hasn't been through enough. And I hope they acknowledge it to because shit man, in this story she's just to sweet and good of a person to have had all that garbage happen to her. I just can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks for writing this story, I love it. Keep up the great work! ( Honestly I just care about Kagome)
spaceghst chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
I love this story so much. I just finished reading it through again for the second or third time. It's just so unique and well written. I am dying to know how it ends. I hope someday you revisit this and finally finish it. Just wanted you to know you still have fans out there!
Fehgirl chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Anyone have a link for this "Journal" GB keeps talking about?
LittleWhiteWolf13 chapter 19 . 5/29/2016
Can't wait to read more
Lost chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
Comeeeee backkkkkkk. Pleaseeeeeee
Guest chapter 1 . 5/16/2016
Not sure if you're still out there. Not sure if you check this anymore or if you care but I thought it was worth a shot leaving a review. You have something beautiful and magical going on with this story and have captivated my attention for the past two days. I hope wherever you are you know that there are still readers waiting for you. You have put such heart and hard work that I hope you give the story an ending that it deserves. You owe it to yourself too, not to let such a piece remain forever in limbo.
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