![]() Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha. I have been an avid reader of fanfiction for years now. Mostly I read Inuyasha fics, but have on occasion read Yu Yu Hakusho and Bleach as well. I also love crossovers between Inuyasha with Yu Yu Hakusho/Bleach. Very recently I have gotten into Soul Eater fanfics as well. Some of my favorite pairings include: Kag/Inu, Kag/Sess, Kag/Ichigo, Kag/Hiei, Kag/Youko After reading for so long, I decided to try my hand at writing some fics. I'd never really known what "drabbles" were until I stumbled upon Forthright and her vast collection. She is an amazing writer and she inspired me to make my own. I wrote some Inuyasha fanfiction years ago, a multi chapter piece called 'Come Back To Me' on . However, life became too much and it was abandoned and removed. So I'm back at it, taking it slow. I hope you enjoy my progress! My tumblr: http:/// Complete: Oneshot featuring Kag/Inu - Angel Pumping Gas Short chapter series about a harsh breakup between Inu/Kag. - Come Over In Progress: Drabble series revolving around Inu/Kag. - Little Moments Drabble collection for Dokuga's contests and challenges. Sess/Kag - Bits & Pieces Little Moments won 4th place for best romance at Born For Each Other. Thanks to anyone who voted! Any artists out there? Please feel free to use my fics for inspiration. All I ask is for some recognition (ie a link back to me) and for you to let me know where I can see it. I wanna see the pretty pictures too! Fanart Oops - art by the lovely TalaSeba for Little Moments chapter 4. Little Moments Sketches - Sketches from various chapters by the wonderful Stormy-chan! Recommendations: Updated 08-29-17 I read a lot of fanfiction and I have come across many that were really wonderful. I'd like to share that with you here. Please check these guys out and give them some love! Inuyasha Fanfics - AU/CU Guilty Hero - by Eggry (in progress) I/K The Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse - by Fenikkusuken (complete) I/K A Fool's Redemption - by Grumblebear (in progress) I/K This Can't Be Good - by Ithilwen (complete) I/K Love's Smirking Revenge - by Langus (in progress) I/K Incomplete - by Langus (complete) S/K Through the Rose Colored Lenses - by Luna Chick (complete) I/K The Ad - by Luna Chick (complete) I/K Peace Treaty - by piratequeen0405 (complete) S/K Sachi - by Quillwing717 (in progress) I/K Confrontation - by Simonkal of Inuy (complete) I/K Heart's Landfill - by Simonkal of Inuy (in progress) I/K The Lucky Ones - by terri botta (complete) I/K Savvy - by xbitternessx (complete) I/K Lord Charming - by forthright (in progress) S/K The Cursed Monk - by forthright (complete) M/K Savvy - by forthright (in progress) K/Kouga Vassal - by forthright (in progress) Mir/Sess (not yaoi) Froth - by forthright (complete) Mir/San Unspoiled - by forthright (complete) S/K Clutter - by forthright (complete) S/K Unexpected - by forthright (in progress) I/K Counting the Hours - by forthright (in progress) S/K Fallen Among Thieves - by WitchyGirl99 (in progress) I/K A Little Desert - by WitchyGirl99 (in progress) I/K Target Locked - by WitchyGirl99 (complete) I/K Imaginary - by WitchyGirl99 (complete) I/K Maid with Care - by nowyouseemenowyoudont (in progress) S/K Maid for You - by luna-magic-2005 (complete) S/K Metamorphosis - by Sueric (complete) I/K Fatherly Influence - by I Agree (complete) S/K Because That's How I Roll - by Avadrea (in progress) S/K The Flower Girl - by Kanna37 (complete) S/K The Second Journey - by Smortz (complete) S/K Tears of the Fallen - by ShadowsWeaver1 (complete) S/K The Nightingale - by RosieB (comlpete) S/K The Once and Future Taiyoukai - by RosieB (complete) S/K Ghosts - by RosieB (complete) S/K Children of the Gods - by D4rkD4wn (complete) S/K Beautiful Miscommunications - by Luna Chick (complete) I/K B & B - by SplendentGoddess (complete) I/K Tales From the House of the Moon - by Resmiranda (complete) S/K Weeds or Wildflowers - by nowyouseemenowyoudont (in progress) S/K In From the Cold - by nowyouseemenowyoudont (in progress) S/K Castaways - by SplendentGoddess (complete) I/K Nothing But You - by One More Thing (complete) I/K As Fast As You Can - by WitchyGirl99 (complete) I/K Waking Up In Vegas... - by Duchess of Darkness (in progress) S/K Hide and Seek - by Luna (complete) S/K Tangerine Dreams - by velvet-sometimes (complete) S/K Pretty Girl - by LC Rose (complete) S/K Fangs of the Father - by Umei no Mai (complete) K/Inutaisho A Demon Lord's Cry - by Kagome Yuki Niwa (in progress) S/K Good Enough to Eat - by ChaoticReverie (complete) S/K So Now We'll Let the Rain Fall - by WitchyGirl99 (complete) I/K You and I - by WitchyGirl99 (complete) I/K Help Wanted - by velvet-sometimes (complete) S/K Keeping Faith - by Caleesci (complete) S/K Death Becomes Her - by NicoRavenPen (in progress) S/K Dancing Slowly in an Empty Room - by WitchyGirl99 (complete) I/K Hanging by a moment - by SplendentGoddess (in progress) I/K Subtlety - by Skyisthelimit (in progess) S/K Waiting For Dawn - by Avadrea (in progess) S/K Even Sesshoumaru Has... - by emertheawesome (complete) S/K This Sesshoumaru Burns - by Duchess of Darkness (in progress) S/K She's Our Miko - by Duchess of Darkness (in progress) S/K/OC What You're Falling On - by WitchyGirl99 (complete) I/K Crooked Teeth - by Silver Standard Society (complete) S/K Pennie and Dimes - by WitchyGirl99 (in progress) I/K I Found A Reason - by The Hatter Theory (complete) S/K Second Alliance - by ImaniJoain/Susan Amund (complete) S/K Inuyasha Crossovers Par Tout Autre Nom - by Deviation (possibly abandoned, but so amazing) Inuyasha/YuYu Hakusho Not the Only One - by Kawaii-KeKe-chan (in progress) Inuyasha/YuYu Hakusho Affinity by forthrightly (in progress) Inuyasha/YuYu Hakusho From Wishes to Eternity - by Zerbinetta (complete) Inuyasha/YuYu Hakusho The Ribbon of Destiny - by CherryNekoChan (in progress) Inuyasha/Bleach Why Guys Like Girls - by BoxingBunny (complete) Inuyasha/YuYu Hakusho Kagome's Laundry - by BoxingBunny (in progress) Inuyasha/Bleach Soul Eater Fanfics (SoMa) Soul Mix - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (complete) You Know You Trust Your Partner... - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (complete) Quicksand - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (complete) Stopgap (part II of Quicksand) - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (complete) Freefall (part III of Quicksand) - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (complete) 100 Souls, 100 Moments - by Absolutely Unsure (in progress, possibly abandoned) Soul and Maka Meet the Bogeyman - by Azurevi (in progress) Appreciation - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (complete) Soul Amity - by ubyrai (complete) Gray Zones - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (complete) The Thought of Losing You - by Janieshi (in progress) An Ode to Legs, of all things - by paper piper (complete) Soul Theory - by .Poisoned Scarlet. (in progress) the delta sun burns bright and violet - by Poisoned Scarlet (complete) Ripcord - by Poisoned Scarlet (complete) Blind Faith - by Poisoned Scarlet (in progress) Really, anything written by Poisoned Scarlet is amazing Avatar the Last Airbender Fics The Black Games - by Mrs Pettyfer (complete) Z/K The Penance Series - by Misora (in progress) Z/K Tempest in a Teacup - AkaVertigo (complete) Z/K Legend of Korra Fanfics A Breeze Over the Edge of the World - by meggannn (complete) K/M Espousal - by Techno Skittles (complete) K/M Impulse - by InkIllusionist (in progress) K/M The Jacket - by AstonishedOwl (in progress) K/M You, Entire - by meggannn (complete) K/M Affinity - by Quintillus (in progress) K/M One Foot on the Ground - by meggannn (complete) K/M Palette - by Dreamicide (in progress) M/K/B Crooked - by paper walls (in progress) K/M More to be added once I find them! I also post on as "inugirl" so don't be alarmed if you see my stories on both sites =.= |