![]() Author has written 9 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Danny Phantom. 10/25/16 : I'm not dead!!!! Between work and everything life has decided to throw at me over the last year, free time has been hard to find. I'm trying to make time to write - I really am - but I've been falling short. Umm, hello there. I am ayamari no Goshi, but it's okay to call me 'Goshi' for short. ...*awkward silence*... *fidget*... In a way, I guess you can call me a ghost on this site. While I do occassionally post stories, I tend to have very little interaction with different authors. The main reason comes from a lack of time. I have a degree and have a job; I barely get time to relax some days. The second comes from a hesitance to review. A review is (normally) one of the nicest things you can do... but due to the fact I often give both praise and constructive criticism, I've gotten some nasty responces in return which really makes me not want to review again. Oh, I'm not entirely sure why you would... but it's okay to PM me if you're curious about anything. It can sometimes take me a while to respond, but I will do my best. And before I forget... my avatar image is from a doujinshi. I lay no claim to it, no matter how good Mirai-kun looks in it! -Goshi Navigation: I. about me Let's see, is there anything interesting about me? - My nationality is American, and I am of European heritage. No, I don't have blonde hair and blue eyes like the stereotypes say. They would be dark brown and hazel, respectively. - Gender: girl, though I don't tend to dress all that feminine... I have a more masculine build (very broad shoulders) so finding clothes that fit properly can be a chore. - I hold a doctorate in Pharmacy (who would have guessed?). - I dislike hardcore romance. Seriously, I can't stand the stuff. The brief mention or a bit of fluff is more than enough for me. And I will not read Yaoi/Yuri fics. - I am obsessed with Dragonballz, especially Mirai no Trunks. There is nothing that can be done to fix that nor do I want that to happen. - Going along with the statement above, I am an 'Otaku'. Meaning that not only do I collect anime-related items and watch anime, I go to anime conventions. Currently, I go to about 3 per year. - Rock music is one of the greatest creations of the world! Seether, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Linkin Park, Stone Sour, and Led Zepplin are among my favorite bands. -Fears: needles (shots), clowns, and crowds - I've had 2 near-death experiences. Once when I was 5 (all I'm going to say is I'm accident prone) and then in November 2011. It seems to be a necessity if you are a member of my family... - I have been bitten by the travel bug!!!! So far, I've been to Italy, France, Greece, Britian, Japan, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales!! (I stopped in Switzerland, Germany and Canada, but I don't really count those since I saw the airports and a little of the surrounding areas) - I collect bladed weapons. I currently have 24...? I should probably go check again... And, I now own a bow. XD - I own a Superman cape. XD Jealous much? - I've met Vic Monogna ((Broly, Edward Elric(FMA) )), Aaron Dismuke ((Alphonse Elric(FMA) )), Kyle Herbert ((dbz's narrator, adult Gohan, Kiba(Naruto), Aizen(Bleach) )), Mike McFarland ((Master Roshi, Yajerobi)), Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang), and a few others -It's better not to bring up politics with me. I'm a constitutionalist (right wing) and, although I do love a good debate, I would rather stay away from the topic. -AND I COSPLAY!! (hopefully these work now... I've been having trouble...) Superboy - http:///art/Superboy-NYCC-2013-Cosplay-419890743 ...and I have a Sayaoran from Tsubasa cosplay too... now I just gotta find a good picture. - Please note that if I'm with people, they're most likely good friends of mine. I tend to cosplay as part of a group. GIANT COSPLAYS!! If you're on Gaiaonline, you can find me there. My username is Son Goshi-kun. And, I'm also on deviantart. ayamari_no_goshi. Same username, yeah, I know. Some of the pictures from my trips as well as some cosplay and sketches are on there as well. II. OC background info (underconstruction) ...I might just be doing this for myself... but oh well, right? (more will come as they appear) 1. Son Goshi (http:///gallery/#/d2s22kd) -Goshi was created in the summer of '01 (if I'm remembering correctly) and under a different name as the self-insertion of an eleven-year-old girl with a hyper-active imagination. Since that time, my fanfiction has been re-written at least five different times, and her character has changed and developed each time. Because of that, she has become her own separate entity. She is more masculine in appearance, but not all girls look like their mothers or the models you see in magazines. Many do take after their fathers. Besides, do you really think that someone like Vegeta would let someone who looks like a Barbie fight with him? I really doubt it. Also, she is not a clone, nor was designed to be. And she's not all-powerful. That's Goku's job!! She's going no higher than SSJ2. 2. Reishi -Reishi is based off of my best friend in real life. She first appears in the second incarnation of my fanfic, which was written... drawn, actually... when I was in 8th grade. Since then, she has appeared in every following version. At first she is seen to be shallow and bossy (a member of the 'in crowd'), but does eventually change. In fact, the way her relationship with Goshi develops is very similar to how the relationship of me and my friend developed. As of now, I am unsure as to how big her role will be, since I'm still deciding certain things about later chapters. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx III. DBZ AGES ACCORDING TO THE MANGA((I'm doing this so when people read my fanfic, they can understandwhere I got some of my ages instead of fighting with me.)) We'll start with Goku: -Beginning of db/ 1. If you remember correctly, the saiyans appeared months earlier than they should have, causing the journey to Namek to occur within the same year Gohan -beginning of dbz: 4 1. Apparently the year spent in the hyperbolic time chamber/ the room of spirit and time does not have an effect on the age of a character. It is specifically mentioned in the manga that Gohan is 16 when he enters high school. Goten Buu: 7 Pan end of dbz: 4 Krillin/Kuririn -Beginning of db/ Bulma -beginning of db/ Mirai no Trunks -when Gohan is killed in his time: 14 1. Yes, Mirai is actually a year older in the manga that he is in the anime (was fixed in kai). I don't know why... it's one of those weird dubbing things... Trunks (from the current time) -when the androids appear: 1 No one else in the manga is given specific ages, causing the rest to be generalized... I have no control over that. IV. Favorite song right now: lyrics: I know you hate me Oh! You know I'd die for you I feel exposed, I feel disgraced Oh! Oh! You know I wish I didn't feel this way Oh! I can change to bitter rise You know I'd die for you V. Story Updates (last updated: 02/22/15) Coinciding Fates: Chapter 40 is being written. And, it's currently on hold. Eidolon:chapter 24 is done and up. Chapter 25 is in the works Fears: Drabble 7: Mirai Trunks - Water Raising Trouble: Completed!! (needs edited) Shock: Completed!! (needs edited) One-shots: none in progress (but one has been forming in my mind again...) New Stories: none |