![]() Author has written 8 stories for Bleach, Ironman, Teen Titans, and Eyeshield 21. Hi, welcome to the profile page of Opal21. This author has written ONE ACTUAL STORY! HUZZAH! . . . So, if you're really, extremely, exceptionally bored, here's a few things to read about. (Questionably insane) friends here on FF: M.infinity was essentially my gateway into fandom, so I really owe her for showing my the liiiight~ She's an M-azing (hah) writer who loves to experiment and interact with readers of the same interests. If you happen to enjoy ShuNao of the Bleach fandom, or perhaps Perpperony in the Iron Man universe, pay her profile a visit! She also provided the sweet avatar you see displayed at the top of the page, a welcoming gift to my new account. Finally, M.infinity has written a touching AkuRoku giftfic for our following bud-- CheshireMisfit, who is one of the most adventurous and refreshing writers I've come to know. Her stories and interests span a wide variety of pairings and fandoms, but I'd recommend her writing to anyone interested in the infamous AkuRoku ship, or those who enjoy a good Death Note anecdote. 'Misfit has in turn witten quite the creative ShuNao fic for 'infinity. Go read their dealings. Before I call the Famiglia on you. These two are the reason I'm writing right now (or trying to), so I can't thank them enough for encouraging me. Fandoms (in no particular order): Death Note, Naruto, Hetalia, Bleach, Teen Titans And yes, I sometimes like to bastardize great works of fiction by finding ships within them, but . . . you can't say you didn't feel the unresolved sexual tension in that scene! For a long time I shipped a rather . . . er . . . random, yaoi pairing that is still dear in my heart, and made sense in my head, but I suppose I can see how things wouldn't work out in any canon universe. In light of this, I love reading fiction about: Bleach Naruto (Oh, those good ol' days running around, screaming out justu . . . Well, anyway) Death Note Hetaliaaaaaa~ Teen Titans I don't suppose the rest of these are particularly major, but I like to read the occasional JackRalph, RogerSimon, WallabeeKuki, OctaviusJedediah, T-blockL-block, EngieScout (or TF2 in general, with its awesome characters) or some such random pairing depending on the time of day. And now, for your viewing pleasure, I bring you RANDOM QUOTATIONS~ "Great minds think alike . . ." "I hear stupid ones do too." Monica 'n' Me, after finishing one another's sentence or something. "Some say the glass is half empty. Some say the glass is half full. I say, are you going to drink that?" From my friend's email signature. Alterntively, "The optimist says, 'the glass is half full.' The pessimist says 'the glass is half empty.' The rationalist says 'the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.'" I honestly have no idea where I read that one. "If life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then sit back and watch the world wonder how the heck you did that." or "If life gives you lemons, just be glad it didn't give you cobras." Another email signature. "Isn't it funny how the word 'politics' is made up of the words 'poli' meaning 'many' in Latin, and 'tics' as in 'bloodsucking creatures’?" "Always forgive your enemies - Nothing annoys them so much." "If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?" "Last night, I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and thought to myself, 'Where the heck is the ceiling?'" "They say hard work never hurts anybody, but why take the chance." "I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours." All these quotes, except for the first few that are noted, are from this place. There are a lot more, so check them out if you want! Okay, thank you for stopping by! I promise some new writing will be up sooner or later. |