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Joined 01-06-02, id: 150438
Author has written 8 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Megami Kouhosei, and Gundam Wing/AC.
Me: Hiya fellow FFN addicts! My e-mail is kimmychannychan@

Kid Buu: Why would they want you shitty e-mail

Me: B/c I have fans! ^_^

Kid Buu: you do O.o

I nod

Kid Buu: weird

Me: Well folks I am not pregant!

Kid Buu: Thank kami!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Yep Wu-bear isn't gonna be a daddy

Kid Buu: Thank you shin sorry I killed your bestfriend!

Me: -_-;;;;;;; Uh yah and I got a recording of him saying "i love you'

Kid Buu: *dies*

Me: -_- great a dead pink muse

Kid Buu: X_X WHY!!!!!!!!! DO YOU LOVE HIM!!?!??!?!

Me: He is the best G-boy

Kid Buu: Duo is better... He is my only buddy...

Me: -_- he likes ya cuz of the food

Buu: NO!!!!!!!!!!

Me: What about Cell...?

Buu: NO!!!!!!!! WE ARE NOT BESTFRIENDS!!!!!!!

Me: You didn't say that in your sleep...


Me: -_-;;;;

Wufei: Onna...

Me: Wu-bear ^_^

Buu: MUSHY!!!!!!! EWWWWWW!

Me and Wufei: -_-;;;;

Buu: * I smell soemthing burning...

Me: Me too

Wufei:...better not be your cooking onna



Me Wufei and Buu: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;

Pat: FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Gotta go read bellow!

Me: Yeah!

Kid buu: What is it?

Me: I found out I was picked to be in Jess story!

Kid Buu: SO...?

Me: They recognized my new fic ~*~ The E-mail~*~ !

Buu: *read* oh

Me: So check it out!

Buu: I still don't know why she hates me

Me: O.o

I feel really down; my father is making my sanity disappear so Aiming me would probably cheer me up barely, unless you were Jess (That would help me a lot). I’m in an Anti-social mood like “Fuck off and leave me alone” So I’m kind of snappy if your wondering. So I won’t update that much gomen,

Kid Buu: I love you Juppy-chan
Me: O_o okay
Kid Buu: And Cell Chris wants your number!
Me: O_o
Kid Buu: Hi I’m kid Buu the one sexy bad guy and-
Me: Get real!
Kid buu: I tend to watch porn when the onna chats
Me: If you wanna AIM me go ahead unless you’re a perv like buu begging for a bra size O-O
Kid Buu: Hi Jess! *waves*
Me: Your the home girl Jess! * Throws cell plushy at Jess*
Buu: Here you can look at my muscles *start to power up*
Me: Stop the walls are cracking!
Kidd Buu: Oops
Me: Better be

~*~ Love test results~*~
Me: WOW I love most of the results *tries not to blush*
Buu: Why didn't you test me baka onna
Me: Bishis only dumb a$$!
Buu: O_o I'm a bishi
Me: Whatever the results please...

Love tests

Heero Yuy= 94% CALL ME! Now wait I'll call u
Duo Maxwell= 11% I was right friends only
Trowa Barton= 98% Call me beep me page me cell me e-mail me Im me any thing!!
Quatre Raberba Winner= 39% rich! I want money!! $_$
Wufei Chang = 49% oh damn!

Roose Sawamura= 25% I just put it there
Yamagi Kushida= 37% I dunno why
Hiead Gner= 63% I didn't expect much
Zero Enna= 94% WOW Zero if your out there call me my number is-
Clay Cliff Fortran= 87% brains? hmm
Gareas Elidd= 74% *Smirks* oh hay baby!
Rioroute Vilgyna= 22% *pouts* He's so cute though...

Urameshi Yusuke= 16% damn it!
Hiei= 49% Yah! not! I guess it's okay but 99% would be better!
Minamino Shuuichi= 68% I don't like him much...

Goku Son= 99% Never!!! He will starve the world!
Gohan Son= 99% I guess it's okay
Goten Son= 24% hmm The gt hair!
Vegeta= 96% Spandex!!!!!!!!!
Trunks Briefs= 52% damn!!!!!!! I'll just drool
Bardock= 67% I need that time machine Trunks!
Gotenks= 82% Oh yah! *Grabs Trunks and Goten*
Veggeto= 49% I wanted it higher *pouts*
Gogeta= 81% *Grabs Veggie but blast her* Awww damn
Broli= 77% hmm I think it's a lust thing

Some guy wanted to know my bra size O_o well sorry I can't give that out!

Some one asked what is your personality like,

Well for Outlaw star I got Gene
And for Mk I got Hiead
For DBZ I got Vegeta
And GW I got Wufei!!!!!!

Any wayz
If I were to describe my personality i would fit under:
like to be alone
has a tragic past
people have to try to be my friend first
I don't have much friends
I'm not outgoing
I'm violent
school can burn in hell is my motto
I'm ruff and sexy (didn't see that coming)

Also someone asked who do you look up to for writing?
Dunno Jessica? and Jeril? Lavendar goddes V?

What to you draw most for anime characters:
Bra, Zero, Veggie, Trunks, Hiead, Bulma, Goten, Jim
Hiei, Yusuke

Some one asked

‘Do you want to rape Hiei?’

Me: Hmm

Kid buu: Yes she does

Me: NO! I mean I dunno rape? Well if he was naked in my room with some ice cream on him I guess..
Kid buu: HAHAH! But it’s never going to happen!

I got another one!

‘Can I be in your e-mail fic? PLEASE?!?!?!’

Kid buu: People want to be in the crap you write?

Me: Shut up, sure just fill the form out and give it a try!

If you wanna chat or wanna talk with Buu it all gravy just aim me remember! I live in the CA! So Pacific Time! some baka aimed me 4 in the morning! Please don’t! # hours time difference get that through your head
Kid Buu: Aim her at 3 she will talk about raping people
Me: O_o Shut up that’s not true
Kid buu: Right, talk to me! And Cell and Veggeto watch out I’m gonna kill you!
Me: O_o And I forgot I don’t wake up till 9: 30 my time so 12:30 your time
Buu: She’s lazy
Me: O_o

Well let’s see...
My e-mail is kimmychannychan@ .I'm a female. I live in southern Ca in a 2 story house near a beach. I love seahorses. I’m 15. I like DBZ, Outlaw star, Megami K., YYH, GW, and cowboy bebop. I have brown/black hair my eyes are almost black I'm 1/2 Chinese but I look more American. I love no doubt and L. park along with Nelly the rapper and DMX, Ja-rule Korn . I have a wide variety of music but hate pop music! I go to a thug school what can I say I’m ½ thug ¼ goth and ¼ punk or that’s what the test told me…

Fav Bishis:
First I have to say most of the guys I think are hot look a like! For realz check them out they are all good looking *drools* And they are not numbered I can't decided which is my fav!
Trunks (DBZ)He hot *melts*
Hiei(YYH)Fire and ice baby *licks lips*
Veggie(DBZ)purrr smirk
Hiead(MK)He sexy! ^-^
Zero (MK) He just so naive it's cute
Yusuke (YYH)He's looks like my damn boy friends and acts like it!
Heero (GW)He's allot like a friend of mine and he is so hot!
Wufei (GW) He's Chinese I'm Chinese hm I guess you can work it out ^0^ He is my husband lol HE IS MY MINE!!!!!!!
Dou (GW) He's so funny ^-^
Trowa (GW) The hair baby!

Vegeta and Bulma are my fav couple along with Goten and Bra and Pan and Uub.

The hottest guys in DBZ:
Trunks (both, you got to agree)
Vegeta (If you like Trunks you like Veggie simple as that)
Gotenks (In super sayian he is so fine!)
Bardock (He is a 10 times sexy version of Goku)
Gohan (I actually have no clue why)
Goten (He looks pretty cute in GT)
Broli (He's not Super fine or cute but it's something sexy about him)
Goku (he is okay)

Ugliest looking guys of DBZ:
Doria (Did I spell that right? Any ways.. He is fat and pink that is such a turn off)
Freeza (You know already)
Nappa (Big bald guy only sayian that isn't hot)
Zarbon (To much of a pretty boy)
Ginyu force (Send me to HFIL now!)
They are a lot more but I think of any right this second.

I Hate:
Air headed preps
People who think their the best like kid buu
boys who look at my chest not me
My record room teacher
hentia boys
boys that drool and point at my magna aim girl chest
people that think Trunks ugly
people who think I hate being different
Music my parents listen to
Any show for 5 year olds and younger
people who try to act ditz and preppy
people use me just because i'm smart
when the internet doesn't work
My dad using my laptop more than me
Scobby doo
sluty girls
people who try to be popular
Bin laden
people that think rap is worse that britney spears
Happy happy joy joy songs
Britney spears
Miss Rand
That Trunks isn’t a real life person
That in all the YYH fics they make Hiei look gay? What the hell…?
That I got Hiead for my personality test Hiead from Pilot Candidate!( also known as MK)
That people think I want a million friends when I don’t care
People call me a thug when I’m only ½ thug ¼ punk and ¼ goth
Test say Goths don’t like violence I_I I like violence! What the hell are the smocking on????
When none of my aim friends are on damn it!!!!!!!
When the damn DSL is so slow!!!!!
When my Pat my older cuz puts techno shit on my mp3 player
That Kendall is to hot to dump He looks like Yusuke I swear!
That my B/F is a perv O_O
That I don’t have $ for concerts!!
That In MK there are so man maleXmale I want real straight fics!
Hiei and Kurama are always 90% of the time paired in a YYH romance
That I will never have a bishi as a boyfriend
That Stew thinks That I have silicon breast! Stew what the HFIL is up with that???
Those damn telemarketers burn in hell! And don't call me at 4 in the f*cking morning!
When there is no Squirt
When Hanna says my cuz Wong (Who is an asshole) Hot
That adult swim plays this old crappy Gundam wing
That every one is now starting to make all MXM fics it's sick
Summer School
When I can't find my eraser
When my computer crashed 50 times in a row
I can't find my Mp3 player wire
That I will never own any anime
Wong (my Chinese cuz)
That Wong lives with me and will be till 24 for every summer
That there is no food in my damn house, it's like we have a Goku in our house
Goku (Veggie rulz! I like Veggie better no hard feelings)
That my damn radio pick up Spanish crap from Mexico pisses me off!
That La is so goddamned busy 24/7
When Pat comes home Drunk (It's funny but it's annoying, he talks about dumb shit)
Wong bitching 24/7
That I'm related to Wong
IhateSSJSkaterTrunks (fuck that bitch)
Did I say IhateSSJSkaterTrunks?
My father
Wufei can’t beat Heero at video games
When someone loves you but you don’t love them back (IF they are your friend you knew for over 2 years!)
When I get hit on -_- You shall suffer the wrath of my husband
The Hives!
The white strips
That Wong does care about me -_- It’s amazing I know
Sally Po!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mottos of the week:
“Don’t fuck with flamers, they fuck themselves”
“A guy walks into a only Pepsi store that only sells Pepsi, he walks to a cart and asks for Coke”
“Spikes umm”
“Every one dies, I just want you to die sooner”
“Lemons he he they are every were”
“Master Bibidi” (Kinky)
“My live, My pride is broken” – Linkin Park
"I hate life so I must find all the reasons why"
"A man that hides his emotions is weaker than a man that shows his tears"
"It's always nice to see a mind so like mine so smart yet feels like they know nothing nothing at all"
“I love you it does not a IQ of 160 to know that”

“Love and Lust are different make sure you can recognize it”
“Your BSing yourself”
“There is one guarantee in this life, we are all going to hell” ~ some movie

What I like:
Depressing songs
Depressing poems
Dragonball z and DB
Nike shoes
When I have $$$$
Slim shady
Aiming with Jess
When Kendall kisses my cheek
Stories that bag on Freeza! (freeza must die, sorry he already died!)
Buu (sometimes, I like baggin on him most though)
Loud music
My Geta-chan!
Korn can not believe I forgot that!
My husband! He is the best * hugs husband * LOL! ^_^
My Panda Wufei drawing so kawii!
When my husband hugs me
Wong bought me a dress (He never bought me any thing, I hate dresses though)
When Wufei buys me stuff!
Did I say my collection of Wufei plushies?
When Wufei spends time with me
That I almost have 100 reviews on the ~*~ The E-mail~*~

Anime's secret: Where in the hell does Heero keep his damn gun????

What's in K-chan playlist:

Nelly the rapper

Red hot chili peppers (For some very wierd reason..)
L. park
Ja Rule
Offspring (for a wierd reason)
No doubt

I love Hiei! He is so hot and reminds me of Veggie! So check him out!

I love to draw too. any more questions about me feel free to ask!

Also! I got 7 people to put me on their favs list!!!!!
Buu: With crap u write please they want to see my muscles
Me: yeah your so right! NO WAY IN HELL!
buu: Please
Me: get a life
Buu: Bishi raper!
Me: WHY YOU!!!!!!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Official Fanfiction University Of DragonBall Z by BananaGirl reviews
With permission from Camilla Sandman. We're now into Semester 2! Goku's getting death threats, Yoli's birthday is coming up, Bardock makes an appearance and Vegeta and Goku fans are STILL trying to outsmart each other. It could only be OFUD!
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 68 - Words: 91,916 - Reviews: 1196 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 6/29/2004 - Published: 5/5/2002
Another Boring Day NOT! by J. Dragonsoul reviews
Bouke's just your average teenager. Average, that is, until Vegeta appears in her bedroom one night. One by one, he is followed by other Z warriors. She's soon got her hands full and she's gotta send them back to their world... but how? *COMPLETE*
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 60 - Words: 124,452 - Reviews: 1090 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 6/15/2003 - Published: 5/4/2002 - Vegeta, Goku - Complete
Chibi Onna by moonsaiyanprincess reviews
A/U On a rainy night, a ship crash lands on earth. 6 Saiya-jins's resurect from the ship. Their mission, to find a suitable mate and Bulma's in the middle!
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 18,197 - Reviews: 278 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 9/16/2002 - Published: 2/8/2002 - Bulma, Vegeta
The Long Way Home by moonsaiyanprincess reviews
A/U Due to technical difficulties, Bulma an Vegeta have to travel through portals to find their way home. Citrus basically in every chapter, a lot of close calls, and B/V in situations you NEVER thought posible! R/R Please!!!
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 35 - Words: 65,208 - Reviews: 504 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 9/9/2002 - Published: 9/1/2001 - Bulma, Vegeta
Steal My Sunshine by moonsaiyanprincess reviews
*COMPLETE* A/U There's a race beside Saiya-jin on Vegeta-sei, + they live in a murky pond. Vegeta & Kakarott are on a mate hunt and using rumors and wives tales, they end up at the pond, what will they find more than they expected? Please R/R
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 16 - Words: 24,347 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 8/23/2002 - Published: 12/8/2001 - Bulma, Vegeta - Complete
Frieza, Lord of Porn by SSJSkaterTrunks reviews
Frieza decides to make porn magazines and other porn stuff instead of blowing up planets. My first fic! Please review! Thanks! ///UPDATED: CH.17\\\ Completed! Look for the sequel!
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 17 - Words: 14,693 - Reviews: 240 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 5/10/2002 - Published: 3/10/2002 - Frieza, Vegeta - Complete
Bulma's Space Exploration by moonsaiyanprincess reviews
*COMPLETE* A/U fic. Here is another Bulma and Vegeta fic only it ends with a crazy twist. The tittle says it all. The chapters are actually PG-13. Towards the end of the fic, will their be things rated R. How will Bulma survive on Vegetasei? R/R
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: M - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,419 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 8/24/2001 - Published: 6/25/2001 - Bulma, Vegeta - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Gone Girl!?! reviews
Zero woke up a certain morning feeling a little bit weird but when he looked in the mirow he saw a whole diffent person he was now a she this is my first mk fic *chp3* Yes I updated fast
Megami Kouhosei - Rated: T - English - Humor/Angst - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,793 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 2 - Updated: 8/14/2002 - Published: 7/23/2002
Lemon And Whip Cream With A Side Of Bishis! reviews
A teenage girl and her cuz find the G-boys in their living room; will they survive or vise versa? “Ice cream” Dou yelled “Trowa and whip cream!” Jess said drooling over the poor clown * Chp 2 up*
Gundam Wing/AC - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,223 - Reviews: 8 - Updated: 8/4/2002 - Published: 8/1/2002
Just Lust reviews
This is a B/V, It's my first so be easy on me. Well Vegeta must go to earth to make Bulma his Queen bit there are some problems Vegeta didn't know how an onna could act so..Warning AU! Please R/R! Becuase it just not your average B/V!
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Romance/Horror - Chapters: 11 - Words: 7,465 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 2 - Updated: 7/31/2002 - Published: 2/17/2002 - Vegeta, Bulma
What If Freeza Got A Hold Of A Spice Girls CD?? reviews
This will be a selections of funny what if stories. Please R/R! Warning if have problems from getting mental picture of Freeza out of your head you should not read A sort of spin off Freeza lord of porn Pelz R/R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chp 4 up and 4Jessica B-day
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,166 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 1 - Updated: 7/18/2002 - Published: 5/26/2002 - Frieza, Vegeta
Silver Bounty Eyes reviews
Gohan still greiving his father's death meets a sayian bounty hunter. He makes a decion that will change his life forever. Will it be good for his future romance? V/G/M A mix of Cowboybebop
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,203 - Reviews: 4 - Published: 6/24/2002 - Gohan, Videl
Accident reviews
This will a DBZ of unfaithful the movie, Vegeta and Bulma are married and have a kid. Bulma meets Goku who flips her life completely she begins to fall in lie with Goku and stats an affair with him. But Bulma still loves Vegeta oh my! G/B/V
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 562 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Published: 6/8/2002 - Bulma, Goku
How Vegeta Almost Didn't Survive Disney World reviews
I wrote this when I went to Disney world for my family renunion. Very funny and orginal! Vegeta has to take Trunks and Goten to each disney world theme park how can poor Veggie survive? chp 2 up!
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,719 - Reviews: 18 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 5/12/2002 - Published: 4/25/2002 - Vegeta, Trunks
Time To Travel Baby! reviews
Trunks just got back to his home.But evil is just around the corner and he won't stop till he has his revenge.So Trunks haves to go to different periods of time to find parts of cell.what will happem when I meet Freeza, Vegeta,Bardock+more. R/R Done! :)
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 13 - Words: 21,353 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 3 - Updated: 4/8/2002 - Published: 3/8/2002 - Trunks, Cell