Disclaimer: I have a new friend meet. * Turns around*

Me: Kid buu??????

*Walks to playstation 2*

Me: I let you stay here now do your damn job

Kid buu: Don't give some damn hissy fit!

Me: Well Do the disclaimer!

Kid buu: Ok! Shit! Silvertrunksbrat does not own DBZ but would like to and does not own the twilight zone the TV show and thank HFIL no the Spice girls!

Me: Sometimes I wish Vegeto killed you!

Kid buu: He basically did! And I will get revenge on you!

Me: Yah after dinner

Kid buu: Fine

Me: Bye!


The Twilight Zone

Chapter 1

What if Freeza got a hold of a spice girls CD??


One day back on namek a teenage girl named K-chan.

"What in the HFIL am I doing here?" She asked

"To great havoc" Said a voice

She turned around

"Hey aren't you the guy from the twilight zone???" She asked

"Yes I am" He said

"Tight! So what do I do? Cut Vegeta's hair? Make Gohan stupid? Make Freeza listen to a Spice girls CD?" She said

"Well I was going to make you cut Zarbon's hair but giving Freeza a spice girls CD sounds much better" He said

"I know I have it hear some where!" She said

(Kid buu: You have a spice girls CD!? Me: Yah my cousin loves them she is only 5 so 2 more years and she will hate it)

"Ahh! There is!" She said

Then she looks around for the guy

"Hey where did that guy go…" She said

The some on grabbed her

"Holy shit what in the HFIL is touching me???????" She asked

"My name is Zarbon, we have sources you have a Dragon ball" Zarbon said

"For realz???" She asked

Zarbon held her tighter

"For realz onna" He said flying off

"You know Zarbon, I never flew in the air before so can we slow down a bit he he??" She said

He speeded up

"There goes my highlight of my day" She said

They soon landed and Zarbon grabbed K-chan's wrist and hauled her to Freeza's hall way

"I'm just some 15 year old with a power level of 10 geese!" She said

Zarbon laughed and grabbed harder making her flinch

When they got in the room he threw her down on the floor.

"Tisk tisk what do we have her Zarbon?" Freeza asked

"The onna that knows all about the dragon balls" He said

"I don't know asshole" She yelled

"Haha! What a frisky onna we have here!" Freeza said

Zarbon growled

"So do you have a gift for me?? Or will I just kill you fro wasting my time??" Freeza said

K-chan got up and grabbed her CD player with the Spice girls CD in it.

"Here, this is a music from our planet" She said handing it to Freeza

She turned it on and started playing 'wanna be'

Freeza put the earphones on and stated to nod his head

A couple of seconds later Freeza jumped out from his chair and started to dance and sing.

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,

So tell me what you want, what you really really want,

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really

really really wanna zig a zig ah!" Freeza sang

He started doing the funky chicken and trying to brake dance.

K-chan turned around and muffled her laughter

Freeza started to jump around and shake his body.

"This is just amazing it's better then blowing up planet Vegeta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled

By that time Zarbon have left the room

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends,

Make it last forever friendship never ends,

If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give,

Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is" Freeza sang

Next thing you know Freeza rips his armor off.

Unfortunately K-chan turned back around

"Holy mother fucking shit! Now I know how Vegeta and Nappa suffered!" She yelled

( I got that from SSJSkaterTrunks 'Freeza lord of porn you should really read it!)

K-chan ran out right past Vegeta and ran to the twilight zone guy again

"Hey it's you bastard!" She said

"Hey! It was your idea!" He said

"Okay it's mu fault now I got to make a hell of a lot of coffee" She said

Then they walked in the next portal..

Some where else where Veggie head is..

"Damn Freeza" Vegeta said

Vegeta went in the throne room seeing Freeza naked doing the funky chicken seeing him sing spice girls

"Holy Fucking bastard of fucking bitchy shit!" Vegeta said

"If you wanna be my lover" Freeza sang

Vegeta got so mad, he would forever have this mental picture in his head.

"You got to give" Freeza sang still not noticing Vegeta's presence

Vegeta's hair flicked gold and then went to black. Then it stayed black

Vegeta became a super sayian.

The CD player broke into a million pieces

"What! I need music!" He whimpered

The Freeza turned to Vegeta

"You did this Vegeta!" he yelled

Vegeta even closer facing him with his ugly ass body.

Vegeta kicked Freeza and sent him to the next dimension

"That's for giving me those damn mental picture you damn fruity bitch!" Vegeta said

Note: Oh geese was it good? Should I write another chapter? If I do the next one would be ' What if Shelong went insane' So feel free to give ideas and thank you again for reading my story – Ja Ne