Author has written 13 stories for Death Note, Soul Eater, Courage: The Cowardly Dog, and Harry Potter.
I would like to apologize for my unforgivable lack of updates. If anyone still cares, I'm doing my best to get started again. I've had some serious issues, such as being kicked out, but my life has come to a nice and quiet routine at the moment. Now my only problem is that I have lost interest in fanfiction. Why? Because I've been writing more and more original fiction lately and it pretty much won't leave me alone. I will, however, finish the fanfictions I have started, even if I'm not as enthusiastic about is as I was once. I'm very sorry. I guess I suddenly... I don't know. Grew up? No, that would imply that writing fanfiction is immature, and I most certainly don't think it is. I think I moved on without noticing it. I'll get started writing as soon as I get even the smallest idea.
Hello, there.
I'm not gonna tell you my name, 'cause I'm weird like that. Mwaha.
I'm 17 years old, and I live alone in a small apartment somewhere in Copenhagen, Denmark. I'm currently attending the 'gymnasie', which is a mix of the American high school and college. It's like Grammar School in Britain, I think... My 'Majors' are Latin, Ancient Greek, German, English, Danish and History and my 'Minor' is Music.
Oh, and my pen-name means 'let the reader beware'. (This usually means that the content of whatever the reader's reading may be very incorrect or subjective).
I beta-read for my good friend Kashii Ai (Soul Eater fandom. Her writing will melt your heart~), and Free Of Mundane Thoughts (writes the sweetest Death Note stories, though she seems to be as stuck as I am at the moment. Please encourage her by reviewing!)
Personality Disorder Test results:
Paranoid: Very high. (This means that I'm afraid that you secretly hate me)
Schizoid: Moderate. (This means that I'm a bit of a loner at times)
Schizotypal: Very high. (Mild version of schizophrenia, which means that I'm eccentric, supersticious, and the things I say make almost no sense.)
Antisocial: High. (This means that I have a hard time telling the difference between right and wrong and that it's hard for me to care about others.)
Borderline: Moderate. (This means that I see things in 'Black/white' and that I tend to be very moody.)
Histrionic: Very high. (This means that I love attention and that I'll do almost anything for praise.)
Narcissistic: Very high. (This means that I care more about myself than about you and that I can get very arrogant.)
Avoidant: High. (This means that I don't like being social due to the fact that I think you all judge me.)
Dependent: Moderate. (This means that I can't stand critique, and that I don't like being seperated from the ones I care about.)
Obsessive-Compulsive: High. (This means that there are some things that must be MY way, or I go insane.)
Test: http:///misc/personality_disorder_