She didn't look at Chrona the way she used to; she was smiling. Chrona didn't like it. Medusa's smile sent tremors down her spine.

"You've been a bad child, Chrona. Bad children should be punished."

Chrona shook her head vehemently and wrapped her arms around herself. "N-no... I'm not a bad girl... K-Kid-kun said..."

"Kid-kun is going to take your life," Medusa said with that smile-esque sneer. "If you don't mind your mother, he'll kill you before my enemies do."


Chrona slowly sat, clenching fistfuls of cool sheet to her chest. Her breathing was shallow and tears trecked down the pale expanse of her cheeks and down her neck. She hugged her knees to her chest.

Her heart told her that Kid would not only not kill her, but he would also protect her from Medusa's vengeful foes.

Her mind gave a sorrowful laugh. I cry because I'm afraid. I cry because what she says is true.

Four years passed in a rush of color, labor, and love. Shinigami-sama would release very little information involving Chrona, so they had dubbed her birthday to reside in April. Chrona liked it when the torrents of rain washed away winter's snow and ice to reveal green underneath. Marie's flamboyant, precise speech on the laws of gravity slowed, and then ceased altogether when she took note of Chrona's blank expression. The young girl was seated on the large, cushioned windowsill and gazed unseeingly outward. Moist spring air crept through the open window and tousled her long rosette hair.

"Chrona?" Marie's student heard her name and her eyes clicked back to life. She turned her head back to Marie.

"Sorry, sensei. I'm kind of sleepy." Her dark eyes slowly drifted back out the window. "After you went home last night, Patty chased me around outside if I ever got close to the kitchen. I think Miss Liz and Kid-kun were making a birthday cake."

Marie smiled. "Chrona, that's what she was trying to hide from you. They want your birthday celebration to be a surprise."

Chrona pulled the slipping textbook back into her lap. "I... I thought that might be why, so I didn't say anything."

Marie snapped her own book shut. "Your birthday is tomorrow!" she exclaimed brightly. "What do you think you'll be getting?"

In the three years prior since she'd been employed by Death the Kid, Marie had asked the same question and Chrona had given the same response. She blushed, glanced down at her knotting fingers and mumbled, "I don't know... I don't need anything... living here is more than enough for me..." But every year she would be bombarded with presents by her housemates, who seemed to want nothing more than to spend their considerable fortune on the little girl. Overwhelmed with happiness and embarrassment, Chrona would burst into tears. Marie remembered Chrona's first birthday in Shinigami-sama's mansion.. When the newly-dubbed 7-year-old had seen the mountain of gifts, she stood in awe. When she had been informed that they were for her, all the color drained from her face. When Patty had pulled the tiny girl into her lap ("Open mine first, mine first!"), and Liz had scooted close, and Kid smiled above her, present in hand ("Please accept this gift, Chrona-san.") Chrona had promptly begun to sob. Death the Kid's words were like the handle on the faucet of her eyes, and it had been well over ten minutes before she could compose herself enough to open the first gift.

In the following two years, Marie had made sure to forbid Shinigami-sama from allowing his son to throw Chrona a real party. One with people. She had the inkling that if Kid were to present Chrona with the grand parties he so loved to throw, the child would undergo cardiac arrest.

"All right, break time's over." Marie opened her text. "Now, the thing with Newton and the apple wasn't just a coincidence..."

Another birthday came and went and space in Chrona's room had become even more scarce. She flopped backward on her bed and covered her flushed face with her hands. Chrona was terrible at putting a stopper on her emotions, and this year she'd cried and passed out. It wasn't the first time, but it was embarrassing nonetheless.

A soft knock sounded at the door and Chrona sat up, hoping that her blush had faded. "C-come in."

"I'm going home now, Chrona," Marie poked her head in. Her blond hair was freckled with sparkling confetti. Chrona smiled at the sight.

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Sensei."

"You've got confetti in your hair."

Marie grinned and hung her coat in the closet. "Oh, Stein, it was so much fun. The cake was eight tiers high. Liz wanted ten because, you know, Chrona's age, but Kid simply wouldn't have it. Eight is perfectly symmetrical and would bring her good fortune for the coming year. There were balloons filled with confetti, and Patty got hold of a knife."

"Which explains your hair."

Marie nodded. "Chrona was already light-headed from all the crying, so when Kid started some music and danced with her, he swung her around, and Chrona fainted."


Marie collapsed on the couch in a fit of laughter. "Stein, Stein, you should have come!"

"Maybe next year," he said with a smile, taking a large gulp of coffee. Of course, he'd said that before.

"I'll hold you to it," she replied, repeating the annual phrase as well. Stein turned to retreat back to his lab and paused. He turned.

"I give you a week to get all of that glitter out of your hair."

Marie jolted up. "No way! I brush way more often than that! Two days!"

"Four at best."

Marie threw a cushion at him; Stein just laughed.

In the three years to come, Marie began to coach Chrona in the ways of the technician. The child was lucky to have Marie as a practice weapon, for the woman was a seasoned warrior in battle, and could be wielded by just about any meister. Kid, too, played an essential role in her training. He taught the methods of soul resonance as she practiced with Marie, and spoiled her with pointers and tips on different ways to tap into the soul of one's weapon.

The relationship between meister and weapon was precious. It played the biggest role in battle, and it took two very unique souls to truly bond in such a way. After learning about the implications involved, Chrona was almost envious of the relationship shared exclusively by Kid, Liz, and Patty.

Marie was more than happy to converse at length about how to find a compatible soul. What's more, Chrona was full of questions, and so they talked.

"How will I know that a weapon is good for me?"

"Not for you," Marie corrected. "With you. Souls usually put themselves on display through personality because not all people can see them. Stein can, and I'm sure there are plenty of other meisters in the world who are capable of, quite literally, seeing souls. However, because not everyone can, personalities are always the easiest way to tell." Marie slipped out of Chrona's hands and returned to her human form. "For you, Chrona, I think the most compatible soul would be a decisive one. So, personality-wise, I think you should look for someone who..." She tapped her chin. "Someone who can speak their mind. Someone who is more of a leader. You should find someone permanent." Marie pointed to herself. "Unlike me. I can be exchanged for any weapon. You should find one who's just for you."

Chrona nodded.

"When will I find a weapon?"

"When you enter Shibusen, there is a ceremony... sort of a meet and greet. There, you mingle with others around your age, and you get a taste of others' souls. Then, when you've found someone who appears to be your match, you find an official and they will see if you can be compatible in battle."

"And then?"

Marie smiled. "Well, whatever happens happens, I suppose. Nothing in life is set in stone. Your life at and after Shibusen is up to you and your weapon. Good luck and go."

Chrona nodded once more.

"... Can I try soul resonance again?"

Liz moaned and stretched out across the kitchen table. Patty sagged against her shoulder and looked up at the clock. It read 3:57 AM.

"Great. Shinigami-sama just had to issue an assignment before dawn."

"If you're tired, go to bed," Kid said straightly, standing on his tiptoes to rifle through the cabinet for a 3:57 AM snack.

"Can't," Liz grumbled. "The adrenaline won't die down. And I can't make it to the second floor."

"Then make breakfast."

"I'm tiiired," Patty sang groggily. Liz shut her eyes. Death the Kid rolled his.

"I wasn't aware that I'd acquired a couple of sloths."

"Where?" Patty asked with muted enthusiasm. Kid found a box of Goldfish and sat down on the opposite side of the table from his droopy pistols.

"I've been thinking," he said, crunching on an unsuspecting Fish. "Chrona-san will be going to school soon."

"Well, we could keep her locked in here with us forever," Liz joked dryly.

"No, no. I've considered that, and decided that it just wasn't the right thing to do."

"I was kidding."

"But I'm worried about her. She's so shy. What if she's bullied? What if she can't find a weapon to adequately protect her from the bullies? What if her weapon doesn't understand her? What if she throws my Chrona-san away for a more outspoken technician, and Chrona-san is left in some desert somewhere?"

"What if the weapon is a guy?"

"Impossible. Chrona-san would never bring another man into her life. But you're missing the point!"

"I don't think there is a point."

"The point is that Chrona-san needs us. I think we should enroll in Shibusen."

"School life? No thanks." Liz cracked open a sluggish eye and pinned the young shinigami with a glare. "If you want to go through years of homework and test torture, do it yourself."

"Nee-chan is too smart for school," Patty chimed in, cuddling with her sister. Kid couldn't believe his ears.

"You... you won't enroll with me?"


"Not even... for Chrona-san's sake?"

"I think you're the only one who doesn't want to let her have a normal life."

"Fine. I'll do it myself. I can't just let her fend for herself alone in the lion's den!"

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I'll speak with Father about it tomorrow."

"That's a 'no' then."

Kid stood, packing the box of Goldfish back into the cupboard where it came from.

"Though you two were no help, I appreciate you resolving this with me. Goodnight."

Liz watched him go. "Why doesn't he listen to me, Patty?"

But Patty could not answer. She had already fallen asleep.

"Kid-kun will take your life, Chrona."

She looked up into the eyes of her mother-- those piercing eyes who tore apart her soul and killed her inside bit by little bit.

"Th-that... that may be so..." Chrona replied. She was so terrified. When had she ever spoken against her mother? "B-but... but I will get stronger so I can fight. I will fight to live, Medusa-sama."

Medusa gave a snarl. She was displeased, but Chrona didn't notice for long.

The thunderous beating of her own heart had woken her up. She'd spoken up to Medusa. Chrona had made one thing terribly clear: she would live. Her will was strong enough now to permit it. A warm feeling stirred in Chrona's chest.

One step at a time, she was already fighting her own battles. And she wasn't even a Shibusen student.

"Father. Chrona will be entering Shibusen in one month."

Shinigami-sama gave a bounce. "Do I smell a change of plans?"

"I want to go, too."

"You're not a student," Shinigami-sama replied, leaning forward. "What are your motives, Kid-kun?"

"I want to become a student. For Chrona." And for my peace of mind. Kid knew that he wouldn't be able to concentrate on his work if he knew that Chrona was coping by herself at that big, beautiful, symmetrical school. She wasn't used to contact with others, and he didn't want her to go through her first years in the real world alone. "Therefore, the only logical thing to do would be to join Shibusen as well.

"Are you sure, Kid-kun?"

"Of course I am."

Shinigami-sama nodded.

"All righty then! Kid-kun is now my student."

With dignity and grace, Kid skipped out of the cloudy room to tell his Chrona-san the news.

To be continued.