Author has written 19 stories for Law and Order: SVU, Stargate: SG-1, and Twilight. Current Bio as of 12-28-2019: Wow, talk about a decade challenge. Read my bio that I wrote first time I started FF. I don't think I have ever cringed so hard in my life. But I figured I'll keep it as a mirror to reflect how far I've come...or have not come. Currently I am only into SG-1 fanfiction. Still reading Law and Order: SVU but no longer writing outside of SGC. Most of my stories are abandoned, I'll be honest. But my current ambition is Save Your Soul. This is going to be at least a 35 chapter story but I'm not going to tell you when I'll finish. Mostly because I can't. I still live in Florida. Haven't managed to escape yet, still hate it so at least that's a constant. I graduated with a double master's in Criminology and Social Work and now work for the man. Like, literally. I work for the state government. Writing a book is still a pipe dream, only now it's something I plan to do if I ever marry an obnoxiously rich man who refuses to have me work. So definitely a pipe dream. I have a 70lb dog that thinks she's a lap dog. I like dark and twisty, all my stories will be dark and twisty so if you're looking for happy you are going to have to squint really hard. There will be happy but you gotta work for it! Original Bio 3-29-2009: So I figured I would finally write something here after two years of membership. Anyways, I like writing period but especially fanfics for Stargate Sg-1 mostly and some Law and Order SVU. I like reading NCIS fics but not writing. I Hate Hate Hate the fact that R.D. ANDERSON ditched stargate and the writers tried to conform Cam to Jack's personality so much. That just RUINED it for me. But anyways... I live in florida, so I guess I am like a permanent tourist. But I hate where I live in florida. I'm a full time college student, part time bum. I'm majoring in English and going for a law degree. I think it would be neato to eventually write an actual book one day and have it published. It's a life goal of mine. :) That's pretty much time to write more stories! Chao! |