Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Thoughts on the Harry Potter Stories I absolutely enjoyed the Harry Potter series. It was fun and full of story-telling magic. There are holes. Actually, there are quite a few holes in the worldsetting. But, then you consider that the story was really about 3 young people and their lasting friendship. It was told from the perspective of Harry, so naturally an 11 year old is going to see things from a different perspective than an adult. Maybe the holes don’t really matter as much when you consider the age of the main character and his perspective. I’d say the primary complaint I have is the evolution of the main character. The first four books portrayed Harry as a young wizard with a great deal of potential. Then, the last three books kind of ‘dumbed him down’ and he just seemed to be above average and ’Lucky’. Certainly not outstanding. Marked as an equal? You’d never know it from the last three books. In the stories I’ll be writing, We’ll look at Harry as if he did not stall out after his fourth year. Other authors have written similar stories, but this’ll be my spin. That said, JK Rowling did an amazing job and her writing is brilliant. Stories I like My Stories Casting Shadows: This is my primary story line. It is a post Hogwarts story that has a very powerful Harry dealing with becoming a young adult with responsibilities. It is not as combat heavy as the other stories, but there is combat. Instead, it is focused on world building. The combat in it is pretty gruesome, though. There will be sequels as this is the starting point for future stories. Harry is basically a very light grey. Haphne pairing. And again, he is quite powerful. Harry Potter and the Dance of Death: This is the Hogwarts prequel story to Casting Shadows. It takes Harry from cradle to Master of Death. it explains how Harry became so powerful. It also details how Harry became Bill’s apprentice and closest friend. It diverges from canon at the end of fourth year. Very combat heavy as the story progresses. Harry is slightly Grey, but full of angst. Hinny Pairing (but they break up in Casting Shadows). Angsty and angry, but driven by constant conflict caused by the horcrux in his scar. Once the horcrux is removed, he has to come to terms with where he fits in. Chimera Rising: This is my latest Story. I wanted to write a story that would stay closer to canon and be aligned with my AU. In this story, Harry is mentored by a darker character and is potentially a far more dangerous hero. This Harry is more cunning than he is in the other stories, but has less raw power. Most ‘Dark Harry’ stories have him either angry or borderline evil. This Harry is a Grey Harry that isn’t afraid to make the tough decisions, but would prefer to just go hiking and hang out with friends. Harry starts out a bit innocent and slowly embraces the skills his mentor instilled in him as he comes in contact with Deatheaters. The story here is his descent and evolution into whatever he has to become to survive. If Casting Shadows is a nod to Indiana Jones, Chimera Rising is a nod to Mission Impossible (or Gross Point Blank). Infrequent updates. |
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