Author has written 45 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, and Death Note. Hello, and thanks for checking out my profile! I thought I'd (finally) add some information on here, so here we are: Name: agrajag (no, really) Gender: Female Location: United Kingdom Writes for: Fullmetal Alchemist & Death Note Partner in crime and fanfiction buddy: scarlet-fever666 ( She's a great person, and she writes lovely fluffy Royai and AlWin drabbles. She does a bit of angst too. Go check her out! Lovely fiancée: Arcaenia ( She's still a newcomer to the world of fanfics, but she writes very well and is another Royai obsessive. She's also one of the sweetest people I know. Ok, that's about it! Thanks for checking my profile out; and remember: if you do decide to read, reviews make me feel warm and squishy inside. |