Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, and Misc. Plays/Musicals. testing...testing...1 2 1 2 THATS THE WAY UH-HUH UH-HUH I LIKE IT UH-HUH UH-HUH randomness aside, I'm Leia. I ain't tellin' you my real name b/c im not an idiot...well in most aspects n.n;;; My fics are mainly anime crack, and hopefully they make you giggle. Teehee, "giggle" is an amusing word. My fave series are FMA, Devil May Cry, Nana, and DNAngel, Oh, and of course Naruto... My favorite things to write are song parodies, especially completely hilarious ones (see Poor Unfortunate Souls.) Dante is my main bishie. NO TOUCHIE! It used to be Sasuke, but then Dante came along, we had pina coladas...and life has never been the same. Before Sasuke, it was Edward Elric, but Ayumi claimed him and filed a restraining order... sigh at least I can still draw ed shirtless :3 I love Itachi too, and Neji, Havoc and Dark Mousy... I love bishonen in general (except for Takumi, blech!) plz read my fics and REVIEW! I love checking my email and finding out that somebody loves my fics, or hates my fics. I just enjoy the fact people bother to read them :3 my dA is if you want to check out some of mah fanart or other pics. I wear many hats, except for the beanies with the propellor on top...they tend to distract m-HEY A BUTTERFLY! Im gonna call you Jeff! where was I? oh yeah...the profile. I am fangirl, hear me squee. okay, i think I got a little carried away here... send me a message If you don't find me too weird :3 |