o.o; Updating...because I keep forgetting about certain fanfics I have to update and getting reviews for them makes me remember XD; So yeah, I'm not killing Furuba's Akito only because 'he's' uber hot in the anime and 'she's' uber awesome in the manga n.n; -sweatdrop- I seriously gotta update faster, because there's so many people waiting to get killed and so little...uhh...attention span? Chapter space? ...something like that...anyway, new chapter...ROT IN HELL, HSM!!!!!
It was the end of the first crappy movie on the now crappy Disney channel that was once again massacring their reputation by playing High School Musical. Again. Thus, brainwashing more people and making the smarter ones loathe it anymore.
"We're soaring! Flying! There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!" Zac and Vanessa sang in their stupid duet. I forgot their names in the actual movie since I didn't watch it all, and I probably got those lyrics wrong, BUT I DON'T EFFING CARE
The door was suddenly kicked open and the whole Fullmetal Alchemist cast that was still alive at this point swarmed inside, all armed with heavy artillery and Barney CDs. Ayumi stepped to the front of the line with a deadly smirk. "Welcome one and all, and WELCOME TO DYING! THIS IS HIGH SCHOOL MASSACRE EVERYONE, CAN YOU DIG IT!!!!?!?!!"
Everyone gasped at the mob of anime characters, most of them wondering why a bunch of 'cartoons' had burst into their set. Ed twitched at being called a cartoon and sent up a flare as the signal. With triumphant cries, the cast attacked, shooting down every one of the bitches! While they did that, Ed and Ayumi ran to the stage and pushed Zac and Vanessa to their knees, then grabbed their microphones.
"You're dying! Bleeding!" Ed sang mockingly.
"There's not a soul in this world that can help you now!" Ayumi sang and grinned murderously at Zac and Vanessa, who both shrieked and clutched each other in fear. Ed and Ayumi both whacked them hard with their mics, knocking them unconscious and dragged them off to do torturous stuff to them, while the FMA cast piled up the bodies, then got into position and dance and sung and stuff.
"We're all in Hell together! Now we know, that you're dead, cuz you're all shitbaaags! We're all in Hell together! You all suck, and are sluts, and you can't siiiiing toooo! Yeah! FMA everywhere, stick those hands up in the air! That's the way we do it, damn we did it, TIME TO RULE THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHA!" And then they ran out to kill more people...
XD; That's based on a video I'll be putting on YouTube soon called High School Massacre that me and my friends are doing, lol...
Apparently, people want Jessica Simpson dead...since I got that request...alot...that'll be next chapter then! And then Hannah Montana's next...the bitch shall die...-blows kisses- Lovely reviewers!