![]() Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, and Pokémon. DreamsAreForbidden~ ~NEWS~ 3.23.09 OMGOSH I am so obsessed with writing Roses For You. It's my version of comedic relief!! XD Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know my new updating schedule. Roses For You updates on Fridays Regrets updates irregularly. Usually I will update when I have time, but I will TRY to update it on the weekends. Heart of Ice & Have you ever been heartbroken are on HIATUS until further notice. :( 3.11.09 IMPORTANT. Right now, Regrets is my main project. Roses For You is my second priority, which I will try to update on Fridays. (Mark your calendars kiddos, because Friday is Roses' update day! More reviews=quicker update, that's all I'm saying.) HOI and Heartbroken are officially on hiatus ): I will mainly focus on trying to edit previous chapters, because I don't really like what I wrote in the past. And official news for Shattered: I will incorporate some of its ideas into Regrets to make it even more twisting and devious. I might change it up a bit and make it a oneshot; I think I'll actually make it Neji/Ten because I'm falling quickly in love with it, and I definitely want to write a lot of Neji/Ten stories! :D 3.4.09 I'm now taking requests for oneshots!! :D Just PM me the following information. 1. The pairing that you want; It must be a pairing that I like. If I don't like it, I won't do a good job on it. See below for my pairing prefs. 2. The genre of the story. I will do romance/ any of the following genres: drama, humor, angst. I'd like to warn you that my sense of humor is very distinctive and/or sometimes dry. Serious romances are more my thing. 3. The general plot of the story. Just remember I'm busy a lot. And also, I do not take ShikaTem requests. Sorry. Any other pairing but them, please. 3.1.09 OH. MY. GOD. It's been such a long time since I've posted anything, or written anything, for that matter. I apologize for my past suscribers; please keep on reading because I'll keep on writing! I'll just have to remind myself now and then that I still have to write Fanfic...;) 3.25.08 I'm so sorry I haven't been on. All my stories have been on hiatus, but recently I reread them and want to finish them. (The suspense is killing me, too!) But meanwhile, I'm working on some other stories. Don't give me wrong, I'll still write highschool stories, but these new stories are about the shinobi being much older (I'd say in their 20's). They'll have a bit of a darker edge because I've never tried writing something dark and I think it would be a challenge. I'll post all my ideas sooner or later. ~ABOUT ME~ Candy. This girl is a DIE-HARD ShikaIno fan. She is also a lazy ass who usually doesn't bother to write long stories unless she is greatly inspired. You should also know that she has no life and spends most of her life on the internet. She takes on way too many projects...and stuggles so hard to finish them all while fitting them into her busy schedule. :/ ~PAIRING PREFERENCES~ Pairings - Naruto Pairings that I LOVE: ShikaIno (love love love them!), NejiTen (Not as much as ShikaIno but still I love them to death!), SasuSaku (ahhh, I have a renewed faith in this thanks to SOMEBODY, ah hem...jk) Pairings that I like/support: NaruHina (more than the others listed here:), KibaHina, NaruSaku. Pairings that I tolerate: SasuIno (I know what you're thinking...it's just that after writing/reading it as a side pairing for a while...it actually gets okay. I don't mind it. It should only be a side pairing, though.), KibaIno (whaat...they look cute together), Ino x basically...anyone...but ONLY as a secondary pairing!, ShikaSaku (Okay. I know what you are thinking...but actually, this couple is not that bad. Ever since I wrote Regrets, I've had a new appreciation for them.), NaruIno, a lot of people x Ino I guess, but I just can't stand reading fics with Ino and another guy besides Shikamaru. Pairings that I HATE: ShikaTema. Oh. My. God. Why. Do. People. Like. This. Pairing. Temari. Is. Older. Than. Shika. And. Therefore. Should. Not. Belong. With. Him. Don't get me wrong people, I've finally realized that Temari's pretty awesome. And she's undoubtedly reasonably-good looking. I like her, and I like Shika, but not this pairing. What else do I hate? Yaoi, yuri, incest, gross stuff like that. You guys have sick minds if you like that stuff... Pairings - Harry Potter (There is no specific like/dislike order here so I'm just gonna list them) Ginny x Harry, Ron x Hermione, Draco x Hermione (-ish), Harry x Hermione (occasionally...not that big a fan of this one though), some secondary character-pairings. Pairings - Avatar (Also listing) Aang x Katara (good pairing), Zuko x Katara (somewhat), Suki x Sokka, Mai x Zuko Pairings - Pokemon I LOVEE contestshipping now :3 Drew & May foreverr. Pokeshipping!~ Ash&Misty., ikarishipping is good too! Uhh maybe penguinshipping, I just don't know. :) ~CURRENT STORIES~ Complete: Once Upon a Daydream: My first fic! -sniff- so proud. Aand, I've finally completed it! Shikamaru and Ino are secretly in love, but, like any other human beings, feel the need to hide it. Will they ever let their true feelings break out of their shell? If you like (cheesy) fluff, this is for you. Meant to Be: It's FINALLY complete! Ino just got dumped by Sasuke, her previous boyfriend, but she has no idea that Shika likes her until he asks her to the dance. She realizes that she likes him too, but Temari appears on the scene and messes up everything. She is determined to break the couple apart so she can pursue Shika. As things get more and more complicated, will Shika make it up to Ino in time...before it's too late? Sweet Sound of the Falling Rain: This was my first oneshot. Shikamaru has always hated the sound of the falling rain. When a certain blonde girl comes along and confesses her true feelings towards him, will he think differently? Idea from Make my Day by XenaiiTwilightMoon. In-Progress: Heart of Ice: Years ago Ino was dumped by Sasuke, and now she hates people, especially guys. She has no friends and is completely cruel to the opposite sex, but somehow that has made her the most popular girl in school. But when she finally meets her childhood friend who she doesn't even remember, she notices that she has feelings toward him. But will he make her way of thinking change forever? Or will obstacles stand in the way? Have you ever been heartbroken: Shika and Ino haven't seen each other in 6 years and for a very good reason - Temari has forbid Shika from ever seeing Ino again. Obviously this makes Ino hurt and angry. Umm...I haven't written a lot for this story so we'll see where this one goes... Regrets: There were a lot of decisions Ino had made in the past that she knew she would regret, but did them anyhow. Planning a wedding for her best friend Sakura and the love of her life, Shikamaru, definitely topped that list. But she had no choice. She couldn't let them down, couldn't hurt them...when they were expecting so much of her. I just thought it would be a challenge for me to write SakuraxShikamaru stuff because it's something new. This story is a little more angsty and sad (for Ino) and I just wanted to give it a shot because I know I enjoy reading these and crawling into a dark corner...alone...Jk. Roses For You: Yay first Pokemon/contestshipping fic w00t~ Um, I don't have a lot to say. Basically, it's just about May falling for a green haired, perverted stalker a.k.a. Drew! :D I'll release the plot as soon as I write the rest of the story. :/ I'll try to update every week. Sorry guys, and don't blame me- blame finals! D: ~FUTURE STORIES~ Title: Shattered Pairings: ShikaIno, ShikaTema, SasuIno (It'll be ShikaIno at the end, of course!) Genre: Romance/Angst or Romance/Drama I'm not sure if I'm going to write it. I think it'll be a side project and Regrets will be the main one. Basic summary: Basically it's about Ino being engaged to Sasuke and Shikamaru engaged to Temari. They haven't seen each other in years but when they see each other again, almost instantaneously they fall in love. Don't worry, it's ShikaIno. This story's going to have a lot of drama, a bit of tragedy, and much romance. This was inspired by one of my favorite stories ever, Like You Did Mine, by Sneakerluvvin. Preview: Shikamaru whispered, "I love you Ino" in her ear. Ino allowed herself to be pulled into a long, passionate kiss. I love you too Shikamaru, she thought. But instead, she pulled away, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Shikamaru," she whispered. Ino turned away and started walking. "I can't love you." That night, two hearts were shattered. Title: Oblivious Pairing: TBD Genre: Romance/Humor Basic summary: Another highschool story. (I love high school stories!) Umm...I'm not that big of a fan of the title, so I may change that later on. I want this to be about some other pairing perhaps. I really love NaruHina! So I think it'll be about that. Naruto is oblivious to Hinata's love. No preview yet! Title: Only In Her Dreams Yay, a ShikaIno oneshot collection! (Might include Shattered) As you can see, I am a die hard ShikaIno fan. So if my stories are too much for you...well, too bad. Be a TemaShika lover. And shame on you. It includes heartbreak, drama, and of course, our favorite, fluff. :D Basic summary: Shikamaru and Ino have many moments together. Leave it to Ino to take these moments and spin them into impossible fantasies...or nightmares. InoxShika oneshot collection. ~UPDATES~ I’m currently working on…(or plan to work on) HOI Chapter 9 Preview: Sakura steps into the scene and makes up with Ino! All the secrets as to why Ino's relationship with Shika, and Sakura, and others ended will be revealed! Heartbroken Chapter 5 Preview: Don’t worry Ino. Tenten will fix everything, Sakura said. But will she? Shattered Don't know if I should make it a oneshot or a continuous series. More info once it's up. I think, though, that I'll keep it a oneshot. Regrets Chapter 4 Preview: My lips are sealed. Translation: I have no fricking idea what will happen next. You are totally going to love the upcoming chapters, promise! And...I have a BUNCH of side projects but I'll always be centered around my main projects. IMPORTANT. Right now, Regrets is my main project. Roses For You is my second priority, which I will try to update on Fridays. (Mark your calendars kiddos, because Friday is Roses' update day!) HOI and Heartbroken are officially on hiatus ): I will mainly focus on trying to edit previous chapters, because I don't really like what I wrote in the past. And official news for Shattered: I will incorporate some of its ideas into Regrets to make it even more twisting and devious. I might change it up a bit and make it a oneshot; I think I'll actually make it Neji/Ten because I'm falling quickly in love with it, and I definitely want to write a lot of Neji/Ten stories! :D ~d-a-f~ ~Sign off~ |