Sorry it's more than TWO weeks late guys D: I know you probably hate me. One word. Finals. That basically explains everything…

This chapter is gonna be a filler of sorts, so I apologize for not continuing the story. You have to understand Drew's point of view to fully understand the story.

Thanks for the reviews guyss :D I love you all.

Quote Arose4UandMe: "I take back what I said about it being like Twilight. This is practicaly BETTER than Twilight. Who needs Bella when you have May? =D" Thank you & love you :DDDD I'm actually re-reading Twilight, but who cares? It's not even based on that…it's actually based on my own pathetic love life. :] HAHAH.

.:Roses for You:.

;;a MayxDrew story;;

Chapter Nine: The Challenge

----- Drew's POV -----

I sighed as I stared out the window at the place that I was supposed to call home. My breath fogged up the glass, making a hazy circle in the already dreary sky.

Why did I have to do this?

We suddenly came to a stop and my chauffeur stepped out. In about two seconds he had already opened the door for me.

I reluctantly stepped out, making sure not to scuff my new leather shoes. I looked around and hated the it from the moment I saw it.

It was enormous. And overly villainous. It resembled a huge haunted mansion where ghosts of billionaires past lived. The thought of that sent shudders down my spine but my face remained calm as always. It was a technique I had perfected ever since my parents passed away.

A man appeared out of nowhere and bowed to me. "Mr. Hayden, welcome to your new home in Petalburg."

I absolutely loathed it. This place called "Petalburg." I knew at once that I didn't want to live here, but it's not like I had a choice. The witch sent me to live here—and nobody dared oppose her unless they were seriously thinking about committing suicide.

I just hated this place because it was too happy. This place was such an innocent, beautiful city. I knew that I wouldn't belong. I knew that from day one all I would bring to this lively place was nonstop fear and depression. Which was why I decided I would mostly opt to stay home. Of course, it wasn't the best place ever, but at least it suited me more. And I wouldn't disturb anyone since the nearest house was nearly half a mile away.

I stepped into the place that was to be my new house. Most people would be staring in awe, gaping with their mouths open and drooling. But I hated that I was included in the minority of people who would just take a look around and not give a second thought about it. I absolutely abhorred the fact that I was so accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle. I didn't want to live this life. I never wanted to be the heir of the prestigious Hayden Corporation. I didn't want to be Drew Hayden. I wanted to be an average person who could just blend in with everyone and never be noticed. But unfortunately, life is never fair. I could never change who I was—just a conceited, filthy rich pretty boy who had no purpose in life.

"Where's the witch?" I growled out to nobody in particular.

"My apologies, Master," The man that had spoken to me before rushed to my side and explained, "Madam Greene is at a press conference in Lilycove and could not attend the housewarming party she ordered for you."

Housewarming party. What the hell… since when did that woman actually care about my enjoyment? Well, I couldn't say she did, since she knew a housewarming party would only give me hell. So she was in character after all.

"Cancel it. The housewarming party. I have no desire to have such a thing." I sounded like a forty-year-old. This was exactly what Serena, the Hayden Corporation, and my late parents wanted me to be. Well, I hope they're happy. They got what they wanted. Ever since I was young, they were always trying to force me to enter the world of adults. I was helplessly catapulted into adulthood at about six. And the worst part was that there was no escape.

The man, who I later found out was my butler, bowed again. "I'm sorry. Madam wishes for your comfort in your new house. I'm afraid it cannot be avoided."

I nodded. I expected as much. "In that case, I'm going to take a walk." I grabbed my coat, which I had just taken off, and slid it on again.

"Might I suggest Petalburg Park? It's about three-quarters of a mile north of the estate," my butler said.

Oh joy. Flowers and picnics and lovebirds galore. Yeah sure, I wanted to go there. "Thank you," I said simply and left.

My premonitions were of course dead on. As soon as my foot hit the periphery of the park I was absolutely disgusted by it. It was one of those perfect, spotless parks where all those cheesy romance scenes take place in the movies. Not that I watched those movies. I didn't watch movies.

There were endless fields of green and gold. Birds encircling apple trees. And of course, a huge fountain with some statue of a random naked boy peeing water. (Well, that was unexpected.)

I looked around me: children, children, children as far as the eye could see. But of course there were overly romantic couples spoon-feeding each other in the middle of picnicking. My eyes instantly averted themselves to the ground.

Having nowhere else to go in this parade of perfect happiness, I sat down on a bench and decided to sleep.

Just then, a ball hit my head. Hard.

Normally I would hate this ball.

Just like I hated everything.


This ball was about to change everything.

My life. My virtues. My everything.

The moment the ball hit my hair (Did I ever mention how much I hated the hair? Of course, you're wondering why I never dyed it. Three words: Evil. Witch. Serena.), I spun around, my eyes already fixed into a spontaneous glare.

Then my liquid jade eyes met a pair of soft aquamarine ones and immediately I felt ashamed of following my predilections and hating this person before I even saw them.

I had never really believed in the concept of love at first sight. No, never. Not until today.

The eyes belonged to a girl. She was about my age, even though she looked slightly younger. Everything about her was soft, subdued, and mild. But I think that's exactly why I was so attracted to her from the beginning. She was one of those warm people, and it was reflected in her facial features. Her soft-looking skin emitted brightness and warmth. Her face could've been just an ordinary face. However, her eyes kept her anchored to godliness. The first time I saw those brilliant eyes I saw everything. It was amazing how just by looking at a pair of circles for less than a second I could what tell what this girl's disposition, mood, and intentions were.

The very first time I saw her I immediately thought: this is my guardian angel. She must have been sent down from heaven to guide me to the light.

However, everyone knows that my description eventually leads nowhere but love. So I realized that I must be in love with this person that I have never met but only seen for a fraction of a second.

Unfortunately for me, her eyes weren't fixed on mine. I realized that she had never looked straight at me—she was just looking at the basketball which was obviously hers. She called a hurried "sorry" behind her shoulder and resumed her game.

I couldn't help but follow this angel with my eyes. Then, my heart sank when I saw who she was with.

An undoubtedly good-looking guy also about my age came over and put his arms around my angel. He had shiny, silvery hair and wore the same red bandana as the angel. My fists balled up convulsively but I let them go. She looked so easy, so happy being with this guy. I knew that they were in love. They had to be. I watched in pain, knowing that if I ever hurt this guy she would be hurt too. Just the thought of upsetting this angel from heaven made me want to cry.

I just decided to leave, knowing I would find this angel later. Petalburg was a fairly small town, definitely not large enough to lose a person. I just couldn't stand seeing her happy with someone else.

As I lay in bed that night, my mind settled on three solid facts. Facts that I had established in the three short minutes in which I sat on the bench.

First of all, I was absolutely and undoubtedly in love with this guardian angel of mine. I didn't know who she was. One look at her told me that I was in love with her. I knew that there was no going back. I was already too far in this new and surprising love.

Secondly, I wasn't happy with her being with her boyfriend or whatever that guy was to her. I don't know why, but something about his presence gave me a chill. Just the sight of him made me shiver physically. There was something that I didn't like about him. Maybe it was his hair, his posture, the way he curved his arm around my angel…I wasn't exactly sure. It was just obvious that I didn't like him. Probably just because I was jealous that they were in love.

Last of all—and this was the firmest fact that I had ever been enlightened with—I would stop at nothing to make her happy. No matter what, I would make sure she would never cry. I had already envisioned her sadness, and I hated it more than anything. I would do absolutely everything to make her happy, even if it meant giving up my own happiness. That was my life's purpose after all.

For the next few minutes I didn't even bother to sleep or close my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. Deciding that I should do something productive, I grabbed my coat and went to go look for my angel at three o'clock a.m.

Call me crazy. I'm not going to deny it. I'm probably the firmest believer in that fact. I stood there in the cold rain, not caring if I got my expensive clothes wet or if I got a cold. I just had to find her or I'd hate myself forever. Sure, I already hated myself but for a moment, just for a little moment, I didn't hate myself quite as much. That moment came when I looked into her eyes, but that moment had passed. The hope that I would finally respect myself also passed.

I had to find her.

I didn't know her name, her address, or anything even remotely relevant to finding her.

But I was going to find her anyway. I didn't give up so easily.

I don't know how I found her house. I just did. This sounds so cheesy, but I just basically followed my instincts and before I knew it, I was there. I knew it was her house because it suited her personality. It was exactly the opposite of my house, naturally—instead of treacherous, it was homey. Warm instead of terrible. Comfortably sized instead of frighteningly enormous.

I guessed that the window with the balcony intricately decorated with beautiful flowers was probably hers. I had picked up on her scent, and it smelled exactly like the flowers above. I wondered how the hell I was supposed to climb all the way up to the third floor. The best I could do was to climb a tall tree that could easily reach the third level, but was a considerable length away from the balcony. I just jumped, not fearing for my life, and barely grasped the rails with my fingers. I arrived on the balcony with scrapes, cuts, and bruises—not that I cared.

I slid open her window slowly, wanting to cherish the moment. She was sleeping all alone in the center of a medium-sized bed with red sheets. She slept on her side, slightly curled up, hugging her pillow. She didn't snore, but I could clearly hear her breathing. I on the edge and watched her sleep for a few minutes, matching my breath to hers. It was oddly comforting, listening to the sound of her light, rhythmic breaths. I reached out and touched my palm to her cheek. She stirred a little and I withdrew my hand. I took a long, good look at her.

She was even more gorgeous in her sleep. She resembled a goddess, clad in a sheer nightgown. Her hair was slightly spread out on her pillow, framing her face perfectly like a halo. Her eyes were closed, but it wasn't the only feature about her that I loved. She just looked too precious, too fragile. Too beautiful to break. I definitely wasn't making a girl that beautiful cry.

I wanted to remember every detail of this night. I bent down and planted a light kiss on her forehead.

As I left, I thought I saw a trick of the moonlight. Was she…smiling? No, it was impossible. It was just an illusion…

Since that night, I had been visiting her every night, watching her sleep. It was soothing, relaxing even to know that my beautiful angel was safe and sound in her bed. I came to the point where I couldn't sleep without watching her sleep before. As soon as I saw the sight of her unconscious figure, I could go back to sleep safely.

Over the course of a week, I learned a few things about her. First off, her name was May Maple. She wrote in a diary (which I might have read….) and sleepwalked. Sometimes, a few hours into watching her sleep, I would be startled when she suddenly got out of her bed and walked somewhere. I usually followed her to the kitchen, where she would stuff a rice ball in her mouth, walk back to her bed, and resume sleeping. I made a mental note to myself to remember to keep around lots of rice balls just in case…

Another thing surprised me. One night, she suddenly started crying in her sleep. Her eyelids were closed, but tears were silently flowing out of them. I couldn't stand the sight of her crying. It became the thing I hated more than anything. Every time after that when she cried, I would always blame it on myself. I felt like I was somehow responsible for her sadness. She would usually mumble the same thing if she cried…but I couldn't tell what it was. It was usually stifled by tears.

One day, I decided that I would actually stay in this too-perfect city of Petalburg. On my own will. And I would attend Petalburg High, just like May. I sometimes saw her driving to school with a couple of her friends—one blue-haired girl and one orange-haired girl. According to her diary, these were her best friends, Dawn and Misty.

Of course, I would always see her with that silver-haired guy. Always. In the car on the way to school, after school, at her house, everywhere. She looked like she was really used to this guy—Brendan, I presumed, from her description in her diary. She did write that they had been best friends since they were young. Well, in my experience, best friends did become best lovers.

The image of this Brendan guy putting his arm around May kept playing back in my head as I wandered throughout the school. It was about four in the afternoon, and I had already watched May depart the school grounds safely, without Brendan. I decided I would check out the grounds before my meeting with the principal the next day. It was unlike me to come out this early, but I didn't think the security guards would like it if I showed up at midnight again…

This place was pretty quiet, just like the whole city. Of course, most people had already gotten out of school already unless they were doing extracurriculars, which May evidently wasn't involved in.

I guess I had been daydreaming again or my luck completely twisted, but suddenly I bumped into some girl. After I had helped her up and apologized, I took a glance at her. A glance was all I needed. She looked familiar somehow…was it the cobalt blue hair? Or that nose… No. Of course. It was the eyes. Those piercing red eyes…

She smirked. I knew that smirk, too.

I knew exactly who she was related to. There was no question.

"Hello," she started, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She couldn't take her eyes off me. I usually didn't like it when girls did that. Though…she did look kind of cute doing it. "You must be new here. I'm Emma Birch." She said cheerfully, holding out her hand.

Birch…it had to be her. After all, that was Brendan's last name, wasn't it?

I nodded my head towards her and shook her hand politely, "Drew Hayden. I'll be attending this school in a couple of weeks."

She looked delighted at that. She squealed, "That is so wonderful!! Drew, I'll show you around, and you'll know everybody!"

I was pretty sure "everybody" included Brendan…and May. I felt genuinely sorry for this girl, who for the next few weeks I would use to get as much information about May and Brendan as possible. I didn't like using girls to get something, but then again, it wasn't a bad thing. We would both get something out of it. She would have a new boyfriend to show off.

So, I smiled flirtatiously and held out my arm for her to latch on. "That sounds good. I'd really like to get to know you."

I think she almost passed out.

Girls. They were always so hard to understand but so easy to charm. I had never really had a girlfriend. Just a bunch of random girls who would claim that I was their boyfriend, but, try as I might, I could never get myself to feel anything for them. I guess I was one of those rich player boys, and not in a good way. That was the first thing about me. I was never a good person. I never messed with good girls. I wanted to change myself so badly—and May was the one person who finally made me realize how much more my life could be.

I had to learn more about her. That meant learning about Brendan. That meant dating Emma.

So, I guess you can say we "dated" for a while. Nothing serious happened. I just accompanied her to parties, allowed her to show me off to her friends, but I never allowed her to kiss me, not even once. I tried to act like I enjoyed being with her, and I think she fell for it. I felt so bad for not genuinely liking her as much as she liked me. I vowed to myself never to do it again. After all, it was for a good cause, right? True love was always a good cause… I was willing to risk it all—my sanity, my morals, my life—for a chance at love.

That chance eventually did come. Not directly, of course. But, a few days before I was supposed to officially become a Petalburg High student, I met Brendan.

Emma was taking me to a basketball game. She latched onto my arm like she always did, stopping every now and then to talk to friends while I pretended to be interested in whatever they were talking about.

Then she started introducing me to some of the players on our school team. Damn, she really did know everybody. I behaved as politely as possible, but I truly didn't care about anyone. But then she introduced me to Brendan.

He was sitting on a bench alone. I guessed that he was nervous about the big game—Emma had told me that if he lost another game, the coach would kick him off the team. He was burying his hands in his arms, which were resting on his legs.

I gritted my teeth. I was never happy to see him. But I guess it was necessary to know him before actually meeting May, so I pulled myself together and forced a smirk on my face.

"Drewy, this is my brother Brendan!" Emma's high-pitched voice sang, giving me a headache. It was already bad enough that she had to destroy my perfectly good name by adding an –y at the end.

Brendan barely looked up at me, and then resumed his position. I thought I heard a "hi" coming from his disheveled form.

"Hey," I said politely. "Emma, why don't you grab some seats before they get all filled up? I'll be right with you."

"Okay!" she squealed, running off to find some nonexistent seats.

I sighed, trying to play it cool. There really was no need to play my cards all at once. However, I couldn't afford to take it slow. There just wasn't enough time.

"So." So?! 'So' was the only thing I could think to say when there were a million things running through my head? Wow, I'm brilliant.


"You know May Maple."

Now he started to pay attention. He shifted slightly so he could now get a full view at me. Then he removed his head from his hands and stared at me suspiciously. "And do you?"

"You can say we've…met."

"She doesn't know you, does she?"

"Not officially."

He grunted. "Stalker. And you just want to get information about her out of me."

"Actually…that is exactly why I came to you." I sat down on the bench a comfortable distance away from him. "I'm going to be very frank with you. I don't know what May means to you, but I do know what you mean to May. You mean very, very much to May. After all, you've been friends since childhood, correct?"

His eyes narrowed. "Yes…but what does this have to do with anything?"

"The point is," I said poignantly, "You're May's very best friend, but you're not good for her. I can tell just by watching you too. Something about her is not right when you're around."

"So? What are you trying to say?" I felt waves of hate emitting from him already. I prepared myself to be hated more than anything.

I said seriously, "Stay away from May." I knew these four words would earn me undying detestation. But, as always, I didn't care.

To my surprise, he laughed. "What?"

"Stay. Away. From. May." I repeated through my teeth. What, was he hearing impaired now?

"No, I heard what you said. Are you seriously going to prohibit me from seeing my best friend?" His fists clenched slightly. I winced inwardly. I wasn't expecting a fight to break out, but I was ready at any time to deliver a punch to that pretty face of his.

"Yes…that is exactly what I am doing. I don't think I could make myself any clearer."

"Hmm…" Brendan actually seemed to ponder it. "I'm not staying away from May. I'll protect her until the day I die," he said solemnly.

"Then you won't be alone," I said, enunciating every word just in case he had hearing disabilities. I decided to leave it at that, figuring that Emma would be suspicious by now.

"Why…" he began, causing me to stiffen, "…are you so obsessed with May? Aren't you going out with my sister?"

I didn't bother to turn around. Without looking at him, I replied, "I have no relationship to your sister at all. We are simply friends."

This seemed to upset him for I heard footsteps approaching me. Something I said wasn't right. He tried to grab me and pin me to the wall, but I skillfully evaded his grasp.

His next words were cutting. "If you ever break Emma's heart, I will break your face."

Ha-ha. Oh, I've never heard that one before.

"Same goes for you and May."

I noticed that he didn't say anything to deny the fact that they were together. I saw how it was now. She thought of him as a friend… but he thought of her as so much more. Ah, unrequited love. Damn, I knew how that felt. I felt one percent sympathetic towards my new rival.

We stared each other down in agonizing, deathly silence for a few minutes. Then I just walked away. I was sure I couldn't take it anymore, that if I stared into those infuriating eyes for another second, I would surely beat him to a sad pulp. So I did the only thing I could ever do to control my toxic anger. I ran away and ignored it.

"Drewy, you're late for the game," Emma pouted. "You missed the best part already!"

I sighed very deeply, trying to compose myself. After all, Emma didn't deserve my grouchiness; she had never done anything. It certainly wasn't her fault that she was related to that dickhead.

"I'm very sorry," I murmured. I couldn't tell if she knew I wasn't just talking about missing the game. "I don't feel well, I think I should go home," I admitted. It was true.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, but once they saw that I was telling the truth (for once), they softened and she sighed. "Feel better, Drewy."

"Yeah, see you." I allowed myself to be hugged. I knew she was going in for a kiss (she was all about PDA), so I smoothly avoided her touch and moved away swiftly before she could do anything. She looked upset, but at least she was used to it already.

A few hours…days…maybe even weeks, passed. I didn't keep track of time anymore. What was the use when everything was already planned out for you? I had trouble focusing on anything besides May. I couldn't concentrate on Emma when I was with her. Every time I looked at her, all I saw was May. I tried so desperately to erase my image of my angel: beautiful, shining brown hair and blue eyes.

I didn't even know that I was supposed to go to school today until my butler, Evan, informed me politely, "Sir, I think you should get up. School starts at seven-thirty."

I dragged myself out of bed and very, very slowly pulled on a black button-up shirt and faded jeans, ignoring the overly expensive outfit my maids had picked for me. I didn't want to bother with my hair, so I just shook it around until it looked reasonably decent.

I decided to skip breakfast. I was never hungry anymore. My maids and butler were starting to think that I had anorexia. Serena even scheduled a doctor's appointment for me like she actually cared about my health. Naturally, I didn't go to that.

I had already memorized May's schedule. I tried to rearrange my own schedule to fit hers with no avail. I couldn't charm my principal. He was a man, and he was sadly straight.

I ran through it quickly before arriving at school. First period, Birch. …Birch…I sure as hell wasn't going near there.

I was so caught up with my thoughts that I nearly looked over her. It was impossible to not notice her, though. Perhaps it was just me, but she really stood out in a crowd. When I saw her walking innocently to her first period class, it felt like nobody was on the campus but two people, her and me.

She walked with such ease. Even though I'd never officially met her yet, everything she did told me what she was like. She was one of those clumsy types. She would pretend to be all tough when, in actuality, she was pretty vulnerable. She was just so inviting, so warm that I couldn't help but be magnetically attracted to her. The worst part was that I knew that she didn't have the slightest clue. She didn't know what she was capable of doing. She didn't know how …venomous she could be. I was just hopelessly dying of her inescapable poison. May Maple could really be an unknowingly cruel person at times.

It continued throughout the day. During every class, I'd have trouble concentrating on anything or anyone besides her. The whole day was a blur that I'd probably never remember again.

I stayed up late at night, watching her toss and turn in her sleep, thinking of how I would make my entrance. Tonight was one of those nights where she suddenly started crying. She mumbled the same incoherent word again. It was always the same thing. I had to know what it was, what was bothering her.

I leaned close to her, until my ear was inches away from her parted lips. Then she whispered it again and immediately everything became clear.


At times like this, I can't help but be overly complacent.

I knew this was going on… that he had to be the cause of her misery. When you get to loving someone too much, they are inevitably the only one that can break your heart. And of course, they are the one who makes the deepest wounds.

However, I couldn't deny the fact that if I ever met her, my name would be the one she whispered in the middle of the night. Followed by tears. I silently cursed to myself.

She heard it. I knew she did. Her teary eyelids flew open and she was staring right at me. I froze, and then the next moment I was gone. Of course, she continued sleeping and mumbling nonsense words like she usually did.

Then she did something unexpected. She got out of bed, sleepwalking again, and walked over to her balcony where I was hiding. I kept my distance from her, but I watched ever so carefully in case she did something stupid again like she usually did.

I was right. She stood on the railing of her balcony, wobbling like an alcoholic.

Then she fell.

I was by her side in a second, and somehow I managed to grasp her wrist. I don't know if it was pure willpower, or adrenaline, or my fear of her death, but I saved her.

It took all my strength to get her back into her bed safely. I almost dropped her—twice.

The worst part? That she wouldn't remember any of this in the morning.

When I saw her during lunch that day, at the table behind mine and Emma's, I heard her telling Misty that she had a horrible nightmare.

"I had the feeling that I was falling off a high building," she recalled.

So she remembered!

"But then…Brendan came and saved me," she said, grinning at Brendan shyly. He smiled back, obviously very flattered.

Damn it.

Didn't she remember crying in the middle of the night for this same person?!

This girl was impossible…

The attraction between them was obvious. I couldn't stand it.

I knew I couldn't live with this anymore. I would not allow Brendan to take credit for all my actions. I had to meet her. Tomorrow. Or else I'd hate myself for the rest of my life…oh wait, I couldn't use that as motivation. I already did.

So I carefully plotted out everything in my mind. I had found out that she worked at her parents' flower shop as the delivery girl. Tomorrow I'd order half a dozen roses for my… "parents' anniversary." I knew that was complete bullshit, but I at least needed an excuse for her to come to my house.

I was restless that night. I'd had to cut my May-watching time short tonight so I could get some sleep (I usually just stayed the whole night there watching her now). I hadn't slept in ages; I didn't expect it to be this hard.

I didn't eat anything again the next day. I was too impatient for my own good.

Then, suddenly her delivery was precisely forty-five minutes away. I had made sure that my delivery would be the last one of the day. The minutes passed as I paced around in my living room.

What the hell…? It was six-thirty, why wasn't she here yet?

Had something happened?

I couldn't think of what could've happened to someone as reckless as May…

Knock. Damn, nobody used my knocker. Well…not like anyone ever came to my house anyways.

I reminded myself not to look too rushed. I wanted to make a good first impression on her.

I opened it slowly, anticipating the moment.

She was there as expected, looking mind-blowingly gorgeous as always. Her hair, though slightly frazzled, was perfect to me. Her eyes were bright and shining and…what was wrong? Was there something wrong with my carefully constructed appearance? Was my house secretly on fire? Why was she staring at me with that blank look?

Then her jaw dropped and I smirked knowingly.

I needed something to say. I racked my brains for something clever, witty, yet appropriate for the occasion….

I couldn't think of anything, so I just said the first thing that came to mind.

"Hello….Um, are you retarded?" I added a hand wave for extra effect.

I didn't expect her to answer. I definitely didn't expect her to blurt out, "I LOVE your hair!" Then her face went red as a tomato. That was such a lovely shade on her cheeks….

I snickered inwardly. This was going to be fun…..

From that day on, I couldn't separate myself from her. Doing so caused me actual physical pain. I'd try to spend every minute possible with her, and when I couldn't, I'd summon the goddess-like image of her in my head.

I also noticed something. I was right again. Of course. I was always right. I'm not bragging—I actually am always right, so don't take me for an arrogant fool.

She didn't whisper Brendan's name anymore at night. No, it was always my name she said. However, she took me by surprise—she didn't cry uncontrollably anymore, either. Instead, she always said my name with a smile. It made me feel angry, actually, knowing that I brought pleasure to her. I should feel happy. I didn't have normal human reactions anymore. I didn't want her to be too attached to me. I wasn't right for her. I was too dark. I'd ruin her life.

I knew that was the right thing. …However, I never seem to do exactly what's right for me. I guess I was too selfish to keep myself away from her. It wasn't all my fault…her irresistible magnetic attraction was part of it. Thus, I continued to see her every day. I continued to be obsessively, unhealthily in love with her. Every single moment seemed to be occupied by thoughts of her... She was like my drug. When I didn't see her, I started to go through withdrawal symptoms. I knew I was in too deep to ever let her go.

However, there was one problem I knew I could never get rid of. It started with a B and ended with an irch. Not just Brendan, but Emma as well.

I knew she was trying to plot something to try to get me back. She knew I was unconditionally in love with May. I knew that she would do anything to make me love her.

And as for Brendan….

Since the very first day we met, we've always been mortal enemies.

After May met me, I confronted him again.

I spotted him in the lunch line. I casually slipped next to him, grabbed a tray, and started randomly shoving food on my plate. Not one for small talk, I cut to the chase. "What did you do to May?"

His whole body stiffened. "That's…none of your business."

"Ah-ha. So you did do something to her," I chuckled darkly.

"I'd rather not discuss this in the cafeteria."

"Would you rather discuss it hanging from a thin rope upside down above a fiery pit?" I snapped. "I can have that arranged…"

He stared at me for one second and walked away. I followed.

He had abandoned his tray at his usual table and went out the door into the hallway.

Once out of the line of sight of teachers and students, he shoved—or attempted to shove—me into a wall. I dodged his movement.

"As much as I'd like to hurt you, I'd really rather not resort to violence this time." I said, forcing myself to be calm for May's sake. She wouldn't like it if she saw her best friend reduced to a bloody heap… "I just want to know what happened to May."

Every time I mentioned her name, his muscles seemed to tighten a little more. His fists balled up reactively, but he made no move to hurt me again.

"Why… do you care?"

"Because I'm in love with her. Just like you," I stated matter-of-factly.

He gritted his teeth.

"You don't deserve to be in love with her."

"I have every right."

I knew I must have said something wrong when he glared daggers at me. If looks could kill…I'd have been dead several times over already. This was another time.

"You…." I watched with unsuitable amusement as his face turned considerably darker. He seemed to be killing himself in order to not kill me. "…have no right… to love…. May… You haven't… been with her… secretly loving her… being ignored… for twelve goddamn years!" At the end he was shouting. Then, not surprisingly, he delivered a punch right at my face. I didn't get mad at him for that. He had the right to do that. He was the loser in this twisted game of love. I would've done the same. I swallowed the pain and the urge to punch him back. I hoped that nobody would hear us, or see us. The last thing I needed was another detention, or even a suspension.

"I know she loves you," my eyes narrowed. What was he getting at? Was he somehow suggesting that May wasn't in love with him?

"I used to think that too," he confessed. "Until recently. I can tell that she loves someone else now. If I had to make a guess, I'd say it was you."

"Oh, so is that why you hate me? Because I stole your very first love away from you?"

"I hate you because you wrongly stole her away from you!" He collapsed suddenly, probably from excessive anger and hatred. "How is it...that I had to work for countless years to earn her love, but the moment she sees you she instantly falls in love with you?" Brendan was whispering now. I could barely make out his words.

"I believe there's such a thing as soul mates. Perhaps we were meant for each other," I hypothesized.

"It doesn't matter. I'm still not letting her go."

"Neither am I."

We stared at each other with profound hatred then. It was getting intense. Then, we both started smiling. Not in a friendly way, but in a scary, dark way. Like the Joker. The way men smile when they're being presented with an impossible challenge. Brendan's eyes were daring, challenging me to do my worst to him. One thing was for certain—he wouldn't be afraid of anything I did. I imagine that my face reflected similar meaning.

Then I chose to walk away again. I was the one being presented with the challenge of holding on to May. I was the one who would once again emerge victorious. There was absolutely no doubt that I could win.

I was never letting May go… because I knew that, in doing so, I would let a substantial part of my life go. It was like giving up breathing. I couldn't live without it. I couldn't live without her.

However, I didn't expect… other complications.

As the end approached, this challenge was getting harder and harder for me, May, and even Brendan.

And the worst part?

There was no escaping it.

Holy….Crap. Over 6,000 words trying to think like a guy! And this isn't even the bonus chapter, either. FU.…dge.

Not the best ending, but I really need to get working on the "bonus" chapter. I promise that I will work my ass off this Memorial weekend trying to get it done!

As always, I love all of you very much.

Thanks for reading! And for almost helping me achieve my 100 reviews goal. 99 reviews, damn it! What are you waiting for? Be my 100th reviewer!! ;D