Reviews for Secret Tickle Spots
Ayerim Herrera chapter 1 . 1/28
where did it tickle?
dxcv chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
loved it lol
HappyMarchSong chapter 1 . 5/26/2019
This is cute, it is so like Ino to attack Shikamaru when she found him being ticklish.
Angel Fantasy chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
I'll say, if this is your first tickling fic, then you have potential for writing this type of story. The pair kissing at the end was cliche, but I guess it can slide since you twisted said ending into another kind of tickling session. (I encourage fluffy, mischievous, innocent tickles rather than tickling sessions that pair people up into couples.)

Critic-wise, I'd say you have two big flaws: the story's pace was rushed, and the end was abrupt. I feel that in both cases you could have drawn them out so the story could be better savoured. Plot-wise, you made a good excuse for Ino to get to tickle Shikamaru. You did surprisingly well in writing this all out, too - I find few spelling mistakes, and you master sentence structure.

All in all, this was a great story. Your 48 reviews are proof of that
Shinobi Gatana chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
Yah. Normally a ShikaTem fan, but this works too!
kimmy chapter 1 . 8/21/2013
Love it :3
Nina chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
It's good. And cute, and funny, and stuff. I like it.
Nebulous Paradigms chapter 1 . 8/28/2012
Crazy adorable! I was grinning the whole time I was reading it. :)
Kacie chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
Hay that was really good no u shud write a naruto and sakura one and email me on Facebook to let me no wat the name of it name is Kacie Bullard
A person too lazy to sign in chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
DAWWW that was so cute! I liked it. I like how you wrote it. The characters stayed in character. You're a good writer. :)

PineapplexFudge Angel chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Loved it! I really like these kinda fics for some reason
StandUpEvenIfYouStandAlone chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
oh well i guess they are gonna be late for training anyway :P
tina chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Omg I loved that story! I wish somthin like that would happen to me
citatos chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
Nice! Love it, really :)
momoxtoshiro chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
Aw so cute! I love fluff! *_

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