Author has written 12 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Death Note. Name: iP (you'll see this in every fic I write, it's a habit of mine) Age: Lmao. Then I'll be able to know who actually looks at my profile page. Make a guess and if you answer correctly, you can request for something--a fic, more likely. XD Loves: Crack and yaoi. But in RL, I am sadly, an emo. DX You don't believe it? Rly? Listens to: Korean Rock. 'Nuff said. I don't like much JRock, no; I'd say KRock has something more that makes me drawn to it. Also, JPop, and KPop. Oh, of course Western songs, lmao; how could I not listen to it? Fact: English is NOT my first language. I don't beta. I'm not able of perfect English grammar. No, no, and no. However, I am amused by those who speak English as their first language and not do it properly. Add me in your LJ:D http:// Kamsahamnida! x x x I shall be putting fics here after I finish writing them. Um, or what.XDDDD; Just a little note: I deeply appreciate those who read and review on my fics, they are my lifeblood; the lifeblood of my keyboard, the lifeblood of my bleeding mind, and the lifeblood of my pen. So yes, I shall be replying on your reviews because you make me happy with it. :glomp: Fandoms (which I may or may not write a fic about): Yu-Gi-Oh!--Yami YugiXSeto Kaiba, Prideshipping ftw. Death Note--RaitoxL OTP ftw too. DNAngel--SatoDai. DarkKrad. Matantei Loki Ragnarok--Loki/Hel lol, incest is love! Detective Conan/Case Closed--Shinichi/Ran, Shinichi/Kaito Kid, Conan/Ai, Conan/Ayumi! Harry Potter--Harry/Draco OTP. Ah, however, I currently have a thing for writing Death Note fanfics, don't you think? XD; Six DN fanfics in April. And still rolling. Oh well. |